Meeting Young Skywalker

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"What do you mean I'm not safe, How will I be protected." You had so many questions but Padmé couldn't answer all of them."Well Master Windu, Master Yoda and The Chancellor agreed that we will be protected under two Jedi." Padmé said trying to calm you.

"Who are these Jedi's?" You asked. "Jedi master Obi Wan Kenobi and his padawan Anakin Skywalker." Padmé said "They should arrive here tomorrow." Later, it was starting to get late so you went to bed excited and kind of nervous for the two Jedi to arrive.

It was the next morning and Padmé was doing your hair."When do you think they are going to come Padmé." You asked. " Patience Y/n Jedi are very busy people I'm sure they will be here very soo-". Padme then got cut off to someone screaming."Obi! Obi! Obi! Mesa sooo smilen to seein yousa.
Wahooo!" Jar Jar screamed."I wonder who that is"
"It's good to see you, too, Jar Jar" a voice said that you could not recognize.

You and Padmé walked out of apartment room to see two Jedi."Mesa here. Lookie... lookie... Senator and Y/n. Desa Jedi arriven."Jar Jar spoke."Ok Jar Jar we can see them." You said with a smile on your face. You took a long observe of the Jedi one who looked older and had a beard with a astonishing Scottish accent That must be Obi wan . The one next to him was a tall , very handsome man with a small braid resting on his right shoulder which must be Obi wan's padawan Anakin.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, M'Lady" Obi wan says to Padmé then he looks at you-"And you must be Y/n." You smiled and nodded as you looked over meeting Anakin's eyes he gave you a slight smile and looked away."Yes, And I'm so happy to finally meet you two." You said." You see, the only reason I agreed to this was so you could protect Y/n from this assassin."Padmé said."Our presence will be invisible, M'Lady, I can assure you."Obi wan said." We have been assigned here to protect You and Y/n, Don't worry!" Anakin said in excitement.

All four of you went into a room while Padmé spoke"I don't need more security, I need answers. I want
to know who is trying to kill me."Padmè said desperately "We're here to protect you Senator, not to start an investigation." Obi wan said while frowning"We will find out who's trying to kill you Y/n and Padmé, I promise you. Anakin said adding on."We will not exceed our mandate, my young Padawan learner!" Obi wan said to Anakin out of frustration. You can tell by Anakin's actions that he did not like listening and always wanted to do his own thing." I meant in the interest of protecting her, Master, of course." Anakin stated trying to cover up what he said before. "We will not go through this exercise again, Anakin. And you will pay attention to my lead."Said Obi wan.

"Can we please stop arguing and move on to what's happening." You said being annoyed by the two Jedi."Very well then M'Lady." Obi wan said. Master Windu then walked in."Greetings Master Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker."Master Windu said as he was bowing to the Jedi. "Greetings to you too!" Obi wan said with a lot of enthusiasm."We ordered you here to protect Senator Amidala and her sister Y/n Amidala." Mace Windu said. You could start to see the annoyance is Padmé " I really still don't think this order is necessary" Padmé spoke."It's for our own good Padmé." You said. She nodded while giving you a smile.

" We have agreed that you two will be assigned a Jedi knight, Senator Amidala, you will have Obi wan and Y/n, You will have Anakin." You made eye contact with Anakin seeing that he winked at you and also seeing Obi wan shocked at what Master Windu just said. "I'm not sure if Anakin could take this mission he is only still a Padawan." Obi wan said trying to argue."I'm perfectly capable of this mission master, I've had your training." Anakin said getting frustrated."Then it's settled."

It was later and you were just watching the stars and behind you was Anakin and Obi wan arguing over something. You watched over Anakin,  seeing him caused you to become flustered." Cute I'sent he." A voice said behind you." It was Padmé in a lovely silk night gown. "Padmé you scared me, who are you talking about?" You asked."Anakin, he's tall,handsome clumsy and very mischievous. Seems like a good man." Padmé smiled giving you the look. "I mean I guess he's ok." You said.

"I'm going to bed it's getting late." You said trying to change the subject. "Goodnight Y/n"Padmé said getting into bed."This was a long day!"

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