Master in trouble

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     After hearing of what Obi wan said you knew immediately that you had to help, you couldn't just wait there for him to die.

     You pressed buttons and flicked switches to get the ship started up to head for Geonosis but, Anakin grabbed your hand gently and pulled it away. "What are you doing? We have to help Obi wan." " if he's still alive. Besides the Jedi council can save him." Anakin spoke. "They'll never get there in time to save him. They have to come have way cross the galaxy. Look, Geonosis is less than a parsec away." "Y/n No!" He spat. You were shocked that Anakin would not even help his master but you weren't going to let him stop you.

" Annie, are you just going to sit there and let him die? He's your friend...your mentor." "He's like my father, but I have been given strict orders to stay here." He said still having a tight grasp on your hand. " He gave you strict orders to protect me." You said agitated. "Let go!" You pulled your hand away and continued to flicker switches powering up the engines.

"I'm going to save Obi wan. So if you plan to protect me, you will have to come along." Anakin didn't stop you this time, Though he sunk into his seat as the ship was taking off and stayed silent as well as you. It didn't take much time to get to Geonosis. Since it has claimed that Count Dooku might be on this planet, you didn't want to take the chance of getting caught. While flying low, you found a vent that produced steam. It was the perfect place to hide the ship so no one would suspect you. The planet was orange and it reminded you a lot about Tatooine. The planet was dry, dark, sandy and felt like it went on to infinity.


" Well where should we start?" You asked looking ahead. "I don't know it was your idea to come here in the first place". Anakin seemed to be still annoyed by you, but you continued on hoping it would lead you somewhere. The trail you were walking on led to a stalagmite city which was very empty. "Where do you think this leads to?." You asked walking forward with your blaster in your hand ready to shoot. The columns along the walls  started to shake vigorously and little creatures arose from them. "Wait!" Anakin shouted igniting his lightsaber.

The horrible screeches of the Geonosians echoed throughout the cave. There was a door across so you headed that way trying to dodge the creatures. "Y/n Look out!" You looked up and saw the monster heading straight to you but you only had seconds to choose what you were going to do. You grabbed your blaster and shot it in the face killing it. Anakin reaches you at the end of the doorway and it opens up to a new room that looked like a factory making Separatist droids.

      "Interesting." "Interesting?" Anakin said. "Do you know how dangerous this looks." He added. "It is for a good..." Before you could say anything else the door behind slammed shut and  the walkway you were standing on was retracting into the wall. There was little space to stand on until you slipped grabbing on to Anakin's hand to not fall. "Annie!" You yelped and your hand slipped leading you to fall on to the conveyer. "This is the end for me." You thought to yourself. "Y/n!" Anakin yelled jumping off the ledge to reach you, but Anakin got himself trapped instead.

There was no reason to give up that easily, you closed your eyes trying to calm your self but something felt weird, like something was calling you but the voice was muffled. When you opened your eyes you were near a machine that smashed anything in its path. You felt a wave of patience through you mind and body. "What am I feeling?" You waited for the exact moment to go through to not get crushed to death.

The creatures arose again and were flying everywhere in the factory including straight to you. Then, The weird thing happened again. Strength flooded your body and mind causing you to wrestle the monster and throwing it off the edge into the void of darkness. "I just did that." You said cheering for yourself. But, it led you falling in a giant vat which was getting filled up with magma any second. Desperate, you tried to find a ladder or something you could use to climb out with but, you heard that voice again and this time it was much clearer.

"Y/n trust in the force, it will guide you." The voice said. "Trust in the force"? The force was not something you were familiar with. The force was something only Jedi could control. There was no time for hesitation. Trusting the force might be your only way of survival and so you closed your eyes trying to focus. Once you opened your eyes you felt that you were guided to jump out so you did and you jumped higher then you ever jumped before.

     You didn't realize what just happened, Anakin needed help. There was a whistle that you recognized, you looked over and it was Artoo fiddling with buttons then finally turning off the conveyer. "Artoo I thought we said to stay with the ship, but, Thank you for saving my life. You are a very wise droid." You said jumping on the conveyer that Anakin was on. "Annie!" "My lightsaber it broke." He said holding up the broken hilt. "Obi wan is going to kill me." He added. "I'm sure he will forgive you, but how will we get out of here". You said looking for a possible exit.

     "Don't move, Jedi!" A voice spoke behind you. You and Anakin turned around and saw the same bounty hunter that you saw on Coruscant. "You." Anakin walked forward and put a protective arm around you. Guards surrounded you there was no escape now, Anakin didn't have a lightsaber and you lost your blaster a while ago therefore, there was no other choice.

     "Take them to Count Dooku" Jango Fett said. The guards pushed you and Anakin to a room that was big and empty. "It looks like a conference room." You said. "So do you speak politics?" Anakin whispered. "No, but I heard Padmé talk to herself a a lot about so I guess I can try." You said worried. "Funny to see you two here." Said a old looking man. That was count Dooku who everyone talked about. "Dooku." "Ahh Y/n Amidala, I've heard so much about you. Take a seat." Dooku stated. There was no use in fighting a Sith lord so you listened.

     "You are holding a Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi. I am formally requesting you turn him over to me, now." You spoke. "He has been convicted of espionage, Y/n, and will be executed. In just a few hours, I believe." Dooku smirked. "He is an officer of the Republic. You can't do that." "We don't recognize the Republic here, Y/n. But if Naboo were to join our Alliance, I could easily hear your plea for clemency." "And if I don't join your rebellion, I assume this
Jedi with me will also die?" You asked.

     "I don't wish to make you to join our cause against your will, Y/n, but you are a rational, honest representative of your people and I assume you want to do what's in their best interest. Aren't they fed up with the corruption, the bureaucrats, the hypocrisy of it all? Aren't you? Be honest, Y/n." Dooku asked. All of Naboo are your people. Even though you were princess and not queen, you were still a great leader and would do anything for the citizens of Naboo. "The ideals are still alive, Count, even if the institution is failing." "You believe in the same ideals we believe in! The same ideals we are striving to make prominent." Dooku exclaimed.

"If what you say is true, you should stay in the Republic and help Chancellor Palpatine put things right." You said. "The Chancellor means well, M'Lady, but he is incompetent. He has promised to cut the bureaucracy, but the bureaucrats are stronger than ever, no? The Republic cannot be fixed, M'Lady. It is time to start over. The democratic process in the Republic is a sham, no? A shell game played on the voters. The time will come when that cult of greed, called the Republic, will lose even the pretext of democracy and freedom."

"I cannot believe that. Padmè has talked about your treaties with the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guilds, and the others, Count. What is happening here is not government that has been bought out by business... it's business becoming
government! I will not forsake all I have honored and worked for and betray the Republic." You said. "Then you will betray your Jedi friends? Without your cooperation I can do nothing to stop their execution." Dooku stated.

"And what about me? Am I to be executed also?" You asked. " The Senator was the target for the assassination, but we have someone better now... you, her sister. When you get executed Padmè will rush here for her baby sister and she will be killed too by this bounty hunter, Jango fett." Dooku smirked again.

"Padmè is to smart for that." You spat. "In politics, yes. battling in a war, no ." "I'm sorry but if you are not going to cooperate, I must turn you over to the Geonosians for justice. Without your cooperation, I've done all I can for you." Dooku said.
"Take them away!" The bounty hunter said shoving you and Anakin out of the room.

"What have I done."

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