The End Of The Adventure...Or Not

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"I can't" you said jerking your wrist out of his grip. "Why not?!" "I'm telling you why." "Listen, Maybe i can help you." He said grabbing your hands again but in a more soft and comforting way. "I- ok fine... so basically i have a connection with the force, a pretty strong one to and it turns out the force chose me so yeah."

" Huh?! I don't know what to say." Anakin stood there looking to the ground. "Me either to be honest." You shrugged your shoulders. "So your a Jedi?" He asked lifting you up by your chin, making eye contact. "Well no, I will need training to become one. Obi wan already offered to. "Really? So Obi wan is going to train me and you? Isn't that against the Jedi code?" You shrugged your shoulders. "I thought I was enough for him but I guess not." He laughed.

Anakin seemed he lost a lot of tension since you finally told him, but the only thing you were worried about now was that if the council found out. "Well then I guess Obi wan is needing me. If anything else happens come and tell me, I want you to feel comfortable to talk to me. Goodbye my love." "My love? I guess I have a new name now." You smiled. "Well I can call you something different like-" "no no, I like it." Anakin walked out and so did you right after him.

     A few hours later you were sitting on your bed trying to take in of  what happened the last couple days. It has just been overwhelming. "Hello Y/n!." It was Padmé coming in late again, you haven't seen her in a while so I was relieving to hear her voice again. "Padmé!!" You jumped into her arms squeezing her tightly "Hey, I saw Obi wan talking to you what was that about?" She asked. "Oh he was just informing me that I will require no protection anymore." You bit your lip trying to hide the smile. "Ok, do you need anything you were very busy these last couple days" Padmè smiled. "No I'm good I just need sleep." "Alright goodnight Y/n." Padmè said Turing off the light."

     Early the next morning there was a knock on your door. Padmé decided to stay the night since you haven't seen each other for a long time. "Padmè go see who's at the door at this time in the morning." You groaned. "Ok ok." You closed your eyes again to go back to sleep but Padmé stopped you by slamming the door. "Who was that." You asked rubbing your eyes. "It was Obi wan." "What?!" You sprung out of bed. "What does he want?" "He asked to see you immediately. Is there something your not telling me." Padmè smiled. "No j- just give me five minutes."

     Minutes later you opened the door and Obi wan was still waiting there. "I was beginning to think you weren't coming." Obi wan smiled. "No no just a little late start." You laughed. "I understand, but to be a Jedi you need to be ready no matter what." 
     Obi wan lead you to a huge open room in the middle of no where. "This is where I will be training some of your technique. Now, most of your training will occur on missions." Obi wan's voice echoed throughout the entire room. "When will I get me lightsaber?" You asked excitedly "Patience, you will get one soon. But I think since you and Anakin are going to be working with each other. It will probably be best to tell him about all this." "Oh ok." You faked smile as you knew you already told him.

"Let's start, close your eyes and try to feel the force with your mind." Obi wan began. Your eyes were closed and you felt yourself drift farther and farther away from reality. It was quiet the only thing you could hear were your thoughts. "Good, now try to put your mind back into reality." He said. The air felt warmer at you opened and your eyes and you were not on the ground anymore, your were floating." "What the-" you were startled and you fell to the floor. "What was that?" "When you are focused only on the force it will rise you to focus more, now what you just did is called meditation. It is where Jedi will come to replenish and relax."

"That's cool I guess." You shrugged. "That's all I want to see today your next training session will be tomorrow, get some rest but, make sure to tell Anakin therefore he doesn't freak out." Obi wan stated. "Thank you master Kenobi." Obi wan left and you followed trying to find Anakin to tell him all about your training.

     "Looking for me?" Someone said behind you, it was Anakin.  "How did you know-?" "I could sense that you wanted me so, here I am." He said. "Ok, I just had my first training lesson today it wasn't much but I practiced meditating." "Well it's one step closer to becoming a Jedi knight we should train together sometime." You were about to open your mouth to talk but got interrupted by Anakin's com link. "Anakin, there has just been word that some of the Jedi have been stolen. I need you here now! " Anakin switched off the com link and was uneasy. "Oh my God, how could someone do that so easily? Aren't the archives heavily guarded and secured." "I don't know it had to have been someone who snuck in and is undercover. We will need to shut down the whole temple before he escapes." "Please be careful" "Don't worry about me Y/n, I'm Anakin Skywalker! Just stay here and don't get into trouble. I love you!" Anakin said giving you a quick kiss on the lips then left.
It was really silent as all the Jedi were being interrogated. A roaring noise started to occur outside. You quickly ran to your room and opened your burgundy colored curtain to see something extraordinary. So many soldiers boarding these huge starships and attack cruisers . As these ships took off into the depths of space you heard someone say...

"The clone wars have begun!"
"I have a bad feeling about this."

To be continued...

Authors note: Wow this took me a very long time to complete haha. But don't worry your story isn't over yet!! I already have a second book that's going to be out soon!! I appreciate all the likes and comments!! Thank you for sticking with me on this journey through a galaxy far far away! I look forward to seeing you all in the next book!
- Olivia

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