~ The Reservoir ~

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Frank and I had gone to our house to change which surprisingly was two houses down from Mikey and Gerard's. Ray's was close so he did the same. I got on some ripped black skinny jeans, a Led Zeppelin waist height tank top and a burgundy cardigan. For my shoes, I slipped on some red high top converse and waited for Frank to come down. "Let's go then." He popped out of presumably nowhere and snapped me out of my thoughts. He was just wearing a plain white tee and some ripped jeans of course with this light blue denim jacket he was obsessed with at the moment. I stood up as he led us out the front door and to the house I had recognised as Mikey and Gerard's. Gerard seemed to be leant against the siding on his porch, smoking a cigarette, in black skinny jeans and a plain red shirt topped off with a leather jacket. It made me feel a little funny looking at him. As I came into his eyes view, he seemed to cheer up from the empty state he was previously in. "Heya." He waved with his empty hand to us as we walked up the battered stairs. "Hey, Gee." We watched as Gerard put his cigarette out and let us in the house. Mikey seemed to be just coming down the stairs and his eyes had locked on me. "Hey, Y/n! I missed you. Ray'll be here soon, he's bringing his stratocaster." Mikes smirked as the four of us parted into duos, Mikey and I going into the kitchen and Gerard and Frank going into the living room.
We sat at the small table in the kitchen and began to converse as a pass time until Ray came over.

The sound of the front door bursting open was followed by a high pitched "hi bitches!" Everyone in the house knew it was Ray. We all sped to the door to greet our favourite princess of all. I pulled him into a hug and he squeezed just as tight. "Why hello Toro." I smiled at him. "Hello, Y/n. My favourite child." He said supposedly glancing behind me at Mikey who, when I looked over, had an offended look on his face. I pulled away. "Since everyone's here why don't we go down to the reservoir, it's sunny." Gerard, as clear ringleader suggested. It sounded fun to me. We all nodded in agreement. "Cool, I'll pack some food." Ray made his way to the kitchen with Frank. Let's pray it's just Ray making the food. "You seem to have the best fashion sense, come with." Gerard mumbled, pulling me out onto the porch. No idea what relevance this had to the lake. I soon learned from what Gerard was saying that it wasn't about the lake, but a start of year school dance? It was supposed to take place on Friday. I've never actually heard of a school who had one of those. "So, I want matching outfits with a girl." He seemed to blush a little. I'd never seen him flustered before. I don't know why my heart raced with pure jealousy but it did. I put on a smile and rubbed his shoulder gently. "Colour scheme?" I asked, making him look a lot less nervous. "Well she's been talking about a blue dress, it's a navy colour." He explained, planning it out with his hands. "You going casual or formal?" I cocked my head. "Ehh, casual." "Alright so how about a navy long sleeve button up, black skinny jeans, whatever shoes you want, and a leather jacket?" His face lit up. "Y/n, you're fan-fucking-tastic. You're gonna have to do this more." It took me a moment to realise he had pulled me into a hug, I hugged back. When we pulled away he looked eternally grateful. "Well, let's go see what chaos has bubbled while we weren't in." I chuckled, so did he as we walked back in. "Yay these two are done tonguing each other's throats!" Frank yelled sarcastically. "Frank." I growled lowly. I would go all quiet and shy if anyone else said it but Frank knew what I was more than capable of. He shut up. "Mikey, you got the food bag and blanket?" Ray asked and Mikey nodded in agreement. "Cool." He said as he started packing the food into the bag. Gerard was standing awfully close to me, close enough for me to almost hear his heartbeat. Strange. We decided we were ready to go and so we all piled into Gerard's mum's car and set off.

Time skip :)

We had arrived at a massive lake or as it's properly addressed, a reservoir. There were a few people circling it, couples and dog walkers. Its perfectly clear water reflected the blue sky and small amount of fluffy clouds in it. A rocky beach surrounded the waters and it was quite pleasing to look at. We pulled up beside it and all of us got out. "What do you think, bro?" Frank smiled over at me as Ray placed the plush blanket over a patch of grass. "It looks cool." I gazed out onto the water. I sat down with Gerard as the others went to see who could throw rocks the furthest. "It's a pretty view, isn't it?" Gerard took a bite out of his sandwich, I noticed he kept stealing quick glances at me. "Yeah, actually." I sipped on a coke. Silence. "Hey sugar, c'mere." Gerard made that one finger motion. I shuffled towards him. His hand ran across my cheek, gracing it with the side of his hand. Confusion ran through my head. "Your skin. How is it so perfect? Tell me your secrets." He spoke softly to me. "I wash it every night." I answered his question. "You're fucking beautiful, you know that." He said bluntly. I felt a little hot. Why would he compliment me if he had eyes for another? What a confusing boy. "Gerard?" I hummed. "Yes?" "Do you just flirt with everyone?" I looked over to him. "Or is it just charm?" I quirked my brow, not even noticing how far the others had strayed. "Only the special ones." He winked. I couldn't help but burn a little hotter at the thought of how he could fluster me and it mean nothing but clearly just another girl to toy with. My opinions on Gerard had changed.

As if he could read my mind, Mikey came over and sat in front of me. Thank god. The mood was immediately brightened. "Guess what I brought." He grinned, digging through his rucksack. In his hands were two chunky comic books, same copy. "Keep one, I got a spare." I could feel the twinkle appear in my eye. It was a Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm graphic novel. "Mikey... thank you." I grinned up at him, holding the book to my chest. "No problem!" "Hey Mikey! Where's my gift!?" Frank pouted at us. "You don't get one." Mikey crossed his arms strictly. Gerard and I just laughed at the scene.

Soon enough, it was time to go home and the sun had set. Frank and I were dropped off at our house. "Thanks Gee!" Frankie waved to Gerard. "No problem! See ya!" A voice echoed from the now distanced car.

"Aren't they cool?" Frank breathed as he locked our front door. "Yeah." I said, clasping my newly gifted book. "You hungry?" Frank asked me. "Not really, I'm gonna go to bed." I yawned, stepping onto the starting stair. "Alright, night night. I love you." "I love you too, Frankie."

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