~ Patrick ~

145 6 8

(Yes I'm aware that the uniforms in picture are different but please pretend they're not for the sake of the plot)


I woke up early, like 6am early. School started at 8 so I had two hours. True to my assumptions, Frank was fast asleep. I had plenty of time to do plenty of things. How delightful. I put on my uniform and shoes, brushed my teeth and washed my face. After that, I went downstairs, unlocked the door and went to my favourite spot. It was just a bench. You probably think it's not much, it isn't but all the memories that revolve around it are pretty cool, when I used to come over to Frank's as a kid we used to picnic there. As I approached I saw two brown haired boys already sat there. They were in the same uniform.

"Oh, hi, sorry, you can sit here." The one with glasses and long hair shuffled up to make space for me. "No, you can stay, it's fine." I gave a friendly smile. "You go to Belleville High?" The other boy, who had shorter hair, took a look at my uniform. "Yeah, I'm in junior year." "You know Patrick and Pete?" They asked. "Yeah, we're friends." I nodded, sitting down. "What's your name? I'm Joe and this is Andy." "I'm Y/n Iero." I introduced myself. "Are you related to Frank?" Andy looked excited. "Yeah, he's my brother, I just moved here." "No way! That's so cool! Nice to meet you Y/n." "Right, I'm gonna head back, I have 20 minutes until the troll wakes up." I joked and stood up. "Alright, see you!" The two nice boys waved as I made my way back home. It confused me how easily I made friends, I never used to back home.

I walked in through my front door, being greeted by the smell of burnt food. "Oh for fucks sake Frankie!" I strode into the kitchen, my hands on my hips in disappointment. He gave me a terrified smile. "Hey... I made pancakes!" He held up a black circle on a plate. "The heat is way too high. Let me help." I groaned. I switched the pan because of the burnt pieces stuck to it, turned the heat from high to just between medium and low. "Look. You use butter so it doesn't stick." I placed a glob of butter on the heated pan and moved my wrist to make sure it got all over.


"Go." I motioned Frank to the door. I could hear Gerard. "I'm confused, it smells burnt but looks good." Gerard stood behind me and chuckled over my shoulder. I placed my pan down and lifted up the plate with the charred pancake on. "Frank's." And he chuckled lowly again, into my ear. It made me quite literally shiver. I flipped my pancake and I could've swore I felt his hand on my hip. The cheeky cunt. I would turn around and punch him but I was cooking so I couldn't. "Hey, Gee, where's Mikey?" I asked. "He's not feeling too well, he's taking the day off." He seemed to shrug. "Frank! Get me a plate!" I yelled, making Gerard jump. "I get Latina mum vibes." He snickered. "Cool." I placed the pancake onto the plate. "Right, if you would've waited for me, this wouldn't have happened but you wasted all the mix on a piece of coal and we're gonna run late so we're splitting that one." I turned the heat off and groaned. We had split the pancake in three so we each had like a bite each, and I could see the glare Gerard was giving Frank.

"Right. Get ready we have 20 minutes." I walked to the door and got my shoes on. I hastily did so and put my backpack on. Frank and Gee already had theirs by the time I was finished so we were safe to set off. "You meeting your friends?" I looked over at Frank as we finished locking the front door and were on our way. "Actually no, not today." He shrugged, seeming a bit down. What was up with him? With Gerard by us I didn't wanna ask because it'd feel a little rude to just let him know Frankie's problems.

We arrived sooner than we had expected to, occasionally talking along the way, but overall it took a quiet walk. "Bye bye, Y/n, see you!" Frank waved and so did Gee as they went into a stairwell. "Bye!" I walked in to go find Mikey again. Same place, same time. Then I remembered... shit! He wasn't in today. I awkwardly waddled to the junior locker area and found Patrick and Pete. Thank god. "Hey guys." I grinned and they both turned to me with the same satisfied look. "Hey." Pete smiled at me and Patrick waved. "I'm pretty sure we have 1st period together, geography." Patrick glanced at his schedule as I arranged what I would be taking to class and put my bag in my locker. "I'm meeting Joe so I'll see you two later!" Pete ran off into the cafeteria and disappeared into the people. "Let's go then." Patrick gave me a sweet side smile.

We talked while he led me to our geography classroom, we also had a lot of common interests. He sat us down at the 2nd row at a two person desk. The objective we were given for this lesson was fairly easy: create a poster giving a factfile on the pyramids of Giza. Patrick and I cracked on with it, noting a lot of things. Before we knew it, we were already at breaktime and I was gonna hang with Patrick so he waited outside for me to give me time to go to the toilet, I was bursting.

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