This is my first fanfic woop woop! It's a Gerard Way x Female reader and I hope you enjoy it. Also if you don't know French, (the book itself is English don't worry) the title means 'protect me' (sorry for the grammar it was based off of the Placebo...
It turned out the cookies fortunately weren't burnt! And Gee and I had decided to eat them. They were actually pretty good but he looked like he needed them more. "What time did you get to sleep last night?" I asked him, curious. "Uhh, 3am." He scratched the back of his head and bit his third cookie. "Dude." I scolded him. "I couldn't! I'm angry, ok? My blood was quite literally boiling! I'm gonna end up killing whoever touches you if they try again." He explained, getting louder. "It's fine, you've done enough." I finished my plate of cookies and wiped the crumbs from my mouth. "No. I vow to protect you for as long as we go on for. I'll never let them hurt you, I promise." His hand somehow had landed on mine with heavy grip. Just as we had our moment, Frank flew in with a girl following behind him.
"Look who I found, Gee." Frank drew attention to...
Literally going to off myself right now.
Why is she in our house?
Why am I even mad? I don't like Gerard.
Gerard's eyes were glued to her and he went over, forgetting I existed. If they kiss I'm kicking them out. "Hey, Gee. Hey, Y/n." She waved, in a dallying manner. Nope. "Yeah gonna go upstairs, you guys have fun." I stood up and left to the stairs. "Whoa. Why leave now? The party's just getting started." Frankie frowned. "I dunno just-"
Knock knock!
Is that Ray? Please, for the love of god, be Ray. I watched as Frank opened the door. There stood three tall boys with... beer? "Hey! Come in! I can't wait for the others to arrive!" Frank cheered. Fortunately they ignored me. And others? Nope. I went upstairs to my room and locked my door. I break my ribs and Frank throws a party? Wow, ok. I might aswell go to sleep.
Four hours later
I opened my eyes and it had gotten darker outside. I could hear blaring music and yelling from downstairs. I pulled my pillow over my head and stuffed my head into my sheets. I wasn't putting up with this. I got up and walked over to my bedroom door. I unlocked my door and the sound got louder. Fuck me. I slammed it shut again. I needed a plan. Something to help me. I checked my clock, it was 7pm. Now how to get out? The jump from my window was doable but my ribs wouldn't like it very much. I thought for a few more minutes and decided I was gonna have to walk through it. I opened my door and set a brave foot onto the landing. I breathed in sharply before making my way down into the crowded downstairs.
I looked around frantically for Frank or Gerard. I spotted Frank in the kitchen with some random guy. I strode toward him through the people and he noticed me. "Y/n! Hi!" He seemed sober, thank god. "I'm going out." I opened the back door and shot out before he could say anything. I walked through my dark garden and to the gate. Once I was on the street, I could finally breathe. My first thought was to go to the park to relax. I shoved my hands into my pockets and made my way across the road. I fixed my hair a bit and entered the park. There was someone on the picnic table. I took a seat adjacent to them, hoping not to look too weird. Their eyes kept flickering to my Nirvana shirt.
"Hey, do you listen to Nirvana?" They randomly blurted, as if breaking from resistance. "Yeah, actually." He was about 6'1, I noticed as he stood up to sit on my side. He was super lanky and had blond spiky hair. He sported a striped long sleeve shirt and some ripped skinny jeans. "You seem cool." He grinned as he sat next to me. His aura felt strange yet comforting. "Yeah, I guess so." I nodded. "I'm Remington, by the way." He introduced himself. "I'm Y/n."
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"It's cold out, what are you doing in just that?" He chuckled, pointing to my inadequate outfit. "Long story." "Do tell, of course if it's not personal or anything." He said carefully. "No, no it's fine. Well... my brother threw a party and I needed to get out because I was technically stuck in my room." The cold started getting to me and I pulled my knees to my chest. "Hold on, I have a jacket if you want it?" He pointed toward a black leather jacket on the bench he was sat on. I kindly refused. "You sure, angel?" He hummed. "Yeah." I reassured him. "Well Y/n, do you wanna meet here at 4 tomorrow?" He asked me. "Because I actually have to get home now." He added in explanation. "Yeah, sure." He got up and grabbed his things. "Well, goodbye angel." "Goodbye Remington." He turned and left. He was rather quick, his steps somewhat determined. What an intriguing boy.
I sighed a little, knowing the party wouldn't be over. Maybe Mikey could let me over. I walked in the direction leading to my street, past the trees and the car park. I arrived quicker than expected and then crossed the street to go to Mikey's. I knocked and waited for no more than 5 seconds before someone answered the door. Gerard. The person I wanted to see the least. He smirked. "Hey, sugar." "I want to see Mikey." I interrupted, making him seem hurt. I wonder where his fling is? "Upstairs to the left." He moved from the threshold and I went upstairs to his room.