~ Out ~

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Decided to post this chapter early not to keep you hanging, but please don't rely on consistency as of this moment, I'll try though. <3

Gerard and I had sat in silence ever since I had put my plaster back on and we were waiting for Mikey to come home.

The door slung open signalling he was home and he appeared in my peripheral. I turned to him and he scowled at me. "We thought you DIED." Mikey hissed. "Well I'm not dead." Lies. I realised that it was 3:15 because Mikey was home so I stood up and excused myself. Gerard pouted at me as I said goodbye and left for my house.

At home I explained to Frank that I was at Gerard's and he finally left me alone about my suspected disappearance. When he did, I went upstairs to shower.

Time skip

(The outfit for this chapter, you can change if you don't like it

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(The outfit for this chapter, you can change if you don't like it.)

I checked the time and it read 3:53. I got up from my sitting position on my bed and walked out of my bedroom and downstairs. Gerard was on the couch with Frank, giving me a look I knew a little too well. "I'm going out." I slipped my shoes on. "I wanna come!" Gerard, of course, grinned. "No. I have a migraine." I simply said before arising and turning away from Gee's hurt expression and to the door.

I started on my journey to the same park in which Remington and I had met before. It was fairly close to my house so I was there in no time. To my appeal, Remington was already sat down at a bench, his eyes locked on me instantly. "Hey!" I picked up my pace to a slight jog as I approached him. "Hi." He smiled, glancing ever so briefly at my neck. I sat down beside him. "How've your ribs been?" He smiled. I thought about the question and realised... I never told him about that. How did he know? Oh well. "Yeah they've been miles better strangely enough." I explained, bewildered myself. "Have you noticed anything... strange?" He paused for a moment, thinking to himself. If only I could tell what he was thinking of. "Not really..." I spoke before I thought, things were a tad strange ever since the bite but I couldn't let him know, god knows how he'd react. "Well, Y/n, have you eaten?" He cocked his head. "Actually, no..." I hadn't really got hungry. "I'm kinda bored, can we go to your place?" Remington looked paler. "Oh.. no we can't go to mine, my parents are... sleeping." He stuttered. "Is everything ok at home? I'm sorry to be nosy but you can talk to me." I frowned. "No, it's not like that..." He shook his head and I took his word for it, still cautious. "We can go to my house, my brother won't mind you I don't think." I stood up. "Oh, ok." He followed suit. "My house is just down the road so it won't be a long walk." I walked Rem out of the park and down Truman Drive, across the street and past two houses. Eventually, we had arrived at mine. I stepped onto the porch and pushed my front door open.

"Y/n!" Gerard came to the door. I looked back at Remi. 'This your brother?' he mouthed and I shook my head. "Hey, Gee. This is Remington, Remington, this is Gerard. Now move out of the way." I smiled as I pushed Gerard gently aside. I could feel his glare on Remington, yet the innocent boy never seemed to notice. I pulled him upstairs, past Frank who stared. I led Rem into my bedroom and he looked around . "This is nice." He sat down on the end of my bed, I sat beside him. Not long before we settled down, Frank came in. "You guys wanna come down? We're watching a movie." He looked to the pair of us. "Sure." We both said simultaneously. "I just wanna change into my PJs." I hummed. Remington left for the door and the two walked downstairs, seemingly conversing. At least they get along. Since I had literally wore this outfit for an hour I saved the clothes for another day and put on a black cat onesie. When I was done I went downstairs to see the other boys in the living room. "So what's your name?" Gerard asked Rem as I sat inbetween the guys. "Remington." He introduced himself sweetly. "Sounds familiar, last name?" He quirked an eyebrow. "Oh, uh, it's McArthur." He swallowed. "Nice ring, dude." Frank commented. I had noticed it before, it was on his right hand, third finger. It was goldish in colour and the gem was a deep red. "Thank you." Remington seemed flattered.

Soon enough the movie had finished and Remington had to leave. I saw him out and he vanished into the dark street. I hope he's ok on his own, he is a physically fit boy after all and I trust him with himself. Gerard was staying over tonight and time had passed a crap ton. It was 6pm already.

"You guys wanna order pizza?" Frank walked toward our phone. "Yeah." Gerard cheered. I simply nodded, my appetite had kind of disappeared. Frank dialled our local takeaway and ordered us a medium spicy vegetarian and a plain margherita. "Hey, Y/n, can we talk in private for a second?" Gerard tugged lightly on my bicep. "Sure." I let him bring me into the kitchen. Frank was occupied with the stupid TV programme he was watching. "Remington... what is he?" He furrowed his angled brows. "What do you mean?" Confusion laced my words. "He was like you. two holes on his neck." He spoke quietly. "How didn't you notice?" He glanced over to an oblivious Frank. I just shrugged. "Well we better go back in there before Frankie starts getting suspicious." I sighed. "Ok."

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