This is my first fanfic woop woop! It's a Gerard Way x Female reader and I hope you enjoy it. Also if you don't know French, (the book itself is English don't worry) the title means 'protect me' (sorry for the grammar it was based off of the Placebo...
Drama was a solid 20 minutes of watching Louise exaggeratively flirt with Gerard. Ray and I were just the kooky background character duo so it was whatever. Every inch closer she got to him was excruciating.
Finally lunch time came and we all left the building.
"So what did you think?" Louise clung to Gee's right arm.
He looked extremely uncomfortable. "It was good." A nod followed his lie. I stuck beside Ray to avoid killing the bitch. "Oh, hey Y/n! I didn't see you there." Louise turned to me with a grin. "Hi." I gave a reluctant smile before cutting the corner with Ray. Gerard shot me an 'are you seriously leaving me with her?' look. And yes. Yes, we were. If he wasn't gonna get rid of her then we would get rid of him. I turned back to where we were going and walked to our bench. Gerard was technically stuck there because it'd be awkward if he just changed direction abruptly. I sat down with Frank and Ray as the others hadn't got there yet.
"You left me with her!" Gerard panted as he ran over, seeming to have escaped Louise in the large crowd of students behind him. "She's your date for god's sake! What's wrong with you?" Frank asked him, frowning. Gerard audibly gulped, but only I could tell since he stood on my side of the bench. "I don't know. I just need space I guess, she's cool and all but is just too... lively." Gerard sat down next to me exhaustedly. "Mkay." I brushed him off. God he was confusing.
After school, in the Iero household-
"No, Frank, I told you it looks fine!" I nudged my brother as he stood in a suit.
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"Now let me get ready!" I slammed my bedroom door. "Ok, I'm still gonna talk to you through the door though." I could hear his smirk through the wall. "Fine, whatever, ok." I rolled my eyes as if he was in the room with me before switching on my walkman. The song 'drain you' by Nirvana started playing.
After 5 minutes of mindlessly digging through my wardrobe I found it... the dress.
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(This is the dress I chose but of course if you don't like it go ahead and change it, also if you don't like dresses go ahead and do the same <3)
I slid on the dress along with some thin black tights. With shoes I decided on some combat boots with a raised heel.
I glanced over to the small mirror on my wardrobe and smiled at my dress.
"Come here."
Frank opened the door and when he saw me he smiled brightly. "You look so rad! You should wear red lipstick with it." He sat me down in the vanity and basically threw my makeup at me. I put a little bit of red around my eyes, making me look better in my opinion. My skin had paled ever since... so the contrast just worked. After curling my eyelashes slightly I swiped on some dark red lipstick as Frank had implied, and he was right. It looked amazing.
10 minutes later.
We were currently sat downstairs, on the couch, waiting for Pete to pick us up. Everyone was together but Gerard, he had set off with Louise already. Ew.
They had finally arrived and we piled into the truck. Mikey, Frank, Patrick and I were sat at the back.
Soon enough, we were there and I followed nervously behind my crowd of boys into the hall.
Instantly, my eyes were set on a sight, Gerard and Louise in each other's arms. Gerard's hands on her waist and hers resting over his shoulders. I shivered a little at the sight, before walking alongside Mikey towards the food stalls. Pete had commented on the way I looked tonight about 7 times, I mean I appreciated it but still...
I sat down with some punch and sipped the sugary drink, slowly starting to feel a little weird. After checking the time, I became aware that we had arrived 20 minutes ago. It only felt like 5.
The room started to blur and the music was distorted and quietening, I could only notice that something was off about the room, something missing. "I'm going to the bathroom." I ignored the sounds of everyone else's heartbeats and walked the complete opposite way from the bathroom and out onto the car park yet no one seemed to notice. I could've been drugged but this felt different and familiar. Out on the dimly lit carpark, I could hear something, sounded like kissing. Out of curiosity, I peered around the corner to see Louise and some red head douchebag kissing.
And that was when I let it slip.
The bloodlust turned me into a violent creature.
I lunged at the unfaithful bitch and sunk my teeth deep into her throat. A yelp, but not a scream followed. I sucked her dry before pulling back to see the boy horrified. Oh god, this is bad. He started to run, but had done so far too late. I couldn't have any witnesses, yet I felt like I did. I pounced on him and gave him the same fate as the purple haired girl unconscious behind me. I frantically looked around, making sure there was no more witnesses. Hopefully I didn't kill them...
I decided on hiding them in the storage cupboard, before fleeing the scene. I walked across the car park and to the door to see someone looking right at me. I got closer and was met with a tall man.
His hair was mid length and black, his face thin and defined, his eyes an icy blue. He smirked at me, making me uneasy, considering he could've witnessed the series of events that happened before this.