~ The gang ~

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This chapter is just a bunch of fluff. No weird vampire men tryna lick your neck and stuff, none of that. Just da bois.

We sat on the curb beside some park, waiting as Mikey had went inside the shop for snacks. Ray was sat across the path, under a tree in the shade. No one thought anything of it.

"They seriously raised the price on the cheese puffs by 50 cents." Mikey grumbled as he tossed a bag of the cheesy snacks to us, carrying another bag of gumballs and a bag that contained two large drinks. "Really dude, are you fucking kidding me?" Frank scoffed. "Unfortunately, no." Mikey retorted. Gerard plopped down next to me after doing his hourly 'let's piss Ray off' routine. I was passed the big packet of snacks by Frank and simply shook my head, giving them to Gerard who, we all knew, would happily wolf the whole thing.

Ray seemed a little distant so I went to sit by him and we made small talk. Whatever was wrong had failed to take away that element in him which made him a giant Ray of sunshine. I was relieved at that. "I know, it feels like it's been like this my whole life!" Ray grinned, baffling on about how I fit in so perfectly with the boys and their quirky little group. My heart warmed at this and I listened to more of the boy's blabbering.

"Hey, you guys, come on we're going back." Gerard snapped us out of our conversation. I turned to him and we were indeed leaving. We stood up and followed the boys down the street.

"I bet I can drink the whole bottle of Dr. Pepper!"

Oh god this wasn't gonna end well.

"Fight me."

The two boys stood still, bottles in hand, acting like they were about to fight to the death, but they were actually going to make themselves vomit. I watched, amused as Frank and Gerard both started chugging. "Ew." I stepped back, anticipating one of them to gag. And I was right. Frank began to choke. "Yes, die." I cackled as I rushed to his side, defying what I had just said. Gerard stopped, knowing no more pain was needed and that he was victorious. I patted poor Frankie's back as he coughed. "Jesus." Mikey took a sip of the bottle from his brother's hand. "Oddly violent but ok." Ray snickered.

We had arrived back at the Way household and were currently trashing the kitchen, ravaging for any sort of snack. Well, apart from me and Ray. We just sat down and talked as the boys fought over stale pretzels. "You play guitar right?" I smirked at Ray. "Yeah actually." "We should play music!" I said, loud enough for the rest of the boys to hear. They all turned to me with a 'really?' look but as a few seconds passed they softened to ones of contemplation. "I mean that could work. Gerard can sing, as much as he hates to admit it, Mikey can play bass, Ray and Frank can play guitar. That leaves the drums to Y/n." I never had a problem with drumming and I'd say I was okay at it. As long as I was participating I had absolutely no complaints at all.

"Frank, you go get your guitar, and Y/n's, Ray can use it, Mikey go upstairs, Y/n get your lyric booklet. I wanna see what you got since Frank snitched about you having one." Gerard instructed, I knew exactly what he wanted so Frank and I left for the house next door, ours. Upstairs, I handed Frank Zhozefin and he grabbed his guitar. I rummaged through the drawers at my desk in my room and found my little book box of song lyrics I had written, remembering how much Frank liked them.

We stumbled back downstairs, carrying quite a load and since I wasn't carrying two guitars, instead a box of heavy books I opened the door and let us both through. I closed it after Frank and we waddled back to Gerard's, Mikey waiting at the door for us.

And so we played. And we played really fucking good.

As Gerard's vocals faded and our instruments did the same, we all looked around at each other, euphoric about how surprisingly great we sounded.


"That was fucking rad!"

We all stood up and practically bounced off of each other with glee. But god thank the people who decided to space our houses out and not put them in a row because our neighbours wouldn't have liked the little stunt we pulled.

Time had passed, it was now almost 2pm.
After we went through the song, practicing and changing features until we decided we were happy with how it sounded for now, we all settled down to watch a good old fashioned horror movie, Halloween.

We drew the curtains, shut the living room door and huddled up together on the brown leather couch, under blankets with what minimal food we could find. We barely fit on the poor object but we managed. My legs were over Mikey and Ray's laps, my back against Gerard. Frank was on the arm of the chair, leaning onto Gee's side. Gerard and I held hands under the thick fluffy blanket, a simple yet heartwarming gesture that brung the sneakiest little twinkle to our eyes, being happy with each other. Like a couple... wait what?

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