~ Vampires will never hurt you ~

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Violence warning. Chapter 2/3

"Wake upppp. God you're drooling."

An unfamiliarly familiar female voice echoed through a damp smelling room. Groan. Jesus, this was a bad migraine. I opened my eyes reluctantly and before me stood, Louise. "Aw, fuck, you again? When will you fuck off you unfaithful bitch!?" I seethed, blackish blood trickling down from my pale chapped lips. "Never. What you did was a mistake." She sneered. "Where's Drew?" I leant back on the rickety old chair I was restraint to. "Drew? Oh, you mean Andy?" She spoke his name flirtatiously. Making me want to vomit. You know what? Why not? I kept dwelling on how she spoke his name and how much of a filthy horrible bitch she was and I just managed to bring myself to it. My eyes watered and the sting of the vomit came from the back of my throat.

I tried to throw up but then I remembered I didn't eat, well, I couldn't. Fuck. Well the second best thing I could do was spit the small amount of bile I had building up in my sore throat. I spat at her, she looked back, offended yet paused when Andy came in. "You two stop fighting." I looked up at him, a new rage filling my senses. He looked down at me, both physically and mentally, he saw me as nothing, I could see it in his icy eyes. Louise clung to his side and I was disgusted. "No PDA." I mocked him. Instantly regretting it as he plunged a dagger into my right shoulder. I cursed out in pain as he tore it right back out. My body felt numb from the cold anyway so ha! I felt the blood pouring down from the nasty gash.

"Now, I have a Remington to find." Andy teased. I burned hot with even more anger, rocking about in the old wood below me. I noticed how weak it was, but he never batted an eyelash. Andy broke off of Louise's grip and bent down to my face. "Behave, doll face." He smirked before stroking my cheek lovingly. I didn't want to piss him off anymore I just wanted him to leave so I could try get out. He leaned back and walked over into a darker corner of the room, then pushing aside what seemed to be a curtain and slipping away. Footsteps echoed outside the room I was in, we seemed to be in a really big building huh. The two sets of footsteps grew distant and the creak of a heavy door sounded through the place, making my ears tingle slightly from the high volume. All was silent.

Now was the time. I gritted my teeth as I thrashed around in my ropes, they rubbed my skin on my wrists raw but that was the least of my worries now.

Creaks came from the frail chair below me and I did this for a solid five minutes before.


The chair had collapsed and, thank the lord, I chose to move my legs out from under it because that wouldn't have half crippled me, and I luckily landed on my good shoulder. The rope was lazily attached to one of the broken pieces of the chair, clearly Louise's work. Grave mistake, Andy, grave mistake. I removed my blood stained restraints and observed my shredded wrists. I hissed a little before standing up, my whole body weak and fragile. I took off Gerard's jacket and tied it under my arm, over the wound on my shoulder. I didn't really feel the stab wound, I assumed that was a part of being a vampire. I blindly navigated around the room until my hand met what felt like a thick fabric. The curtain!

I pushed it open and was met with a lighter room. Obviously dimly lit but compared to the darkness it was a 'glow up'. It was a church. The little white church that stood, lonely in the cemetery supposedly. God I hoped it was, I thought, that way it'd be close to home. As I walked around, I picked up a rather dramatic candle holder, it was large and hefty. Perfect weapon. I walked down the aisle, eventually seeing the door that Louise and Andy had left through. I raced towards it, pushing with all my strength until I was out.


I was in his arms again, I swung around and the candle holder met the side of his face. He jerked forward and disarmed me, easily. Painfully easily. "Let me go you weirdo!" I yelled and he covered my mouth. "Shut up bitch!" Louise punched my shoulder. "Fuck!" I cried as they threw me onto the floor of the church, back where I started.

Gerard's POV-

"We're gonna kick some vampire ass." I stated, matter of factly as I looked back at Ray. He ran back here in a rush and, I would be tired but the adrenaline had me high.

"What's going on? It's late." Frank whined, rubbing his eyes as he leaned on the stair bannister, Mikey stood behind him. "Y/n is in danger. Some dangerous dead guy took her." Ray blurted. "What the fuck do you mean 'dead guy?" Frank chuckled. "Like dracula?" Mikey giggled. "Yes, exactly! Like dracula! It's serious we need to-"

A dozen rushed knocks came from the front door. Y/n. I rushed towards it and unlocked it.


"Gerard! You need to help Y/n! Andy has her." He looked dead into my soul. I didn't care who Andy was, but I was going to hurt him. "We know. Mikey, Frank, get shoes on. Now."

Remington lead us past the park and to the cemetery where we all stood, looking around for any sign of her.

"The church." Mikey pointed out as various clatters came from inside the large hollow building. How did we not notice? "Hey, hey, but how are we going to fight them, Remington, you're the only one who can actually verse his power since you're a vampire too." I spoke. He looked shocked that I knew but didn't say anything considering the severity of the situation. "Stakes. Find sticks, we need a kitchen knife or something, a pencil sharpener, just... anything." Remington looked around at us. "I'll get people who can help. You collect sticks along with something to sharpen them and I'll be back soon, don't go in there no matter how intense it gets, I know Y/n is strong enough to withstand whatever that creepy bastard throws at her."

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