~ Pure Morning ~

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Morning... My ribs were a little sore but it was a dull pain. No one was around and the living room seemed to had been partially cleaned. Where was Gerard? "Gee?" I spoke, my voice broken. "Yeah?" He came in from the kitchen. "What time is it, where's Frank?" I sat up slowly, wiping the crust from my eyes. "6am... surprised you got up early but yet again there's the sun. Also Frank's passed out upstairs." Gerard emptied some bucket into the sink. "Did you sleep last night?" I asked him. "Yeah, I passed out... kinda weird because I wasn't really tired." He seemed to have passed out just as I had. "Hm." I responded. "I'm gonna go freshen up in the bathroom." I stood up, not long before Gerard stopped me. "Use the upstairs one, the downstairs one needs a good clean." He warned me and I took the hint, making my way over to the staircase with groggy steps.

Upstairs in the bathroom, I washed my face, brushed my teeth and when I got a good look at myself I noticed a little something on my neck. Two red dots... holes right below where my ear was. I leaned closer to the mirror in disbelief as my pointer finger moved over the inflamed red skin around the pierced holes. Vampires? I knew this town had some legends and whatever about the graveyard-dwelling bat people but I never considered it to be more than a scary story to frighten schoolboys on a camping night out. What am I gonna tell everyone when I'm drinking blood from innocent old ladies? I needed to hide them. I dug through the cabinet we used for medicine and found a plaster. It was a large square one I reckoned could cover it. I peeled the back off of it and positioned it over the two holes on my neck. When I decided it had it decently covered I pressed it down. When it was done, I just stood there for a second. 'Surely I won't burn in sunlight, right?' I thought to myself. I haven't burned yet despite the sun rays that woke me up so I could only assume I was safe. "Y/n?" My brother Frank stood behind me in the doorway. "What's the plaster for?" He inquired, concerned. Quick. Make something up. "I woke up with a nasty scratch on my neck, not sure how it happened but oh well." I shrugged, casually. I was quite proud of how I played it off. "You going to school with your ribs?" Frank raised a brow. "You going to school with that hangover?" I joked. "And yeah, what am I, someone who waits for healing? Fuck that, I'm gonna handle it like a man." I showed off my pathetic guns and Frank just rolled his eyes, it was too early for him. "Can I use the bathroom?" Frankie yawned. "Yeah sure." I spun around and left, him closing the door behind me. "I'll be downstairs." I told him through the closed door before going back downstairs to Gee.

Before we knew, we were all walking to school and Mikey was complaining about Frank's shenanigans the previous night, reasonably. "So Y/n. How do you feel about the dance tomorrow night?" Mikey didn't seem too happy either. "Probably not going." I muttered, mainly distracted by Gerard's stupid dance date thingy coming to mind. Mikey's jaw dropped. "No, you're coming. I don't care how miserable and cringy this dance is gonna be you're gonna be there for it." Mikey asserted as we entered the school gates. "Whatever."

My attitude was knocked off by the appearance of our furry friend.

"Raymond, get your sexy ass over here." I pulled him in for a hug, noticing Gerard shoot me a look as the word 'sexy' left my lips. After that, Frank and Gerard continued into the building while Mikey, Ray and I hung outside the entry. "Don't talk to your mother like that!" Mikey scolded playfully. "Only from her." Ray pulled away, giggling. "Oh, what happened to your neck?" A look of worry washed over Ray's face. "Got scratched up, it's not bad or anything don't worry." I reassured him and he nodded, his worry clearly eased. Luckily everyone seemed to be buying it... everyone but Gerard. He always looked at it funny, as if inspecting it from the distance I kept him at. "Well, Ray and I have P.E together in exactly 8 minutes." Mikey informed me. "Oh, we have Langdon today so we better head there early, she doesn't like either of us." Ray looked to Mikey and they both made an 'ew' face. "Well you guys, this is where we split. Goodbye then, see you at break." I stepped towards the cafeteria entrance, waving to them as they said their goodbyes too. I walked through the emptying cafeteria, everyone was making their way to class so it wasn't too crowded which was good. I went to the junior locker area and put my bag in there, not needing anything but the pens I already had in my blazer since it was history class. I stayed there for a little before putting a note in Mikey's locker saying 'shitbag - Y/n/n ;)' for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

Class was a complete bore. All we did was talk about the Salem witch trials and how women were accused of witchcraft in the 1500s. Some boy kept kicking my shins under the desk so I told him I'd spin his jaw if he did it again... he didn't. Once the teacher dismissed us, I literally sprinted to the courtyard, only to be drenched in rain. I have to admit though, rain is pretty fun. Mikey and I met up before the others, since we clearly had the same idea, and kicked puddles at each other before being interrupted. "Hey, emo bitch." I looked up and it was that kid whose jaw was on my hitlist, he was with some other assholes. It took seconds before I was doused in some flavoured milk. "What the f-" Mikey had the same reaction as me. No one pours banana milk on me without considering my expensive ass uniform. Argue that I can wash it but that requires work. Gerard and the others had just appeared in my peripheral before I acted on the bastard's punishments. "Son of a bitch." I was fully aware that I couldn't launch myself at him because of my ribs but I was gonna do something. Something he would have much preferred me knocking him over than. I walked up to him and without hesitation...


My fist hit hard against his cheek. He hunched over, holding his face. Chill, you weren't even attractive. It took a lot to step back instead of using the vulnerable position he was in to my advantage and winding him. Yet I stepped back and gave a good look of my undefeated face to his petty friends. I was stronger than before? That's weird... I normally don't have too hard of a punch. I didn't even realize Frank's grip on me was there until I came back to my senses. Maybe I hadn't stepped back... instead I was held back. They fled within seconds and I mean literal seconds. "Well that doesn't fix your uniform, now, does it? Bubba." Ray shook his head and grinned. "That looked so cool." Mikey jumped up and down in excitement. "You're gonna get pulled by McWarren." Frank shook his head. I looked to the quiet Gerard next to me. It wasn't usual for him to be this quiet. Instead he just stared. I couldn't really read his features but he seemed impressed.

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