~ The end of all things ~

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Remington, his brothers, my friends, and I all sat on the floor of my living room. Remington had explained the whole situation and, shortened, it was:

Remington and Andy were brothers but Andy was born from a different father. Emerson and Sebastian (Remington's brothers) had the same dad as Remington so they were against eachother. Andy's father was a tyrant, a rich man who was secretly a horrid murderer who raised Andy to hate his mother, then they separated, separate sides of the woodland that just happened to be in my backyard. Lucky me, huh?

We were all on alright terms and they were all welcome to be here after the commotion. The police had never been involved surprisingly, but Emerson said that around here, people are used to vampires and disappearances. Weird. Emerson, Mikey and I instantly clicked which was really cool since we were all the youngest siblings. Frank, Gerard and Remington were the same way and Ray and Sebastian were like the parental guardians of the group. We all just fit in. I'm not sure how vampires came into my life, but in some way I'm glad they did.

That night.

I sat upstairs, in my room, Emerson and Mikey were fast asleep on my couch and I sketched out random things in my book, listening to quiet music on my walkman. Thank god I'm a vampire because when I went for a shower all the injuries I had gotten had seemingly healed quick, of course they weren't gone but the bruises had faded slightly and the slices were scabbing over. That was good.

My door opened slowly and my eyes moved to the figure in the doorway.

Gerard's POV-

"I dunno I really like her and I have a feeling you do too." I scratched the back of my head as I talked apologetically to Remington. "Yeah, she's pretty but I've got forever to live, you go get her bud." He playfully slapped my arm. "Ok." I shrugged, walking past an oblivious Frank. Before I left Frank's room, I turned back to see a smiling Remington, reassuring me.

Y/n's POV-

The figure was Gerard. I turned off my low music and placed a finger over my lips, signalling for him to be quiet. He looked to the sleeping boys and back to me, stepping over and sitting on the bed beside me. "Hey, sugar, today was a real blast." He joked. "It was." I sat up attentively. "I don't know where things are going to go from here but I'm gonna give you a taste of what I want." Gerard laced his fingers with mine and leaned in slowly. I leaned in too, being happy that we finally got our moment. My eyes fluttered shut and his lips met mine. My other hand reached to his scraggly black hair and played with it for the last 5 seconds of the kiss. I leant back and admired the glow of the landing light on his porcelain face. When I looked to the door, Remington silently cheered, pumping his fists in the air and dancing like a lunatic.

Just how it should be.

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