Chapter 7: Underverse (Part 1)

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POV Elise:

After that and then i begin to see quest notification then i begin to check the quest.



Stopped the underverse war(0/1)

Reward: Level up x25000, Upgrade of Overwrite,Summoning Skill: Omnipotent Sans, Skill Error Form and Get: God of Destruction.

After i saw that i begin to prepare my self i then open my [Inventory] to equip my Awaken Toxic Chaos God Chainsaw and Psychedelic Prism Staff after i prepare myself and i begin to open the portal and begin to walk in the portal.

After i walk in and i begin to change form into [Ink form] after i change form and i began to transported at the Anti-Void and i begin to look around and walking in the Anti-Void after look around and walking about 30 minute and i began to make bed couch and i began to think something and asked Ciel

Elise!Ink:{Ciel do i have a soul ?} I said.

Ciel:{Yes you do} She said.

Elise!Ink:{Will show me my soul} I said.

After i said that it show my soul and my soul trait is all type of soul trait even fan made after i check my soul and i begin to teleport to Underswap after i teleport to Underswap and i begin to see ink and Nightmare are watching the fight Classic sans, Fell sans, Swap sans fighting Cross!chara and Dream is fighting Nightmare and papyrus are protecting Underswap chara after the long fight until nightmare kill underswap chara and began to teleport with Xchara and underswap papyrus is holding underswap chara and Dream open the portal to get swap!sans, Sans and Fell!sans leave while Dream is going back to XTale to keep investigating and Ink look at the vial with emotionless and then turn purple until Fell!sans walk toward him and began to say"MOVE, YOU IDIOT" and then push him inside the portal that Dream made follow by Fell sans jump in the portal and follow by Classic sans are carrying Swap sans and Swap sans is crying then say"...Brother..." then his brother gave him a smile then the portal closes then Dream turn around Underswap payrus who is still carrying Chara and Dream say"I'm so sorry..." and then teleport.

After i saw the fight and i began to teleport to Error sans Anti- Void to see Error sans is laying on the ground sleeping and i began to look up to see a lot of soul who are capture by Error sans string there are a lot of human and monster soul except one soul is half determination and half monster soul is glitching to purple and i began to grab the half determination and half monster soul is glitching to purple by my [Error 404 string] after i grab soul i wanted from Error sans is been hold by string Error 404 and i begin to say.

Ink!Elise:"I think is time to summon them" I said.

After i said that i began to summon: [Supreme Calamitas], [Esdeath], [King Multiverse], [Devourer of God], [Jungle Dragon, Yharon], [Infinitey Code], [Mutant] and [The Gate Guardian] after i summon them i began to say.

Ink!Elise:"I have a plan follow me"I said and i began said the plan after about 1 minute of plan.

After i said that half of us begin to teleport in Outertale and the other half are in the Doodle Sphere we are above in the air and watching.

Outertale: Me Supreme Calamitas, Esdeath and King Multiverse (To stop Ink from breaking the Purple vial).

Doodle Sphere: Supreme Calamitas, Esdeath, King Multiverse, Infinitey Code, Devourer of God, Yharon, Mutant and The Gate Guardian (To stop Error string from destroying Aus).

POV Error sans is dreaming:

(Stop at 5:19 then read the bottom text and stop at skip to 5:30 to the end)

After having a bad dream and Error sans begin to look up and see that the soul he has steal from Cross sans and then said while screaming "WHERE IS THE SOUL THAT I STEAL FROM THAT OTHER SANS ?!?!"After he said and began to open the portal to Doodle Sphere and began to said.  

To be continue...

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