Chapter 127: Babysitting, Teaching Trihexa and The Incident 🍋

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POV Elise:

After couple minutes of cleaning the plate and then i begin to place the plate in the cabinets as i turn toward Trihexa and say.

Elise:"Alright, follow me"I said as i walk toward to the bathroom.

Trihexa:"Okay"She said as she followed me to the bathroom after couple minutes of walking to the bathroom and then i close the bathroom door then say.

Elise:"Okay, now next up is take off all of your clothe"I said which make her blushed.

Trihexa:"W-Why?"She asked while blushing.

Elise:"To take a bath"I said.

Trihexa:"O-Okay"She said as we take off all of our clothe after we take off all of our clothe and then we begin to place all of our clothe separate as i plug the bathtub. Turn on the water.

After five minutes and then i begin to turn off the water as i walk inside the bathtub then sit down in the bathtub then say.

Elise:"Sit right in front of me"I said.

Trihexa:"O-Okay"She said as she walk inside the bathtub then sit down right in front of me and then begin to take a bath.

While i was cleaning Trihexa hair with soap on my hand and then she begin to say.

Trihexa:"Elise?"She asked while blushing a little.

Elise:"Yeah?"I asked while cleaning Trihexa hair with soap on my hand.

Trihexa:"What do you think of me?"She asked while blushing a little

Elise:"Cute, pretty and adorable"I said which make her angry a little.

Trihexa:"I'm not cute...!"She said.

Elise:"Yes, you are~"I said as i giggled and then i begin to clean my hair with soap on my hand.

Trihexa:"I'm not!"She said.

Elise:"yes, you are~"I said.

Trihexa:"I hate you"She said as she cross her hand and make adorable angry face.

Elise:"Love you too"I said as i clean Trihexa entire body with soap on my hand after couple minutes of clean Trihexa entire body with soap on my hand and then i begin to clean my entire body with soap on my hand for couple minutes.

After thirty minutes of we taking a bath and then i begin to stand up then say.

Elise:"Stand up"I said.

Trihexa:"Okay"She said as she stand up and then we begin to walk outside of the bathtub then i begin to clean Trihexa entire body with a towel for couple minutes.

Then i begin to clean my entire body with a towel for couple minutes while Trihexa wear all of her clothe as i walk toward to all of my clothe.

Then i wear White Pantie, Gray Hoodie, Green Jacket coat, Green and Black Gas Mask, Green Halo, Dark Green Scarf and Black Glove as i open the bathroom door.

We walk toward to the living room and then say.

Elise:"Alright, i'm going to teach you some basic stuff"I said.

Trihexa:"Okay"She said as i teach her some basic stuff for ten minutes.

Elise:"Next up it's cooking lesson, so get ready"I said as i walk toward to the kitchen.

Trihexa:"Okay"She said as she followed me to the kitchen. I teach her how to cook food perfectly and sometime she make mistake but she can cook perfectly with no mistake as i taste her food and it's was delicious.

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