Chapter 139: Past (Short)

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POV Elise:

I was sitting on the couch while waiting for Trihexa done blushing her teeth and clean her hand in the bathroom and then i began to say.

Elise:(Menu) After i said that and then i begin to see a panel appear right in front of me.




[Sub Quest]

[Hidden Quest]


[Hidden Achievement]

Then i begin to press Quest to see that i have already complete the quest.


Visit Jujutsu Kaisen Omniverse (1/1)

Reward: All Stats xInfinite Dimension

Claim all the reward

After i claim all the reward and then i began to press Hidden Quest to claim all of my reward.

[Hidden Quest]

Kill Thanos
Kill Black Order
Revive All of The Heroes From The battle

Reward: All Stats xInfinite Godverse, Upgrade Skill God Ray And All Stats xOuterversal Unknown

Claim all the reward

After i claim all the reward and then i began to see a message.

[Skill God Ray Have Been Upgrade]

Upgrade Omni-God Ray: Fires a blast from the user fingers that will kill anything and anyone who has Omni-God code or unordinary code.

Omni-God Ray first shot

The First shot paralyzes and poison the foe keeping them in a still and forever frozen position and poison until the 2nd shot has landed.

Omni-God Ray 2nd shot

This final shot is immediately up to enemy and kills the opponent once it's made contact.

After i saw that message and then i began to see Trihexa is done brushing her teeth and wash her hand and then she began to say.

Trihexa:"Can i headpat you?"She asked which make me sigh and say.

Elise:"Fine, you can headpat me"I said which make her happy and excited as she run toward me and i was standing up for her to sit down on the couch.

Then she sat down on the couch and i begin to sat right in front of her as she headpat me while enjoying the headpat for couple minutes.

Elise:"I don't have a plan"I said while enjoying her headpat.

Trihexa:"No plan huh? So how about we watch some video?"She asked.

Elise:"Okay but we watch televisi-"Before i could said anything then i hit by a youtube rewind button which make her shock as we turn toward the youtube rewind button.

Trihexa:"What is that?"She asked as i grab the youtube rewind button with a note on it.

Elise:"It's the youtube rewind button"I said.

Trihexa:"Youtube rewind button"She said confusedly as we read the note on the button which say.

Note:"Throw the youtube rewind button outside and up in the sky"

Elise:"I guess we have to throw the youtube rewind button outside and up in the sky"I said.

Trihexa:"Yeah"She said as i walk outside the mansion to throw the youtube rewind button up in the sky.

Upon arriving outside of the mansion and then i began to throw the youtube rewind button up in the sky as i see the youtube rewind button flew up in the sky at light speed.

After i saw that and then i begun to walk back inside the mansion then say.

Elise:"Okay so how about we watch my epic past?"I asked which make her excited and immediately say.

Trihexa:"Yes!!!!"She said excitedly.

Elise:"Okay let's go"I said as i walk toward to the library while Trihexa follow me behind then i began to walk toward the secret room.

Elise:(If i remember correctly that is a secret room around here) I said as i walk toward the bookshelf to pull a secret book.

Then the bookshelf immediately side open to see a secret room.

Which make her shock as we walk inside the secret room then i began to walk toward the sci-fi keyboard while Trihexa is look around

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Which make her shock as we walk inside the secret room then i began to walk toward the sci-fi keyboard while Trihexa is look around.

Upon arrive right in front of the sci-fi keyboard as i type 'Elise Epic past' after i type that and then i began to press enter to see my past.

I turn toward Trihexa and say.

Elise:"Hey, come here"I said which make her turn toward me and walk toward me. Upon arriving right in front of me and say.

Trihexa:"What are you doing?"She asked.

Elise:"We are watching my epic past"I said which make her excited and say.

Trihexa:"Wait, does that mean we will see your epic past?"She asked excitedly.

Elise:"Yes, now stop talking we are about to see my epic past"I said as the screen show me a epic past that's i remember for a while which make me miss this for long time with a smile on my face.

Trihexa:"That's was epic!!!"She said excitedly which make me smile and cry a little.

Elise:"Yes and i still remember my old title"I said with a smile.

Trihexa:"So what is your old title?"She asked.

Elise:"You want to know?"I asked.

Trihexa:"Yes"She said.

Elise:"Okay, my old title is Crimson Alpine"I said.

Trihexa:"Cool title"She said.

Elise:"Thank"I said as i wipe my tear off.

Elise:"Wanna leave this room?"I asked.

Trihexa:"Sure"She said as we leave the secret room. Upon leaving the secret room and then the bookshelf began to side the entrance into the secret room.

After that and then we walk toward to the living room as she sat down on the couch then i sat down on the couch right in front of her.

Then she began to headpat while enjoying the headpat.

To be continue...

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