Chapter 103: Massacre

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POV Elise:

Before i can do the next objection and then i begin to see Hourai begin to wave at me and then begin to pointed to the left and then i begin turn to the left and then i begin to see some cook food and drink on the table and then i begin to look at Hourai and then i begin to pat her head after couple seconds and then i begin to walk toward the table and then i begin to take a sit and then begin to eat and drink after that and then i begin to grab the towel and then i begin to pick up Fou and then i begin to walk toward to the bathroom .

After thirty second of walking and then i begin to put Fou down then i begin to took off all of my clothe after i took off all of my clothe and then i begin to pick up Fou and then i begin walk inside the bathtub and then begin to take a bath.

After thirty minutes of taking a bath and then i begin to stand up and then i begin to pick up Fou after that and then i begin to walk outside of the bathtub then i begin to clean my entire body with a towel after clean my entire body and then i begin to clean Fou with a towel and then i begin to wear only white pantie and gray hoodie.

After wear that and then i begin to grab the school uniform and then i begin to pick up Fou and then i begin to walk out of the bathroom and then i begin walk toward the living and then i begin to tell all of my doll go to the bedroom after i said that and then i begin to see all of my doll begin to fly toward the bedroom and then i begin walk toward to the bedroom after i walk toward to the bedroom and then i begin to open the door to see all of my doll are sleeping on their own bed and then i begin to walk toward my closer to put my uniform after that and then i begin walk toward the bed and then i begin to lay on my bed then begin to see Fou begin to hop on top of me and then we begin to fall asleep.

The next day, i begin to wake up after i wake up and then i begin to see all of my doll and Fou are already wake up and then i begin to get off the bed and begin to stand up and then i begin to walk toward the bathroom to brush my teeth after i brush my teeth and then i begin to wear Green Jacket coat, Green and Black Gas Mask, Green Halo, Dark Green Scarf and Black Glove after i wear that and then i begin to walk toward the living room to see some of the doll are cooking food and some of the doll are feeding Fou while Hourai and Shanghai are making tea and then i begin to walk toward the table and then i begin to sit on the chair and then i begin to wait all of the stuff that all of the doll are cooking and making a drink after fifteen minutes of waiting and then i begin to see some of the doll begin to fly toward me while carrying some cook food and tea then they all begin to place all of the cook food and tea at right in front of me and then i begin to eat all of the food after one minute of eating and then i begin to drink all of the tea after i drink all of the tea and then i begin to stand up and then walk away from the table and then i begin to say.

Elise:"I.D.CREATE"After i said that is show different difficulty and then i pressed Endless and began to get transported in the dungeon after i got transported in the dungeon and begin to look around to see that there nothing but white and then a lot of stickman pop out of no where some of them has weapon and some is stronger and such and i begin to activate all of my skill and then i begin to use 0,00001% of my power after that and then i begin to equipped the Omni!Blade after i equipped the Omni!Blade and then i begin to summon 100M [Godversal Infinite Blaster] after i said that and i begin see countless amount Blaster appeared out of nowhere.

CREATE"After i said that is show different difficulty and then i pressed Endless and began to get transported in the dungeon after i got transported in the dungeon and begin to look around to see that there nothing but white and then a lot of stic...

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