Chapter 70: Creation and Destruction

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POV Elise:

After i saw that quest and i begin to teleport outside Bhatsuperverse after i teleport outside Bhatsuperverse and i begin to look around to one Ujkasuperverse and i begin to created 500K Ujkasuperverse after five hours of creating Ujkasuperverse and i begin to created 250K Guardian Of Ujkasuperverse after four hour and i begin to tell all of them to protect all of Ujkasuperverse then i begin to teleport to my personal world after i teleport to my personal world and i begin to claim all of my reward.



Create 500K Ujkasuperverse (500K/500K)

Reward: Skill: Goddess Of Ẍakkateraverse Form and Level up x50B

Claim all the reward

After i claim all the reward and i begin to check the next quest



Created 500M Goddess Of Creation and 500M Goddess Of Destruction (0/1B)

Reward: Skill: Goddess Of Ÿanateraverse Form, Skill: Goddess Of Ŵasàteraverse Form, 500M Destruction Orb and 500M Creation Orb

After i saw that quest and i begin to teleport where all of the Multiverse is after i teleport where all of the Multiverse and i begin to created 500M Goddess Of Creation and 500M Goddess Of Destruction after ten hours and i begin to tell the creation to create the Multiverse and destruction destroy the Multiverse then i begin to tell them both to balance the Omniverse then i begin to teleport to my personal world after i teleport to my personal world and i begin to claim all of my reward after i claim all the reward and i begin to open my [Inventory] to took out all of the Creation Orb and Destruction Orb then i begin to make all of them float around my personal world and i begin to check the next quest.



Kill 900 Novemdecillion stickman (0/900N)

Reward: Skill: All Verse Speed, Skill: Goddess Of Terminal Thing Form and 500B Omnipotence Orb

After i saw that quest and i begin to said

Elise:"I.D.CREATE"After i said that is show different difficulty and then i pressed Endless and began to get transported in the dungeon after i got transported in the dungeon and begin to look around to see that there nothing but white and then a lot of stickman pop out of no where some of them has weapon and some is stronger and such and i begin to activate all of my skill and then i attack all of the stickman after i attack all of the stickman and i begin to fly up in the air and i begin to cast 100M all different type of magic then i begin to fire my magic rapidly after thirty second and i begin to see a lot of stickman dead and i begin to cast 100K laser beam then i begin to fire at all of the stickman after thirty second and i begin to see a lot of stickman disappear then i begin to equipped my Awaken Toxic Chaos Omni-God Chainsaw then i begin to fly toward all the stickman at then begin to slash all of the stickman at the neck after thirty second of slashing all of the stickman head off and i begin to see that i was surrounded then all of the stickman begin to jump in the air try tackle me but i begin to slash all them into tiny pieces.

CREATE"After i said that is show different difficulty and then i pressed Endless and began to get transported in the dungeon after i got transported in the dungeon and begin to look around to see that there nothing but white and then a lot of stic...

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