Chapter 123: Visit Around Other Verse (Final)

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POV Elise:

Elise:"I'm in the f*cking Marvelverse!!!!!!!"I shout in space as i fly around the entire Marvelverse after fly around the entire Marvelverse and then i begin to randomly teleport to somewhere.

In Vrfunnyverse

Elise:"Where the hell am i?"I asked my self while look around to see a bunch of vrchat clip from twitch.

In Gamerverse

Elise:"Gameverse... Let's mess around some Universe"I said as i mess around some game like Dark Soul and Doom Eternal.

In Dark Soul Universe

I kill some demon, zombie, skeleton and etc... which gave me a bunch of soul.

In Doom Eternal

I kill countless Demon in Hell. Help Doom Slayer.

In UwUverse

Elise:"Imagiwwne weadiwwng a wwitiwng, but owwew twhe couwse of it twhe quwwawityyyy seemwws to detewiowate awwnwwd it getwws wose awwn wose, whewe twhe swewwnetewwnce stwuctuwe awwnwwd gwammew wewewtwws to a pwoiwwnt of uttew wwnowwn swewwnce, awwn u juwws dowwnt wawwnwwna weawwd it awwnyyyymwowe (o'ω`o) awwwd twa wow owdeww iwwws juwws awfwuw ('・ω・');. bwt tw powost iwswwwnwt obwew wwnyyyyet, it gwowws owwwn awwn owwwn awwn owwwn awwn owwwn. uwu wawwnyyyyaa stwop weadwiwwng bwut uwu cwawwnt stop wewdiwwng, uwu stwawtwwd twhwiwws awwwnwwd uw gwoiwwng two fwiwwnibsh it wwnowo mwwwattew wat! uwu hab mwwwoxie kwwwiddowo, bwut uwu wibw gwib ub sowowwn. i cwawwn wite wike diwws fwow owows, swo dwowwnt cwawewwngbe mwwii..... wbatwws dis??? uwu awe stwiww weediwwnb mwwwie powost?? uwu habe awot ob detewemwiwwnyyyyawwnyyyyatiom!! 。◕‿◕。! u habwwe comopweediwwd twha wwitiwng, goowwd job!"She said with a sexual cute voice while look at the reader

(Author:"Gowd hewp mwe"While reading UwU What this?
Elise:"What awe yyou weadiwng authow?"She said as she read the UwU What this? from 
Author Phone"
Elise:"What twhe f*ck iws twhiws sh*t!!!!!!!!!!"
Glitch:"Yo, what'ws up. Oh sh*t mwyy eyyes!!!!!!!!!"
Author Phone:"Raww x3 *wnuzzwes* how awe yyou? *pouwncews own yyou* yyou'we so wawwm o3o *wnoticews yyou hawwe a buwge* someowne'ws happyy! *wnuzzwews yyouw wneckyy weckyy* ~muww~ hehe ;) *wubbiews yyouw buwgyy wowgyy* yyou'we so big! *wubbiews mwowe own yyouw buwgyy wowgyy* it doeswn't stop gwowiwng.///. *kissews yyou awnwd wickws yyouw wneck* daddyy wikews ;) *wnuzzwe wuzzwe* i hope daddyy wikews *wiggwews butt awnwd squiwms* i wawnwna see yyouw big daddyy mweat! *wiggwews butt* i hawwe a wittwe itch o3o *wagws taiws* cawn yyou pwease get mwyy itch? *put pawws own yyouw chest* wnyyea~ it'ws a sewwewn iwnch itch *wubws yyouw chest* cawn yyou pwease? *squiwms* pwettyy pwease? :( i wneewd to be puwnishewd *wuwnws pawws dowwn yyouw chest awnwd bitews wip* wike, i wneewd to be puwnishewd weawwyy goowd *pawws own yyouw buwge aws i wick mwyy wips* i'wm gettiwng twhiwstyy. I couwwd go fow some mwiwk *uwnbuttownws yyouw pawntws aws mwyy eyyews gwow* yyou smeww so mwuskyy ;) *wickws shaft* mwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwm so mwuskyy ;) *dwoowws aww owwew yyouw cawk* yyouw daddyy mweat. I wike. Mwistew fuzzyy bawwws. *putws swnout own bawwws awnwd iwnhawews deepwyy* oh mwyy gawwd. I'wm so hawwd *wubbiews yyouw buwgyy wowgyy* *wickws bawws* puwnish mwe daddyy wnyyea~ *squiwmws mwowe awnwd wiggwews butt* i9/11 wowwewaws awn yyouwiwnside mwuskyyjob goodwnesws *bitews wip* pwease puwnish mwe *wickws wips* wnyyea~ *suckwews own yyouw tip* so goowd *wickws pwe off yyouw cock* sawtyy goodwness~ *eyyews woww back awnwd goews bawwws deep*"
Author:"I'm so sorry Reader for reading this torture"While look at the Reader and look around to see a bunch of 4th wall breaker characters lying on the ground dying from listening this torture.
Author:"This have been torturing us for half an hours now")

Elise:"That's enough i think"I said as i teleport to my personal world. Then to say.

Elise:"[Menu]"After i said that and then i begin to see a panel appear right in front of me.

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