Chapter 148: Kill The Evil Infinite Dimensional Being

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POV Elise:

I was enjoying the headpat from Trihexa and then i began to say.

Elise:(Menu) After i said that and then i begin to see a panel appear right in front of me.




[Sub Quest]

[Hidden Quest]


[Hidden Achievement]

Then i begin to press Quest to see the objection.


Kill The Infinite Dimensional Being (0/1)

Reward: Increase The Speed of Getting Stronger And Increase The Speed of New Skill Create

Upon seeing that quest and then i began to say.

Elise:"Trihexa?"I asked.

Trihexa:"Yes?"She asked.

Elise:"I'm going to fight the Evil Infinite Dimensional Being"I said which make her shock and the say.

Trihexa:"A-Are you sure about this?"She asked while panicking.

Elise:"Yes, i am sure"I said as i stand up and i was about to teleport and then she say.

Trihexa:"Make sure you make it out alive"She said which make me nod as i teleport inside the Infinite Dimension.

Upon teleporting inside the Infinite Dimension and then i began to look around to see Infinite Dimensional Being is destroying some Dimension.

Which make me immediately check it's stats.

Name: ???

Race: Infinite Dimensional Being

Title: Infinite Dimensional Being

Age: ???

Health: Infinite Dimensional

Strength: Infinite Dimensional

Stamina: Infinite Dimensional

Mana: Infinite Dimensional

Magic: Infinite Dimensional

Luck: Infinite Dimensional

Upon seeing it's stats and then i immediately attack it which cause it in pain then it's say.

???:"Who are you?!"It asked angry.

Elise:"It's does not matter you die anyway"I said as i immediately punch him continuously which make him in pain.

Then i kick him up in the air as i immediately fly toward it then i kick it on the ground.

Then it immediately balance as it send thousands Blaster laser beam at me but got instantly destroy.

Then i stop time immediately as i punch it continuously for couple minutes.

Then i kick it continuously as i create thousands knife around it. Then i unfreeze time.

Then i immediately hear it scream in pain as the knife around it immediately stab around it body.

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