Chapter 62: Create Multiple Godverse and Multiple Quest

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POV Elise:

After i saw that quest and i begin to teleport outside the Box after i teleport outside the Omniverse and i begin to look around to see one Godverse then begin to create five Godverse after one hours of creating five Godverse and i begin to created 5 Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresent and Omnibenevolence in each Godverse and also all of their stats are over infinity after i created them and begin to tell them to protect all of The Box and such then i begin to teleport to my personal world after i teleport to my personal world and i begin to claim all of my reward.


Mission: Complete

Create multiple godverse (5/5)

Reward: Skill: Goddess Of Mandelbrotverse Form, Skill: All Realm Manipulation, Skill: Goddess Of Mega-Box Form and Skill: Goddess Of The Great Triangle Form

Claim all the reward

After i claim all the reward and i begin to check the next quest.



Create 1000000 Omniverse (0/1000000)

Reward: 100M Omniverse Essence, 100B Multiverse Essence, 1M The Box Essence, 500T  Universe Essence and 10 Godverse Essence

After i saw that quest and i begin teleport where all Omniverse at after i teleport where all Omniverse at and i begin to created 1000000 Omniverse after two hours of creating 1000000 Omniverse and i begin to create 100000 Guardian Of Omniverse and also all of their stats are infinity after i created all of them and begin to tell them protect all of Omniverse then i begin to teleport to my personal world after i teleport to my personal world and i begin to claim all of my reward after i claim all the reward and i begin to check the next quest.



Evolve Rimuru to The True Creator Slime by using all the essence (0/1)

Reward: 100T Omniverse Orbs, 500B The Box Orbs, 250M Megaverse Orbs and 100Q Multiverse Orbs

After i saw that quest and i begin to teleport in Tensura Universe after i got teleport and i begin to teleport where Rimuru at after i teleport where Rimuru at and i begin to look around to see Rimuru who is doing the paper work and at the Celestial God Slime and then i begin to said.

Elise:"Hello there Rimuru"I said.

Rimuru:"Hello Elise, what are you doing here?"He asked.

Elise:"The reason i'm here because i need you to evolve into The True Creator Slime"After i said that and i begin to open my [Inventory] to took out all of the essence and he asked.

Rimuru:"What is that?"He asked.

Elise:"This right here is Omniverse Essence, Multiverse Essence, The Box Essence, Universe Essence and Godverse Essence"After i said that and he begin to asked Ciel what is Omniverse, Multiverse, The Box, Universe and Godverse after Ciel answered the question and he begin to shocked to see me holding Essence of Omniverse, Multiverse, The Box, Universe and Godverse then i said.

Elise:"Are ready to absorb the all of this essence?"I asked.

Rimuru:"Yes i'm ready"After he said that and i begin to give him the essence and then he begin to absorb all the essence after he absorb all the essence and he begin to go in sleep mode to processing the evolve into The True Creator Slime after that and everyone that are friend to Rimuru and the Rimuru City begin to fall a sleep to evolve then i begin to put up a barrier to protect entire Rimuru City after three days and i begin to see Rimuru begin to wake up then said.

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