Chapter 24[M]

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He seems different to her yet the same, She breathed in his scent as if breathing oxygen after being suffocated, she felt her heart beating as if it was beating for the first time, she felt home, after three years, three years of torture she was f...

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He seems different to her yet the same, She breathed in his scent as if breathing oxygen after being suffocated, she felt her heart beating as if it was beating for the first time, she felt home, after three years, three years of torture she was finally back.

While he.....

He felt as if he was dreaming, like he did most nights, about her finally coming back in his arms. Every single one of his wound, his cuts that he gave to himself after not being able to find her, he felt them healing, each scar being soothed away, his heart that was bleeding each second she was away from him, he felt like someone was wrapping a bandage around it. He felt tears pooling in his eyes, Oh how thin and week her body has gotten!

He blamed himself for it, for not looking after her, for not being able to find her.

And finally they let their tears fall when they were alone, Sobbing as they grip each other, His arms crushing her while she let herself relax, enjoy his warmth.

No wonder they recognised each other even after these years, even if they didn't get to spend much time together, their love was strong, Stronger than they thought it was. Not everyone is lucky enough to find such a love like that.

A pure love in the Cruel World.

"I'm so so sorry-" Jungkook sobbed out as he pulled her closer to him on his lap. He kept chanting it like a mantra, rocking both of them back and forth like children, blaming himself for their sepration. His mask already removed by Y/n.

His chanting was silenced when a pair of dry lips landed on his mouth, swallowing his sobs and whimpers, he kissed back, softly. No, he didn't change, he was the same Jungkook, maybe he had a darker side too now but for her he was the same.

"Jungkook...I m-missed you....." again sobbing, she whimpered "So much, I felt like dying, I swear if I didn't find you tonight, I would've killed mys-" This time it was him who silenced her with a kiss, which was a little harder.

"Stop....." he whispered, they smiled at each other, leaning into each others embrace.

After staying like that for several minutes, deciding to save the 'How did this happened' talk for later, be somehow they both knew that it wasn't the time, Y/n knew he was unpredictable right now- especially after all the things she heard about his and Jungkook just wanted to love her.

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