Chapter 27

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"Y/N..." Jimin's mumble of her name was tense, before he could do anything, Taehyung was already moving from beside him.

"Y/N...!" Exclaiming he ran towards her before pulling her into a tight hug, twirling her around while Jungkook let out a huff of amusement.

"Hey Tae...!" She whispered, hugging him back, she looked up, seeing Jimin standing still and beckoned him over, asking him to join the hug, she felt giddy after a long time, it's a shame that they couldn't spend as much time together but she planned to stay and protect them at all cost this time. It was like letting a starved woman get a whiff of delicious food but not letting her have it. She caught a glimpse of happiness, a glimpse of family and now she was planning to cage it with her at all costs.

Jimin let out a sigh, deciding to let loose and live in that moment.

"I missed you..." Taehyung whispered in a low timbre near her ear, squeezing her tighter before letting go and looking at her with a toothless grin when she replied with the same.

Jungkook grasped her waist, pulling her towards him and humming.

"You all...I- You guys feel so different but familiar at the same time..." She spoke in a low tone, almost hesitantly. The guys looked at each other, while her lover tucked her closer to his large body.

"There's a lot that happened while you were...gone. It was like everything went downhill, things just gone so worse that we had no choice but to, you know- become what we are today...?"

There was a moment of heavy silence before she spoke again.

"Do you think, it was my entire fault?" She spoke with uncertainty and guilt in her voice resulting in chores of voice around her, making her wince.

"Don't say it like that-!"

"It was our Destiny!"

"We'll be fine, we have each other, no?"

Y/N chuckled, feeling loved and warm with the way they all tried to comfort her, not wanting her to feel guilty, she felt the way Jungkook whined at her words with a tiny- 'No baby~' and she realized with a bursting heart that maybe, just maybe, not everything changed.


"Hey love..." A voice spoke behind her before she felt thick, muscular arms wrapping themselves around her malnourished waist. The feeling of her thin waist causing a distaste within him, vowing to himself to take care of her till she gains her adorable tummy back.

"Hey koo...I love you" She whispered, feeling the need to tell him, she confessed causing his heart to burst with love and affection.

"I love you too baby, so much." He squeezed her against him.

They let themselves mask in the comfortable silence before she spoke again.

"What happened after I was gone?"

Jungkook hesitated, but thought it'd be better to get this over with.

"After you were kidnapped...we searched for you everywhere..."


Jungkook's pov;

My heart was beating erratically in my chest, my ears were ringing and my body was filled with adrenaline. It's my fault, I shouldn't have let her out of my sight.

I fastened my steps towards my father's office when a staff stopped me, she was looking frantic-

"Young Master! Y-Your B-brother, he is abducted!"

And just like that, my whole world came to a halt, I couldn't process anything except the thought of my Y/N and baby brother in danger.

And I realized that, maybe there really is no space for good in this world, maybe I shouldn't have been this naïve, shouldn't have lived in rainbows and unicorns, thinking that being good will bring us good.

Maybe my destiny was really this one-

To rule the underworld.


End of jungkook's pov;

Jungkook's flashback was interrupted by a knock on the door, followed by Taehyung's voice-

"Come down for dinner! Hurry!"

"Oh...Coming!" Y/N shouted from where she was sitting on the bed beside Jungkook.

"I'll tell you more later, but just know that, Taehyung has not suffered any less, Maybe you can listen to their sides of story too?"

"Hm, I-I'll do that"

He fondly smiled at her, pressing a long kiss on her forhead.

Now that they were together, there was only one thing that was left.





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