Chapter 6

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"We're here" I said after turning the engine off

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"We're here" I said after turning the engine off. I got out of the car and walked towards the passenger seat, opening the door for Y/n like a gentleman. I internally tapped my back for for being a presentable man. I took y/n's hand in mine to walk  inside the building. My body instantly shivered when my large and warm hand met her small but cold once,her hands were so cold, if just holding hands with her could do so much to me then I wonder what it will cause when I'll have all of her in my arms? When we entered the building my hyungs told me to go, I realized it's not anything special but my insides instantly felt all warm when I saw the sparkles in Y/N's eyes,her lips parted slightly.

Y/N's pov

"Wow...." I mumbled as I stared at all the fishes, turtles, sea horses and other aquatic animals floating insides the large aquarium. The blue light from the large glass was reflecting on the floor and people's face. I never imagined him to bring me here. It was magnificent. Although there were many people in there but..... I felt as if I was in my own world. I turned my head towards Jungkook, I'm pretty sure my expressions were clear to him.

"It's beautiful

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"It's beautiful......" There was big grin in his face as I didn't even realized that my hand was still in his. His hands were warm, I don't wanna leave his hands. He was so different from the first time I met him, I always thought he was an arrogant and cocky  type of person, guess..... You proved me wrong Mr. Jeon, but now that you're intriguing me more than my liking, I hope you are careful with what you are trying to do. I want to know more about you.... I hope that won't go bad.

"Come on, look at those sea horses, they're soooo tiny~" I knowingly smiled at his childishness, he's adorable

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"Come on, look at those sea horses, they're soooo tiny~" I knowingly smiled at his childishness, he's adorable.
"You are cute" I blurted out but this time unknowingly, Shit Shit Shit, he turned to me and my own eyes widen when I saw his big eyes, parted lips and pink cheeks.

"C-can you say that a-again?" God he looked like an adorable child like that, how I thought he would remark something cocky. I don't wanna break his heart which caused me to burst out a chuckle.

"I said you are cute!" My heart skipped a beat when his lips turned into a shy grin, his little wrinkles visible at the side of his eyes with one dimple, I want to look at him more closely, I want to stare at all his imperfections and perfections. "T-thank you, I guess..." God! I want to squish him in my arms and peck him all over........ OK....... What is wrong with you gurl. Just few days ago you were thinking of him as your arrogant professor. What! Happen! Now! Well......,fuck it.... He's cute and no body can change that. And now I wanna know how sexy he would look when-..... Okay that's it,Y/n, that's it. Gotta bath with holy water when I go home because of this man.

Author's pov
__Half an hour later__

They continued looking at all the sea animals after their little moment. While Y/n was unaware of the pictures which Jungkook took of her when she was not looking. Jungkook was more than happy to spend time with her. But his greediness always comes time to time which he couldn't understand the reason of. All he knew was that he wanted more, more of her attention, more of her touch, more of her smile. He couldn't help but glare at every single man who passed by them, only he knew how he was resisting the urge of shoving her to the wall and kissing her breathless in front of everyone, to show them who she belongs to.

Jungkook's phone starts ringing,
When he was about to ask Y/n for what she wanted to eat. He took out his phone, Jimin's name was set as 'Short pepper'  which appeared on the screen in bold letters.

He rolled his eyes before answering the call, his hand never leaving Y/N's, it was as if he was liking the coldness of her hands while even Y/N never tried to pull away as if seeking his warmth.

"Hello hyung, I'm busy right no--"

"Jungkook!! Get out of there this instant!" Jungkook was cut off by Jimin's panicked voice making him frown his eyebrows. Y/n was observing his features carefully as she was close enough to hear 'Get out', she knew something was wrong so she just bit her lips and kept quite.

"Jimin.... Be clear of what is going on" Jungkook commanded, his face not even near the word cute.

"They are after you and Y/N! I think they've followed you guys!
No time for further explanation, just be quick!"

"Fucking hell!" Jungkook mumbled, keeping his phone back in his pocket before pulling Y/n out of the building, passing through people and ran towards his car


Early warning,

*Cough cough*
Don't know when things will get heated, be ready. *Cough cough*



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