Chapter 4

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Y/n's pov

I'm laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking, today I didn't step a foot outside my apartment, watching movies all day to distract myself from last night's thoughts, that I didn't realise it was evening already

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I'm laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking, today I didn't step a foot outside my apartment, watching movies all day to distract myself from last night's thoughts, that I didn't realise it was evening already. Sometimes I think it's good to have no friends, as I'm not used to share my feelings with anyone.... I don't know what to feel, nervousness, excitement, and so much more at the same time..... Yesterday, I said yes to Mr. Jeon. Although I tried my best not to look bothered in front of him, my insides were panicking hard.
Knowing somebody knows my filthy way of earning money, I don't want to look like a slut, I know it's not the best way, but It's the best option.I felt disgusted when I first worked there and I still am, it's been a month. I can't let anybody else know about my job.Children usually bullied me when I was in the Orphanage because of my green eyes, I was actually very surprised when he recognised me yesterday as if he had memorized every bit of my face,and too add on to my surprises he asked me out on a date.

I don't trust him, not even a bit... He's.... Very mysterious.... I like mysterious things but he's on another level..... I have so many questions in my head that I feel like my head could burst anytime. Why was he there at the club yesterday? Why did he   ask me out, knowing he's my professor and I'm his students? Why was he behaving this way with me? No answer.

I'm glad its weekend.....I took a deep breath and got out of my bed to take some pills for my migraine which is coming back due to all my thoughts. And yeah, tomorrow is the date, I don't know why the heck did he go from all angry man to a shy boy? But seriously he looked adorable with long hair and blushed cheeks. I find myself smiling remembering his face. But I can't understand why was he so angry in the first place. I sat on the small dining table's chair and banged my head on the table when I remember what I did yesterday... How could I do that with my professor? I'm probably looking like a tomato now.

"Ughhh! Here I'm again, thinking about him" I mumbled to myself before popping a pill in my mouth and gulping it down with some water. My 'job' is mostly on Wednesdays and Fridays. So that means tomorrow is Sunday. I, once again made my may towards my bedroom and then bathroom to freshen up. Standing infront of the mirror looking at my green eyes, which I dislike too much. I sigh and made my way towards the bed after applying my moisturizer and other night care.

I just wish after the date I won't have anything to do with Mr. Jeon and we'll go back to the Professor and a loner student thingy....but  I'm having a very weird feeling about tomorrow... Like something big is gonna happen.

"Meh! Whatever... I have watched way too many dramatic movies today.... Just go to sleep Y/n, your life will always be the same"


"Wow... I can't believe it... "
Jungkook mumbled to himself, standing under the shower as cold water splayed down his naked body. He ran his hands through his face. Everything was going too fast for him, he can't believe he asked y/n out and she said yes. He felt unfamiliar feelings growing inside him, especially after their yesterday's Encounter,but a large part of him was feeling angry. Thinking about those filthy comments he heard yesterday he felt the need to cage her forever so that she won't show herself like that ever again. But then the fuel gets added to the fire when he realized that she wasn't his. He realized that just a little date won't make her his,and after all these things going this fast, he can't wait to have her In his arms all for himself. He felt the need to have more,and he's getting a feeling that after their little date, he'll become more greedy. For her.


is mind suddenly diverted to the time she gave him a lap dance in front of everyone, the time their breath mixed together at the close proximity. He felt himself growing hot, hard, moving his hand to his lower abdomen, he exhaled a shaky breath,and then inhaled sharply when his hand made contact with his semi-hard member. He licked his lips as he threw his head back, leaning his back against the wall, his mind imagining those green eyes. Soft moans and whimpers escaping as he pumped it harshly, chest heaving as he let his imagination run wild. He let his hand work faster while imagining about her, feeling himself reaching close, his moans turning loud, as he came after a few more minutes, he took Deep breath to calm himself. He looked down, breath hitching as he stared at the mess he made. White semens flowing down freely, he felt dirty,just then there was a knock on the door, followed by a male's voice, startling him.

"Kook! Jin hyung his calling for dinner! Why the hell are you taking this long?!" Jimin yelled as Jungkook cursed him for ruining the moment. He took a deep breath before turning  of the shower and rapping his lower half with a black towel.

Jimin whistled as he made his way towards the door,but stopped when the bathroom door opened and Jungkook came out. Jimin looked over his shoulder.

"Were you just trying to do something dirty?" He wiggled his brows but quickly closed the door when a pillow was thrown at his face followed by a sexually frustrated man's voice cursing, "Fuck you!"


The seven boys were sitting on a large dining table. Talking and laughing about stuff, complimenting their eldest cooking.

"So.....Jungkook have you thought about your father's order cause I don't think he's gonna stop until you do what he says" Namjoon said after taking a chewing a spoon full of rise.

The atmosphere was suddenly changed as the youngest jaw clenched, his grip tightening o  the spoon.

"I don't wanna take over his stupid business but I have to do it for jiwoon, my younger brother did nothing wrong to face the consequences, and after jaehyung's death, my so-called dad is after me now" Jungkook said making everyone around the table silent, knowing the youngest's temper issues nobody dared to say a word until J-hope decided to break the silence making Jungkook's heart race with the question.

"What about that girl Jungkook, we've heard that  you've finally asked her out?"

"Yeah! That was fast kookie" Jimin smirked.

"That girl from last night right? Welp I'm surprised" Jin added. While the table once again turn to chaos, discussing about how Jungkook took a job at her University just to see Y/n and how she was able to take their kookie's heart with a single Encounter.

"Yahh! Calm down!!"  The eldest shouted when he noticed the  maknae's glare.

"You guys done?" The maknae asked and then took a deep breath,"I've asked her out but... I don't know where I'll take her... And the date is tomorrow...... "  He trailed of... Making the boys look at each other.

"You have her address?"  Suga enquired to which Jungkook nodded.

" Her name is Y/n, right?" He again nodded to Namjoon's question.

"We'll help you!" The six boys said in Union, unaware of the coming drama in their life.


The drama is gonna start from next chapter 😏

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