Chapter 1

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WARNINGS, i'm not going to repeat them all, but it's mainly the start that the warnings are necassary for anyway.

child abuse
Verbal abuse
mental abuse.
Mental manipulation
sexual abuse

don't hurt your mind by disregarding these warnings.......i don't want that for you or myself.

this is also a BxB story, boy on boy. close minded people to vanilla books please, you know where the door is please. you know where Wattpad home is.

and to you fekin fabadabadoza people......Hello.

I'll let you read now.

"see, if you'd just be a good boy you wouldn't be in this state." 

my head is being tilted up by his index and thumb on my chin while blood spills down the sides of my face, from my nose, brow, lips. i don't remember anything original about myself...just the cuts, the scars, the bruises. my wrists are chained to the wall, forcing me to cope with this pain or just...give up. 

"your so pretty when bleeding." he hums softly as he slips the knife from my collar bone to my chin, replacing his thumb and finger for the sharp point, cut deep enough to bleed, but not deep enough to kill. i'd know. it still hurts.

my legs are bent with my back side resting on my heels, just to give that extra torture when i finally stand up to be let out of punishment. my ribs are in pain, my gut, my head. but he's the only one who will love me. no body would want a broken boy with comitment issues, who's without family or friends. who's unbelivebly lonely apart from the sadistic man he believed loved him. tricked into loving him.  

"are you done with the attitude, petal?" he asks sweetly as if he's talking to a child...well, i am only seventeen. "hunny?" he asks. i take in a breath to help me speak.

"-y-yes-s mas-st-t-ter-r-" my teeth chatter from the undying coldness i constantly feel, physically and mentally. 

"i don't know, you don't sound so purswasive." he thinks before his foot swings round to my shoulder, knocking me to the side with force, but instead of falling i am jolted back by the chains, adding more tention and therefore more pain. "i've got company for the next two months-" he begins, then crouches in front of me, "so you can't be here i'm afraid, sweet cheeks." he pouts and relief runs over one half, the realistic half, the half that know's he's not good, toxic, evil...manipulative...the other half is in pain screaming....don't leave. "but now i have to work out where to put you for two months-" he groans, then glares, inducing fear in my gut, "this is your fault! why do you have to be such an annoying brat? why can't you just disapear?" he shouts and slaps my swollen face, "you can manipulate earth and trees and rocks but you can't fucking do anything about your own existance!" he snaps and knees me right in the nose, pain shattering through me as blood poors faster, my head going light, "you don't deserve anywhere nice, so, we'll send you to the school for freaks." he smiles and fear shocks me to the core.....that place is a new place. the only reason i didn't want to go is because master is the only person who loves me and i have to stay with him. he's the only one i can trust. he knows me. he's the only one who knows me. without him i'm completely and utterly alone....i don't like being alone. it scares me. 

master scares me too.....

but he loves me so it's okay. 

"i've already gotten your place sorted out-" i tear up, to which he slaps the tears off of my face, "you will go there and be a good student, your teachers know the rules you have to abide by and when i pick you up i'm to collect the points you've gotten and i'll see what punishment to give you for being a bad boy-" he explains softly, "Like Today!" he growls this part, leaning forwards in my face and growling, my neck stretches painfully as he pins my head further then it's actually able to before grabbing my throat tightly, strangling me, "and when your really bad-" he whispers, tightening his grip, my face already red from lack of oxygen as pain grows through my spine and head, making my dizziness increase, "i'll make you so humiliated, i'll beat you to a pulp, almost dead and i'll hang you in the middle of the most popular place of the school and you'll stay there until someone grows the guts to get you down from the impossible place!" he hisses in my ears. i shut my eyes, my vision going blurry and nearly black, "yes, it's better if you sleep through this next might be a bit painful because of your wounds Sugar cups." he kisses my bloody cheek before licking it up, making me internally grimice. 

first i thought it was funny he'd lick my cuts, seems as he was smiling and playing too...but then he got agressive and my laughter slowly died. it started off slow and worked up to a more often thing until i was under such a tight scedual i had no time for nothing but what he asks. 

i didn't realise i actually did pass out until i woke up screaming as what feels like a brick is being thrusted up my ass. his hands gripping my hips so tight his nails are cutting through my skin. thrusting into me way to hard as my arms are up this time. holding my top half off of the ground with my arms behind my back, restraining my breathing. with the power of the thrusts i realise what actually snapped me awake was both of my arms dislocating at once as he continues to thrust while my body dangles from what feels like just muscle and skin. pulling them. "oh- i love when you scream, baby-" he groans, pressing his palm to my uper back, aplying weight to my shoulders painfully which only causes more pain and for me to scream louder before blacking out again. 

"hunny bear?" i hear being called as something taps the side of my painfully sensetive face, "cuddles?" his manipulative, innocent, calm, sweet voice begins to wake me up, knowing it's all a show...the kindness to make me feel like i can trust him, "wake up, we've got to go to your new, temporary home." i look up to him with blurry swollen eyes, he has a smile on his face...seeming far more excited then me. he is. "get a shower, get dressed, you've got five minutes, i'll be waiting in the car!" he says, jumps then leaves the room. 

i take a breath before sitting up, my whole body suffocatingly painful. but i get up anyway and force myself to walk to the cold, rusty and dirty shower in the's where punishment is. i turn it on and quickly run my hands over my body, pushing off as much as i can. my arms have been put back into place, but they hurt a lot still. obviously. i wear a thick metal band around my wrists, you know the cuff parts of the chain your tied to the wall by? the chains are clipped onto loops that are on the cuffs that were melted onto my wrists. the only way of getting them off would be rather to cut my hands off, melt them or get a saw or something that can cut metal. it would be impossible not to cut my wrists when you do. but i am certain the skin under the metal bands are white...just one big, continuous scar. i also have some around my ankles too. it restricts me to what i can wear.....master doesn't want me to look the scruff i am. because he'll be seen with me, he doesn't want to look scruffy and get a bad reputation because of me. 

i get out of the shower and dry myself with the disgusting rag that adds more dirt then collects. when i'm dry i pull clothes on before rushing out, up the back stairs and to the car. he's waiting, leaned against the door looking at his watch... i'm always late, "Late." he says firmly before stepping up to me, big, long strides before throwing his fist through my face. i would have thrown backwards if it wasn't for him grabbing the wrist that flailed and dragging me to the car before throwing me into it wrecklessly. "if you'd just fucking behave!" he growls before stepping on the gass, his seat belt on...but i'm not allowed to use a seat belt. if we crash, it's my fault so i have to get hurt and that's part of my punishment. so i sit, looking down at my lap, my eye sight still very blury, i can see shapes and colours, but details no. words...they have to be close for me to read. the constant beatings my eyes have to take prevent me from having good vision. especially when their not allowed chance to heal. i'm sure when they do heal i'll get my sight back.  

we'er driving for a really long time. but i mustn't fall to sleep. that would add many points and i've already got five for being late when i only had five minutes. like, if i'm late when i only had ten minutes i'd get ten points. that's a lot of bruises. but at the end of the week i get a review and if my points are above fifty...i'm sent to punishment. 

"we'er her, sugar cakes." he says joyfully as the car comes to a sudden jolting stop, throwing me forwards as he laughs. i look up to see what looks like a city...but less buildings. their tall. really tall. but theirs only about seven, all different colours. makes it easier for me to see them, "welcome to your new home, baby boy!" he cheers as i open the door, "let me out." he says firmly and i do, i open his door. he stands up and slaps me, glaring at me, "let's go." he sighs and i trail on after him with my head down slightly. 

it hurts....but he loves me. he told me he loved me and i can trust him.

hope you enjoyed the first chapter.....again, the warnings are more surrounding the start. this is a Prologue, showing his life before it develops.

well, toodle doo.

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