Chapter 10

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we stand by the entrance, mother and father getting ready to leave. i got a meter away from mummy and i cuddled him close, hugging his chest. "alright, pup, we gotta go." he says, placing me with Wrath for me to hug him instead. i pout, but get cuddles from him instead...he just stands there...but it's okay. 

"by mummy, bye daddy." i say to them and they wave before leaving, my Aunt stands there, she opens her mouth but i snarl at her before hissing to which she grumbles before walking out. when they leave i let out a breath before taking it in. i have to stay strong. my tail itches terrebly and my back hurts bad, so does my ears, my ears itch, my head itches. everything itches. why does everything itch. 

"alright, let's get you upstairs for a bath yeah?" July asks, looking down to me. i hum and nod. "you okay?" he asks and i nod, but twitch when the back of my ear really starts to itch, "you don't seem okay." he raises his brow and my lip trembles.

"my tail itches, my head itches and so does my ears, my back hurts and...and i have a headache." i whimper, burrying my face into Wrath who freezes.

"oh god, he's not got fleas has he?!" He asks with so much frustration in his voice. but then i am picked up, while i am preasure is put on my back making me let out a high pitch whimper, i tear up, but he lays me comfortably on his shoulder, a hand on my back and my bum before walking fast through the halls. 

i'm in so much trouble.

"Ow-" i cry as he continues to pull through my tail with something sharp.

"Careful Wrath-"

"No, i'm getting them out now!" he snaps again at July while i stand with my head on the shower tiles, my skin growing cold from the tile but my tail stings, it's skin raw however everytime he comes to the base a jolt is sent through me, only to disapear when my fur is pulled. 

he suddenly lifts my tail hight to get underneath, making me choke out a cry of pain as i go on my tipy toes and arch to the wall, trying to stop it, but then the comb catches my ass making me squeak and put my hands to hide my bum, only for me to slip and fall, i scream but i am caught, "WRATH!" July shouts while i cry at my tail, "Thats enough!" he snaps, sitting me down. i hold onto my heavy tail as i cry, snotty nosed  and all. 

"fine, i'll move onto his ears." he grumbles before pulling me close, ignoreing the whimper and sob of dread that comes but when he puts the comb through i shiver as the itchiness is soothed a lot. i sniffle and wipe my nose as i begin to move my head as if to tell him where to go next, "Stop moving." he says firmly and grabs my head, putting it straight. i hold it there and let him do his job, but when he gets to my ears they tickle, meaning they twitch and flick away from him that earns a growl. 

"i-i can't help it." i shudder at the feeling, almost as good as being stroked behind the ear. he's deffinatly forgiven for hurting my tail. i find myself puring, which seems to cause him to slow down much to my glee. feeling my skin get massarged so nicely and my tail protected by warm water. my head drops, almost to sleep but i snap back up again.

"alright, that's it, get out, my turn!" he says firmly and starts to strip without a care in the world.

"come on-" July says but my eyes widen as they see the defined muscles and structure of his body, he drops his pants and i don't even let out a sound as i hide behind the bath wall, peeking over as i stare over his tight ass, he turns around and my eye balls pop out of there sockets as i see his cock.

"Rain!" He warns with frustration...but i feel too hot to move. "Rain." he says a bit more carefully as i lick my lips. my tail bushing as i move onto my feet and get ready to pounce on him, "what is he-" i growl possessivly and jump across the room to him, only to be caught mid air.

"No-" i wine and claw to try and get to him, Wrath just moves back as July pulls me away, "NO, Wrath, please-no, your so pretty, i just wanna look, i promise, i'll just look!" i whimper, beginning to cry as the further away i get the hotter i feel, the more wrestless, the angrier. the door shuts and the cramps hit. i groan out in pain as July has no choice but to put me down as i grip my stomach, "aahuuuh, help-" i groan deeply, "Wrath!" i beg, "I need you!" i reach for the door before putting preassure back on my stomach, "Please, Master Wrath, i want you!" i beg through the door as i lay on my side. but he seems to ignore me as i hear the shower turn on.

"Rain-" i hiss at him, snapping my jaws as he tries to comfort.

"WRATH!" i beg as i roll.

"your....your in heat-" he whispers as my hands push down to my privates without me telling them to, but i grab onto my cock with one hand while the other grabs my ass.

"what's going on?" i whimper, "i'm scared." i groan out truthfully as my mind doesn't listen, "WRath-" i drop to sleep just like that.

when i wake up i'm submurdged in water. freezing cold water. my tail has sucked it all up, my hair is flat to my head and theres little cold chunks in the water.... but i'm still so unbelivebly warm and i don't like it. my ass feels wet and irritated while my cock is hard and hurting. i roll onto my side, moving my hand down to grab it before i start pulling on it. i let out a pleasurable breath as the sensetivity of the pull pulses through me. my hand speeding up which only makes my body shift, rolling onto the other side as i speed up, my breething deepening as i let out a slight moan, i keep pulling on my hard cock, my climax building and before i can take in a breath it shudders through my body as i jerk into my hand, my head half underwater as i slowly come down from my high. 

i move onto my back, trying to get comfy as the heat that was once gone rises again. i begin to cry, i just got it to go away and it just came back, "Rainbow?" i hear someone's soft voice ask as the water get's even colder, "Rain, you've got your heat, do you know what that is?" confusion seeps into my brain as i hear him.

"no, not till another two weeks!" i whimper, "I want Master Wrath!" i cry, curling up in a ball as my stomach cramps badly, i let out a cry of pain, my head turning so it's fully underwater as i try to get the cramps to stop, Master was so good at helping me with my heats until he realise punishments felt good, very good. 

"i'm sorry, Rain, you can't have....Master Wrath, he might hurt you while your in heat, we don't want that." he says softly when i feel his hand move close to me. a territorial feeling washes through me, one that says no to anyone touching them. my head snaps to the side and i latch onto Hail's hand HARD,"Let go." he says softly, "Rain?" he begins to tear up, "RAIN,LET GO!" he snaps, but i just snarl around his hand before he pushes his hand into my mouth, pain overwhelms my jaws and gums as i feel my teeth break, i let go and begin to cry at all the ache's and pains i'm feeling. his hand is dripping blood now.

"I'm sorry-" i cry, my hand inches from my mouth that's now bleeding, "i'm so sorry." i cry and sob, but ice covers over his wound as he looks up to me.

"it's okay, look, i'm heald, it's all better." he shows me his hand, keeping at a distance. but i sniffle, feeling my gumbs swollen and bleeding. i move my tongue and spit out something hard, looking to my hand to see one of my canines and two other teeth, "oh, i'm so sorry." he gasps before rushing out the door. the water turns a red tint as my mouth continues to bleed from the ripped gums, the ache is intense and making me really sleepy. 

the door opens and i look up to the two people coming into the room, "my head hurts." i mumble feeling myself get really dizy with tiredness. a really warm hand grabs me before even warmer arms close me into their chest. i find myself puring at the warmth of these arms.

"MINE!" i shudder at the possessive and strong voice before i am suddenly picked up and carried away.

"Wait, no, you can't, Wrath, PUT HIM DOWN!" but he doesn't in fact i am pinned onto the bed and burried. burried by that warm, heavy thing. called Master Wrath.

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