Chapter 24

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i slowly wake up, still being craddled in mum and dads arm, "afternoon." he smiles, i smile up at him before hugging him tightly. i always wished to be able to wake up to my mum and dad right here.

"your still here." i whisper making him chuckle. i pull away and catch his ears making him chuckle. thats when a little red flower blooms between us while dangling from above us. i giggle, "morning." i say and look to daddy, he smiles, brushing his hand over the side of my face.

"afternoon." he hums before kissing my ear. i look to mummy and he leans down, touching forehead and nose. i giggle while looking into his eyes. 

"you have very pretty eyes, mummy." i say with a smile.

"so do you." he laughs. "your pretty, from your toes, to your sweet button nose." i giggle.

"that rhymed." i say, "i love you from the point of your ears to the tip of your tail." i say, wiggling his ears around.

"well i love you to the moon and back." he smiles, poking my nose.

"that's a long way." i say before hugging him tightly.

"don't i get attention?" i look up to daddy. i shake my head no making him pout before i launch myself at him, tackling him to the ground. he laughs at me before pinching my tummy, tickling me before it aches again.

"Daddy?" i ask and he hums, "what's puberty?" i ask and he stops. mummy bursts out laughing, kicking his legs and everything at daddy's reaction. he stares down at me.

"it's-well, your body maturing, growing up, becoming an adult, when you'll grow tall, become terrebly hormonal, gain muscle and other things you'll learn on the way." he nods, mummy sits up.

"why'd you ask this baby?" he asks. i sit comfortably in daddy's lap which his legs are criss cross. 

"well, my tummy was hurting very badly, so Halie took me to the doctor and they said it was my body changing, after i asked Halie what they ment and she said may be it's puberty? she also said it's kinda late but didn't know what else it could be." i explain to them hearing the door to the room open. Wrath walks in and drops tiredly onto the sofa. what's wrong with Master Wrath? i get up and toddle over to him, crawling onto his lap and looking to him, "Master Wrath?" i question. he tilts his head and looks at me as if trying to figure something out. 

"I need to talk to your mummy and daddy, okay? could you possibly go find the babby? may be he's awake and wants to play?" i smile and hug him. 

"Okay, Master Wrath, i love you, bunches and bunches." i say making him smile warmly before kissing my lips. i get up and walk out of the doors before deciding which way to go to find baby. may be their all in the livingroom-

"Hello." i turn around to see a man. he's taller then me like everyone is. "are you lost?" he asks and i look back to the door.

"I'm looking for the new baby." i say to him making him smile. i recognise him from somewhere.

"i'll help you." he smiles, holding his hand out to me. i smile and take his hand.

"okay." he begins to walk and i can't shake the feeling that the further and further away i get from Wrath, the more danger i'm possibly in, "um, may be i should go back, Master Wrath might-Huh!" i gasp when he suddenly throws me through a door. i scream when i begin to fall down a flight of stairs before hitting the back of my head on a really hard floor. 

"sweet dreams." 

Wrath's POV

"Where the fuck is he?!" i growl at them.

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