Chapter 29

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i walk into July's office and sit on the bed waiting for him. he's not in here. so hopfully he's not going to be too long because i want to get home and teach a lesson or two to Master-----i'm sorry, WRATH. "Oh-Rain,you made me jump." and this makes me blush. 

"i'm sorry, but, i just wanted you to take a look at my baby, Master Wrath doesn't believe me when i tell him it's growing at a beautiful rate, he says it's just necesary weight gain." i explain to him. worry crosses over his face so he comes over.

"alright, let's take a look." he says slowly. i lift up my shirt. i take a breath and let it out as he looks at the roundness of my stomach, "Rain, you look like your knocking up five months, not two an a Half!" he says in shock, almost alarm. 

"thank you-"

"No, Rain, this can be so dangerou-" his breathing stops. i turn and look at the messy screen. "Rain-" he whispers almost as if i just died. ... ... ... 

my eyes widen, "Oh, no, not my baby-" i would of burst into tears if July didn't cut me off.

"babies, Rain, it's like Wrath's spirm just wanted....more-" he squeaks the more out. 

"why, is there something wrong with more then one?" i ask him, i think the more babies, the happier i'm going to be. i'd love more adorable babies. their cute likkle noses and their tiny tiny toes. their beautiful bright eyes. 

"not this many, Rain, if you continue this pregnancy you'll be put at a very high risk!" he says worriedly, "Don't move from that bed, Rain!" he points at me, "good boy for coming here and telling me about this." he says before rushing out the door.......

that was interesting. i look down to my tummy and trail my hand over my bump. a pretty bump. my babies are in there and i love them so much. 

"Rain-" i look up to see Wrath, but i don't want to talk to him. he look away with a sad look.

"look-" July says and pokes the screen. i glance to Wrath and he's pale. 

"Nope, no-no-no and another fucking no, i'm NOT HAVING FOUR KIDS!" i gasp at that. sitting up and looking. 

"FOUR?!" I squeal. they all look to me, "Awe, babies-" i curl up hugging my tummy, "i love you all, your so amazingly perfect, i can't wait to meet you." my heart is going to burst. 

"No, Rain, Fours bad, yeah, lucky, but bad. bad for you, it doesn't take a genious to know that your body is not big enough, strong enough or capable enough to cary four of MY children, another Neko's, sure, may be, your body would have time and space to adjust-" he's pacing back and forth, thinking out loud. it's getting so bad that he's broke out of his human form and is now very beautiful in his natural devil form, "BUT NOT MINE, those children will be growing fast, faster then your body is willing to take them, they will run over your body and destroy the fucking thing, your not MADE for this, one baby was good, two would of been annoying, three would be stepping it, but FOUR, NO-"

"Wrath, calm down-"

"NO I AM NOT LOOSING MY MATE-" he roars, the whole building coming to a silent stop. i sit there, staring at him. he stumbles back before droping to the ground and curling up. his breathing speeding up as he hugs his hands to his chest. 


"Master Wrath-" i whimper, getting up. i go over when the floor around him begins to burn, black and red. "Master Wrath!" i begin to cry. i run to him but then July grabs me and holds me tight. 

"No, Rain, let him go through this-" he gasps in pain when i bite into his arm. 

"My Mater Wrath needs me!" i snarl at him before jumping at him. i wrap my arms tightly around him and hug him as close as i can. his shoulders begin to shake and then i hear a sound i never thought i'd hear before. "Master-" i whisper as he begins to break out into sobs. "oh no, Master Wrath-" i whimper before crying. if he's crying, theres obviously something TO cry about, "what do i do?" i whimper and pull on him to try and get acces to the rest of him, but he wont. i snarl at it and grab a vine before i tie him down. i curl up to him before wrapping his arms around me warmly and then wrapping us up into a secure cacoon of vines. i then hug him tighter as he wraps me in a suffocating grip. 

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