Chapter 32

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i'm killing some pervert today and i'm so fucking excited. i'm gonna do exactly whats been planned for our little master guy and it's going to be BLISS. "Brother, FOCUS!" my sister snarls making me growl. so i do. i focus entirely on Rain. my baby boy, and where he is. i know where he fucking is. i feel him. he's somewhere north-west. so we're going north-fucking-west.

my phone begins to buz making me pick it up, hopfully it's something useful. i look down, "hel-Rain!" i stare in absoluse rage when i see him strapped to a table, completely naked. his stomach is fucking huge. bigger then it should be, but we know this pregnancy is going quick and with it being four, i'm not surprised it's so big right now. he looks like he's already ready to pop. he probably is. it's been about five months. i only took five months, but Rain is Neko, so we don't know. but July said that they still need quite a bit of growing.

right, back to Rain. i snarl at the image on the phone. his stomach is already turning a dark blue with bruises. his hands-oh god, they look completely aweful, so with his feet. "I'm gonna fucking kill you." i growl low, threatening him when Rain begins to scream loud. so fucking loud. i stare wide eyed. my flying coming to a stop when i see first hand the iron being melted around his wrist. the bastard doing it himself. theirs a boy holding Rain's head. he looks pretty beaten up and what looks to be a shock collar around his neck. now and again you can see him twitch when the shock comes on. someone else is there. but i don't know who.

"Wrath, keep moving-" i go to kneep flying when the screen shocks white.

"Rain?" i shout, my eyes frantically looking for him. but when it clears that bastard is hanging from cuffs from the ceiling, Rain is being sorted out and the other boy is laid down.

"move y' ass an' get darn here!" Mike snarls, July also there, seeming to be removing the metal, he hisses and throws it to the floor before quickly wrapping him. i simply drop my phone and throw myself through space and time. i stop when i'm now in the room, July has a tracker. every member of staff has a tracker. and i can easuly track them. i snarl so agressivly when i reach the guy.

"Get me down-"

"i'm gonna have so much fun." i whisper, my head right next to his. chest to chest and yes......he IS uncomfortable. "and your going to Love it, but just remember-" i smirk, "i'm gonna love it ten times more." i laugh and grip onto his jaw. he refuses to open his mouth, but i dig my nails into his cheeks. he cries out in pain when my nails pierce through him and into his mouth. he continues to cry when i rip my nails through his lips, his jaw filled with blood. "tsk, you should learn that fighting with me and refusing to co-oporate will just lead to more suffering." i hum before grabbing his tongue and ripping it out. he begins to gurgle up blood but i tie his tongue around his neck, my hands now full of blood.

"Wrath!" July calls, i turn around to find Rain bleeding....he's-------he's bleeding, "We need to LEAVE!" he snaps at me. i snap my head back to this bastard before ripping his head from his shoulders. i'll just have to continue my fantasies at the kingdom. mr Master will be on his way up the stairs of heaven right now....but surprise, surprise, our precious little angels upstairs know about him and are going to keep him up there, making sure he feels comfortable and as if he's got life after death, then, i'm going to give him a visit and it's going to be fun to see his reaction.

i pick him up and give him a kiss. quickly getting him out of here and safely to my kingdom. this is work in need of a farie. MY farie. luckily, Rain is passed out so he won't suffer at all from the suffocation. that is until i hear him whimper.

"mstr wth-" i pull him up and connect our mouths togeth to give him my oxygen. i don't need it as much as him.

we get there in just under a minute. i look down to see the guards rushing up to stop me, but i throw them out of the way. diving right for the main doors. unfortunatly for my parents, theirs a gathering. but do i care? ....Not one fucking bit. "WRATH!" my father shouts but i snarl in return and fly through to the infermery. i lay him on a bed, grab the nearest farie and push....him face to face with Rain.

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