Chapter 28

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i stand to the side as July checks him over. "it just seems to be a bit of bruising, drink pleanty of water, also, don't be eating too much fruit, they have chemicals in them that are good, but too much can be bad, your tummy ache is because your eating too much of it, it's going to give you bad poos." he explains to Rain who nods, looking more depressed then ever. "whats wrong, pettle?" he says, sitting on the side. Rains eyes well with tears.
"i'm afraid i've been a very bad boy to Master Wrath, it's just been a long time since i was punished like that, i'm just sad it got to the point where Master Wrath had to give me a punishment like that." he tries to say without a fault. but it's clear that this insident has been used as punishment before and progress has just died. it's fucking DIED. 
"Rain-" July says softly, "is this what you think happened?" he asks, rubbing Rain's leg. he nods, "Rain, that was an accident, bringing you serious harm and endangering your life is not a punishment, it was an accident, a punishment is purposful, intensional, do you really think Master Wrath would put his baby boy in so much danger over one punishment?" he asks Rain and i agree with his tacticks. 
Rain's lip trembles and he looks up to July, "I don't know-" he whimpers. 
"well has Master Wrath ever done it before?" he asks and Rain once again begins to cry. 
"no." he whimpers. 
"so why would he do so now?" July asks, leaning down to get eye contact with Rain who's refusing to. he sniffles and begins to sob. 
"because i was such a bad boy, i shouted at him, called him names, refused him, i disbehaved in lessons, ignored his orders and i was so rude to him and everyone, i even upset my friends, i understand what i did wrong and that the punishment was suitable to my behaviour." he shakily says. 
"no, Rain, your not thinking about your health!" he says firmly, "Do you know what this it?!" July puts the wand to his tummy, seeing the very small dot. 
"it-" he gasps and looks, "oh my-oh No, i-NO, My baby!" he bursts out into big ass tears, crying hard over the realisation, "I KILLED MY BABY-"
"NO, NO RAIN NO!" July grabs him and restrains him from where he's going crazy, but Rain just screams and cries. i go over and pin him down. 
"It's not dead, but you will fucking kill it if you continue with THIS!" I shout at him. he gasps and stares up. 
"not?" he whimpers.
"NOT DEAD, i will never let my child die, this was not a punishment, i would NEVER put YOU OR MY BABY in any sort of Danger, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" I shout at him.
"Wrath-" July grabs my arms, but i snarl and push him back.
"DO-" he stares up at me frozen. i sigh and take a breath, "Rain, i love you too much to hurt you, ever." i say softly and his eyes widen, "i love you more then anything, more then anyone can love someone." i say so softly to him. he gulps. "do you want me to tell you what your punishment was going to be?" i ask him. he blinks before nodding, "i put some green grapes in the basket." i smirk, "i was going to eat the red grapes while you ate the green grapes, you weren't going to be allowed any other fruit until the green grapes were gone." i explain and he gulps.
"that sounds terrible." he whispers.
"but it wouldn't, in any way shape or form, put you in any danger to your health or well being." i explain to him. he thinks before it sinks it. 
"i understand now." he whispers. 
"now, Rain, if someone ever tries to punish you in a way that puts you in danger, you come to me, you can only, and i mean ONLY recieve punishment from ME, your parents, July or Heal, they are the only people i trust enough to punish you properly and that doesn't mean thoroughly, it means Properly." i say firmly, "repeat that for me, baby." i whisper softly. 
"i'm only allowed to recieve punishments from you, my parents, July, or Hael." he repeats back to me. 
"and do you understand when i say you will never recieve punishments that will effect the health of you, the baby?" i ask and he nods, "repeat it, please." i say. 
"i will never recieve punishments that will effect the Health of me or my baby." he says back to me.
"so, July's going to ask you again-" i step back and give him space. i stare hard at July. he gulps and nods. 
"was the car accident and the choking really a punishment?" he asks Rain. he sniffles and looks to July. 
"no." he whimpers, looking to me, "can-can we cuddle now?" he cries again. 
"if you'll stop crying, yes." i nod and he tries to stop but it just causes more to flow. July glares at me and i nod. i collect him into my arms, "let's go get you in bed." i sigh and take him out, "July-" i call and he hums, looking to me, tollerent to my actions, "thank you." i say and he stops. 
"well shit-" 
"go fuck Heal-"
"Oh i will!" he breaths, flapping his hand back and forth like a fan, "i love how cold he is, it's a beautiful feeling to be fucked by something so cold-haaah-" i shut the door on him and rush out. fucking hell. 
i take him up to his bedroom, knowing he'll need some time with plants. i lay him down and walk out, going back with water to find him fast to sleep and wrapped up in vines.........."so am i not allowed to cuddle my mate now, is that it?" I question and they slowly move away. i nod and pull the duvet back. it's a single bed. but we always fit. i pull him around and wrap us in the duvet before holding him closely. 
i sit at the table and watch Wrath move back and forth as he talks.......a lot. i sigh and rest my head on my hand, "Rain, are you following?" he questions. 
"no, Master Wrath, i'm not." i say apologetically. he's trying to make me understand these things about the world, but i'm just......not. 
"how, i've basicually spelt it out to you?!" he says, frustrated by my idiocy. 
"I'm sorry, Master Wrath, i'm trying, matter how hard i try, it doesn't work, nothing works!" i huff, i'm also frustrated by my idiocy. he storms over to me making me shrink. the class oo's at me before he picks me up and stands me at the front of the classroom. 
"Read!" he snaps and i stare at him. 
"Read!" he repeats and i turn and look to see.....mess.....IT'S ALL MESS. i try, but i stutter through it all. "Rain-"
"I CAN'T, IT'S MESS, IT'S NOTHING JUST MESS!" I scream, crouch and hold my ears to my head. i hate that my childhood and upbringing has effected me so much. not just then, but now. now too. it's so-
"Rain-" he growls, gripping my hands away from my ears, "you haven't been practicing is why!" he snaps at me making me whimper. i pull against his restraints. yet despite him gripping my cuffs, theirs no pain which is still increadible to me. but.....the more he does it the more i realise that the pain was beneficial of getting my attention. "go to your seat first. pay attention second. and tonight, ima make you read a book before you get to sleep a WINK!" he snaps at me before standing up. i sniffle and get up, going to the back. the familiar faces in this class giving me simpathetic looks. but i ignore them and sit at the back. i rub my growing tummy when i'm sat.
Master Wrath doesn't believe me when i tell him my tummy's getting big. he just says it's because i'm gaining the weight i need for the pregnancy, but i'm going to July tonight to prove him wrong. 
i know my baby's growing. it's going to be a pretty baby. beautiful baby. it's going to be big too. i know it is. i was in my mummy's tummy for a long time, but i know Master Wrath wasn't in his mummy's tummy for as long as i was in mine. we're different. and our beautiful baby is going to be different too. it's going to be a beautiful different. 
i don't know why i'm feeling quite competetive today. i'm excited to prove to Wrath that our baby is growing at a beautiful rate. "Rain!" i squeak, jolting in my seat. i look up to find that the room is empty. i giggle at the fact he made me jump. but then i see his face and i don't feel like giggling anymore, "you weren't paying attention, instead, your stomach was more important then my lesson." he says matter of factly, "to an extent, it is, most deffinatly, more important. but not in this moment right now. you were supposed to be paying attention to me and my learning, this is why your not catching up at all, Rain!" he says firmly. i shrink. 
i don't want to upset Master Wrath anymore then i have been doing. i feel like i'm taking advantage of the fact their not punishing me in a way that scares me. it's true, i'm not afraid of punishment. i just don't like them. "your not SUPOSED TO LIKE THEM!" i jump at that too. 
"did i say that out loud?" i ask cluelessly and Master Wrath's face changes quick. 
"you did." he calmly says, looking at me worriedly. he sighs and gives a nod, "alright, you can go." he sighs, getting up and going to his seat....
"did i do something wrong? i'm sorry i said that comment out loud, Master Wrath, it was ment for my brain, not for my mouth." i say apologetically. standing in front of his desk now when the door opens. i look over to see the head mistress coming in along with another man. 
"hello, Rain, how are you today?" she smiles to me. i cower slightly. i bit her. 
"i'm doing okay. however i think my behaviour is slipping. i haven't bitten that many people, but i feel like my attitude is decreasing greatly, but i'm working hard to level this issue out, Master Wrath is helping a great amount with this too." i explain to her making her hum.
"Master Wrath?" she questions and i look up to her. 
"yes, it's polite. he is my supirior and my master, it's a sign of respect and loyalty. i trust him greatly. i also belong to him-"
"it's a mental state stability thing." Wrath cuts me off, "you may go now, Rain, make sure to get some food." he says, but some part of this hurt my insides. my feelings........yeah, he doesn't normally care much for someone's feelings but......he''s never done something to cause me to have my feelings really hurt before. but this did upset me. is that all he thinks it is? a 'Mental state stability' thing? this almost makes me angry.....

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