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i stare at him for a while. he's just so pretty when he sleeps. but we have to get up. i slowly crawl up to him, laying ontop of him before giving him a kiss, "Master Wrath?" i smile and kiss him again, up until he starts kissing back. 

i pull away from him and he smiles, "morning." he pulls me tighter to his body before rolling on top of me and continuing our kiss. i always have to wake up ten minutes before the alarm so we can have our morning cuddles. "love you." he whispers.

"love you too." he then gets up, dragging me with him making me laugh. he throws me over his shoulder, "Wrath-" taking me into the bathroom. 

after our morning shower the alarm goes off. i dress and Master Wrath does too. we walk out and he goes through to the kitchen while i turn right, going to the kids rooms. we've got an adission. her name is Paris. she's just like her daddy with wings. she's two. and she is a ray of sunshine. "London, up!" i call through her room. she groans a bit before pushing herself up. "Morning." i smile to her. she gives a glare. 

"Yeah, Morning." she sighs before dragging her hands down her face.

"love you." i smile.

"love you too." she hums before getting up. i see that as a green light and leave. going to the boy's room. 

"Boys, up!" i call, "come on!" i clap my hands, they hate mornings more then London. Ethan and Kaden sitting up, "morning." i smile to them.

"morning." they say together, getting up.

"Love you." 

"love you too." 

"Tiger, that means openning your eyes." i warn him, he wines but gets up anyway.

"morning." he yawns, rubbing his eyes.

"morning." i smile, Kaden gives him his leg which he straps on and stands up, "Love you." i say.

"love you too." and i leave. i walk to Paris' room to find her behind the door waiting to come out. 

"mummy, Yandon play!" she beams a smile up at me. 

"London's got to go to school so she can't play." i pick her up and take her to the kitchen where Wrath is making breakfast. 

"no, Tiga play!" i set her in her chair. 

"Tiger's got school too, so has Ethan, so has Kaden." i say bluntly to her which she starts to cry.

"Paris, you start crying, you won't get breakfast!" Wrath warns making me pout, but i let it happen. she wines but doesn't start crying. 

"Daddy play!" she reaches up to him. 

"why is she such an early bird?" London groans, sitting down. she rests her head on the counter, the others walking in streight after. 

"because she likes to see us all before we leave, stop being moody." Wrath throws a grape at her head making her huff. i smirk, "you can stop too-" he throws one at me. 

"what did i do?!" I complain. 

"smirking, stop it, you can smile, but smirking is a no!" he glares.

"Yes, SIR, sorry, SIR!" he growls in return making me laugh.

"Dad, when am i getting a new leg, it's getting tight?!" Tiger complains, looking uncomfortable as he walks. 

"we'll sort it today-"

"is it hurting?" i ask worriedly. 


"shut up, he practically ripped it off, threw it across the room and cried for a streight hour!" Ethan rolls his eyes. 

"right then, i don't want you wearing it today then." i say pointidly making him huff. 

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