chapter 35

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i stare at them. i stare at them with so much faulse hate. "Master Wrath!" he wines at me. he's also in tears because he was woke up and now he's covered in poo because he tried to change their nappies for the first time and tried to do it all at once, desperate to go back to sleep until the plants threw the fucking SHIT AT HIM. "please help me-" he cries, "Wraaaaath." he sobs...................i....HATE......mornings

i turn around and go to walk out when vines strap around me and drag me back into the room, "UUUUGGGH!" i growl before turning around. i pick Rain up and set him to the side. i then as quick as the plants threw shit over Rain, i put the nappies on clean and creamed bums, "there you go-" i cute sweetly to them, pinching there socked soes. "now, get those pretty fucking heads back to fucking sleep or i'm going to wipe your faces in your own SHIT!" i say in the same tone and they all are silent, staring up at me, "night night, mummy and daddy loves you." i smile and walk out. i put the dirty dipers in the bin and wipe my hands before going into the bedroom...........only to find Rain.....still covered in shit passed out on the fucking bed, "RAIN!" i shout. he jolt up with a yelp. 

"i-i-i don't know what i've done." he panics, stumbling over an apology before it goes out the window, dragged out by his tiredness. i glare.

"your covered in SHIT!" i snarl and pick him up. i push him into the shower like many times before. blood is way better to clean off. one. it's thinner and easy to get off. two it doesn't stink. three, it's not disgusting. he cries some more, "don't worry, because they won't be waking us up like that anymore now, i'm about to change their whole fucking sleeping routine." i snarl. 

"AAAAAAAAH!" i shout when i see one of them try to nod off. "no-no-" i pick him up and begin to bounce around with him. Rain is staring at me like i'm insane, "join in, Rain, because if they sleep now, their not sleeping through the night." i warn him. he pouts but joins in. 

"your a genius, Master Wrath." he yawns, walking into the bathroom while i'm trying to shave. "i slept all the way through the night-" he stop when the baby monitors goes off. one after the other, "i don't want to do this no more." he whimpers before walking out. i follow on a few minutes later, needing to finish off. but when i walk in he's now covered in pee, looking up at me while crying, "i don't think i can do this." he sobs. i sigh and continue the job. 

"it's okay, Rain, you'll learn." i say and go to kiss him but he wines and moves away. "Rain-"

"i'm covered Master Wrath, i'm Covered." he snaps at me making me sigh. i nod. 

"go get a shower." i nod and finish off, "did you enjoy your nights?" i ask, cooing. "because so did i, now if we can keep this up, that would be great." i smile before starting there feed. you still need to- i know, but your leaving it to last minute- i know, it could be painful to our ma- i know and that's MY mate, not our, i don't share, not even with my inner voice. 

i open my mouth and eat the tiny foot making him errupt in adorable laughs. giggling while trying to kick his foot. i then eat his hand, "WRATH!" i sit up and look at my brothers and sisters who are obsessing, "MASTER WRATH!" they look to me and i give them pleading looks when he just gives a shout. i get up and walk through to him. he's sat in the babies room in complete and utter tears. sloppily sat on the floor with a drentched face. 


"WE DON'T HAVE NAMES!" he pounces up at me, causing me to stumble. he sobs, "WE-we don't have names for our babies!" he wails, "What will we do? what will we name them? theirs four of them!" he cries. i grab his shoulders and give him a shake. 

"Stop!" i snap, "Stop Wining!" his lip quivers, looking up at me, "this is not a crying matter, they are three days old!" i say clearly to him. he sniffles.

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