Chapter 3

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i wake up crying, not able to open my eyes, "master?" i call, unable to hear or see anything, "master, please, i'm sorry-"

"sweetheart, it's okay, your masters not here, i'm cleaning, stitching and sorting your wounds for you." i hear a male, but high pitched voice say and i breath gasped breaths.

"but i want master, he-he protects me-"

"hunny, this isn't protecting you, this is hurting you-"

"No, it's okay, master loves me, he said it's okay because he loves me and i should love him or he'll be angry and upset- i- i don't want master upset." i whimper.

"well that's not true, if you love someone, you should never hurt them-"

"No, i'm a bad boy to master so master punishes me for being a bad boy, that's all, but i promise, i'm trying to be a good boy!" i try to fight for myself but the darkness makes me panic more and more until it switches...snaps to anger, "Get it off!" i snap, "i can't see, i can't see, i can't see-" i scream in anger, kicking my legs when something thin spirals around my legs, my arms, i gasp and sit up.

"get some scisors-"

"NOOOO, NOOOO!" i scream, grabbing a bundle protectivly, "MINE!" i growl, hissing at them, then shudder as they continue to wrap around me, "master doesn't let me have plants, their my friends." i hum, hugging them, "they make me feel happy, fresh, they even keep me safe from master too but last time i get a plant it tied-it tied master to the ceiling and master cut it down, it hurt my heart, my head, no amount of times i went to punishment would add up to that." i shake my head, my anger forgotten, "i like plants, what plant is this? i can't see, it's so dark, but plants make me feel like it's light, comforting, fresh and soothing, theirs no pricks either-" i giggle, "i cut my hand on a prickly part once and the plant apologised, i was so freaked out!" i laugh, petting the plant that wraps around me seeming to cuddle me back softly stroking my face.

i hear a sigh and then something prick me, making me jump as it stings through my cuts, i whimper and try to be as quiet as possible, having an almost suffocating grip on the bundle of vines in the arms. well, if their vines, i don't know. "okay, sweetheart, your not allowed to take the eye patch off for another two days." the man sounds almost anxious as he works over my cuts, "i have cleaned your cuts properly and i'm now just stitching them up to help them heal properly-" they say, "may i ask, what's your real name?" i hold my breath.

"m-my name?" i ask.

"yes, dear, your name." he says softly, sounding worried and...trustable? i hum. 

"uh-" i think, "master calls me all sorts of different names-"

"your real one, the one you were given by your mother?" she asks and i hug my friends tighter.

"i don't have a mother, i've never had a mother, but master takes good care of me, i miss my master." i say hearing a sigh.

"so has no one ever given you a name?" i hear someone else asks, sounding kinda familiar, but i don't know.

"hum, of course, master did, he said my name can be beautiful because i-i-i was beautiful-" my mood dropped, "but then master got really nasty and changed, i'm not beautiful no more, but it's okay, because master is the most beautiful to me so as long as i have him i don't mind." i pick my mood up the plants wrapping tighter around me, my bad side keeps bugging me, making me sad, "i don't want to go to punishment, but master keeps sending me there and i don't like it at all." i say lowly.

"punishment is a place?" the man who seems to be trying to help my wounds ask and i shudder, thinking about it.

"yes, i get sent there a lot." i whimper.

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