Chapter 16

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i open my eyes to find a very.....big surprise. "hi-" i croak out before caughing. the lion above me growls at being woken, shifting around, but when it finds out i'm not stopping it stands up to give me air. i roll onto my side and continue caughing when bile slips past my throat. i shut my mouth, trying to stop any more vomit from breaking through. i don't know where i am....."oh ha-" the man stops when i gip again. i hold my hand against my mouth and give him a pleading look. he grips my arms and throws me into a random room, gripping the back of my head and holding it to the toilet bowl where i spit out all the vomit and allow more to come out, "shit-some pet you are." he huffs. 

who is this man? where is Wrath? im scared...i'm scared-" Rain?" the door opens, "What the fuck? don't hold him like that, dickhead, he's not one of your slaves!" he snaps and i pant before the hand lets go of me. Wrath comes into sight and i tear up. i drop my head to his chest, "you okay?" he asks, i nod.

"my tummy hurts." i whimper, feeling cramps deep in my gut, hurting me bad. he sighs. 

"how about we make you some toast to dry it all up?" he asks and i sniffle before caughing some more, "and a drink." he nods before lifting me up. i wrap my legs around him and he holds me to his chest. taking me to what i think is the kitchen.

"oooooh, is that your mark then?" the man asks. i whimper and hide from him. 

"yes." Wrath simply says before setting me down on a counter. my thum being taken out of my mouth from the movement. i move my other hand to my stomach while the other goes back between my teeth, "stop that." my hand is pushed out of my mouth, "your not two." he simply says making me pout. he hands me a glass of water and i drink it before a slice of toats is held out in front of me......

i give it a sniff and look up at Wrath, "Take the fucking toast-" i snarl at him, snapping my head forwards and latching onto his wrist while my hands snatch the toast. i jump away and race out of the door with my toast, hiding behind a bush and eating it whole, "RAIN!" i squeak at the sudden roar of anger. 

i curl into a ball and shiver with fear, "I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!" I cry loudly. my voice echoing through the forest. i suddenly hear a low, deep growl making me gaps and jump into the bush i'm hiding behind. curling into a shivering ball, hiden when a big, scary lion, with sharp teeth and a gianormous mane. 

the Lion sniffs before crouching low. i let out a quiet squeak at the movement when it turns my way. it's growling gets louder before it roars and dives for me. my head tilts back and i hold my hands to my ears and scream as loud and as hard as i can, the birds scatter and everyone gets up to come out to see what the hell i was screaming for. 

"Come 'ere, big guy." i gasp, my eyes peeking open to see Wrath tackle the Lion and start wrastling with it. but then the lion gets Wrath onto his back, i watch it's jaws open wide and a shock races through me. i scream and jump out.

"NO!" I growl and jump at the Lion, "get. off. of My. MASTER!" I demand fiercly as the lion is pushed off before i grab the air and yank the vines from up in the trees. they come down to my control and tie the Lion to where he is. i stand territorial in front of Wrath and snarl, "MINE!" I growl angrily at him. but he snarls back and steps forwards, i step back, closer to Wrath. he's sat watching. but i don't care, i stand over him, not caring that his body is currently in between my legs, i continue to snarl and growl protectivly over my Master Wrath. 

the Vines are suddenly broken, the snap being echoed by a crack of a bone, somewhere in my body making me flinch, but i just growl, feeling the breakage, but not caring for it, "Rai-" the lion Dives for me, so i snarl and dive back, latching onto his neck, vines and other wild plants attack the lion, keeping him in place while i win this fight, "RAIN!" he calls, making me snap over. i look around for any other threat but just see him sat there looking at me in shock, "Where the fuck did that come from? you went from terrefied to Alpha in seconds!" he questions firmly making me blush, but the loss of consentration makes it so the Lion has a chance. 

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