Chapter 14

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i stand awkwardly in front of the group of people. half standing behind Wrath, "yo, Prozy, you really pose for them?" i look up to the guy, Wrath is currently talking to July, Heil and the head mistress. i look to his phone and see rows of photos. i tilt my head slightly in confusion. looking over the boy in the photos. he's all bloody and in some you can even see his......oh god....

my eyes widen and i step away, my face going a sickly pale as i see.....i see me, "" i whimper before looking at it....i place my hand over my neck, looking to see the collar in each of them.

"Rain-" July gasps, realising i've been shown these images. but i can't pull my eyes from them.

"they-they h-had to take the collar off b-because i-i-i was suffocating, the......the kept breaking my neck everytime they-they pulled-" i bring my shakey hand up to my mouth, "he-he-he took photos?" tears of pain begins to stream down my face. the group of computer geeks, big and small, become quiet as they see my reaction. bile rises in my throat before i can do anything. i spin around and attempt to race to the toilets but i trip and end up on my hands as i throw up onto the floor, gasping for air.

"shit-" Wrath holds my upper arms, trying to support me as i continue to throw up over the floor shaking from the shock. "okay, okay-" 

"the room-" i gasp out, "the-the room, you-you wanted a description." i whimper before throwing up the last bit before going limp in his arms. 

"such a disgusting boy." i shift in my place on the bed. my breathing tight as my spine.....i remember that pain....i'll always remember that pain, "Here, let's try this toy this time." he smirks, that smirk...."Master loves you-" he whispers into my ear as i hear a drill go off in the background, "you should see yourself, no one will ever love someone as broken as you, but the person who broke you of course, it's only logical, comon sense, you have comon sense right?" he asks me, manipulating me into thinking what's right is wrong, true is faulse.

"yes, Master" my voice doesn't sound like my voice. its.......strangling. a pain shocks through my whole body when whatever was on that dril is stabbed streight through me-

i snap my eyes open, feeling vibrations, bumps. i look frantically around, finding that i'm on a bus....a....a bus? i push myself to sit up to see the group from before sleeping in their own spaces on the bus. it's pitch black outside and i....i don't feel safe. "h..." i go to call if someones awake but decide against it. if i wake someone up, that's rude and i'd deffinatly get told off for it. so i push myself to my feet, seeing the bus driver at the front. i use the chairs to slowly make my way down the thin strip before i see a familiar face. 

my whole body relaxes and it feels as if a blanket was thrown over me. tight and secure. "tsk, such a bad boy-" 


i stare wide eyed, my heart beat suddenly non existant to me as i stare in utter shock. "you are such a disapointment to me, you left me, you abandoned me-"

"n-no-" i whisper, beginning to step backwards, away from him as he stands up out of the drivers seat. i notice he wasn't actually driving.....he's not actually here....the realisation is so comforting to me that i actually feel confidence towards this man, "go away." okay, so it was shaky, but i still said it. 

i panic when he suddenly stops walking and stares in utter shock. "excuse me?" he asks, before he jumps forwards, making me scream. everyone on the bus jolts awake as he grips me around my neck and walks me to the back of the bus, "WHAT DID YOU JUST FUCKING SAY?!" He screams in anger.

"GO AWAY! GO AWAY! GO AWAAAAAAY!" I scream as loud as i can with as much strength as i can. but he grips my neck tighter.

"YOU'LL NEVER BE FREE From these chains-"

I slap the face above me, clawing at it before my cuffed wrists are gripped tightly and the loudest, most terrefying roar pierces through my brain as i snap my eyes open. i gasp in fright before seeing the beautiful face before me. he stops, everyone is crowded around me. my panting calms down to tears as i relax now i know he's here.....and He's not

"your-" he stops when he feels the treakle of blood dribble down his hands from where he's gripped my cuffs too tights and ripped my skin. but i don't care, "shi-" i cut him off by attacking him with a hug and hiding in him. shaking. my tail. shaking. my ears are pulled back in fear, but i feel comfortable against him, "Rain-" he whispers softly. like never before.


"it's okay-" he sighs, "it was just a dream." he whispers, "your safe, especially from him." he says this a bit more firmly and i nod. 

"i thought i woke up, the-the first one was....i, then i woke up and he-he was driving the bus, he was here." i whimper, "he-he said-he said i-i abondoned him and-and th-that no one will love me because i'm broken, he-he kept-he-" my breathing deepens.

"it's okay, because when i finish with him, no one will love him, not because he'll be broken, but because he'll be fucking dead before anyone has the chance to be manipulated into thinking so." he growls making me shudder. 

"i'd like that." i whisper to him making him chuckle.

"you most deffinatly will, don't worry, when it happens, i'll give you each tiny drop of detail and you can use it against him if you ever have a nightmare." he smirks making me smile contently over his shoulder, "but don't worry, i happen to be the prince of nightmares, so i promise, he'll be having worse nightmares then you, he'll suffer through his endless afterlife while you'll stay next to me, would you like that?" he asks and i smile before pulling back and nussling against his chest, moving up and rubbing my head in the crook of his neck.

"Wrath's with Rainbow?" i hear and i jolt up right, on high alert. Wrath gives a flat, unimpressed look.

"who knew the scariest man to exist would get with the weakest, smallest, cutest boy." i blush at this....i'm cute? Wrath raises a brow at my blush, "see, if we called Wrath cute-"

"i'll snap your neck." he simply hums, still looking at me making me retreat into myself a bit. he takes a breath and lets it out before getting up.......moving away from me. i whimper and stand up on the chair before falling forwards into his back, he stops and looks to me, "Rain, sit the fuck down." he huffs, but i jump up onto his back and wrap my arms tightly around him. he sighs tiredly before sitting down. 

i let out a groan and a stiff giggle, grunting and groaning at how heavy he is. my tail is pressed in an awkward position and my breathing is limited as he sits with my arms and legs around him, resting all of his weight on me, "Wrath-" i laugh, trying to move into a comfortable position.

"my chair keeps moving." he mumbles cluelessly making me squeak.

"i'm not a chair." i laugh, the preassure on my chest making it sound weird.

"and it talks?" he asks and scratches his head. i laugh, stretching out and pushing against him as hard as i can before going limp and letting out a huff. 

"your really heavy." i mutter making him gasp.

"how rude-" that sets me off again at the way he said that and i laugh hysterically behind him. until the preasure increases as he pushes back against me making me squeak and groan.

"Wrath-" my voice is of a five year olds, "Wrath!" i squeak. i turn to see one of the computer kids, "h-h-hay-you-" i pant. he glances up to me, then to Wrath who shrugs casually making the guy smirk, "h-help me, c-can't, b-br-EEEAAAAA!" he presses even harder against me making me squeal and giggle with stiff breathing. "oh-okah, m-me good-good boy-pr-promise." i pant. he leans forwards and i let out a long groan of relief, "why are you so heavEEEEEE?!" i laugh again, "NOOO!" 

"jesus crist, he sounds like a two year old." my laughing slowly comes to a stop hearing that and Wrath notices my change in attitude. 

"a fucking adorable Two year old, right Kid?" Wrath glares hard, the guy notting.

"yeah, that's what i was getting at, Adorable." he nervously chuckles, but i don't feel like laughing no more.

"i'm sorry if i bothereAAAAAAAGGGH!" i am cut off by him pressing even harder against me, "Oh god help me-"

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