Chapter 6

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i look in the mirror in shock, "how does it look on you?" he asks, but i'm looking at the ears on my head....."Rain?" he asks, i stand frozen. i slowly pick my hands up and touch the sensetive appendage, "what's wrong?" he asks, "it-you- you didn't know you had ears on your head? how? have you never-you know- itched your head or something?" he asks worriedly as i move it around when i feel myself do dizzy slightly. i stumble back feeling a terrifying pain in my spine, "Rain?" he panics, catching me as i cry out in pain.

my back arches as the pain is suffocating, i feel like someone is pulling my spine from my body, out from just above my backside. i moan out in absolute agony as my vission blurs, now on my back, which hurts more. i push myself onto my side as i grip onto the fluffy rug i'm half laid on. the pain calms down, but my back feels slightly-only slightly heavier, "oh my god-" i flinch at the words, looking up with glossy eyes. i move to my back but pain hits as i put pressure on it. i yelp and jump up, looking and finding a fluffy tail.......a fluffy....a fluffy- i scream, high pitched, long, terrefied scream, the scream you give when you see a mack off spider pop out of nowhere or a snake slither across your feet or a killer clown jump up at you. 

i kick my feet, trying to get away, in the process of all of this, the uniform i was given is torn, which i whimper to, "i'm sorry- GO AWAY!" i scream at the tail, the fur spiking out, seeming larger then it actually is.

"no, it's okay, it's you, it's yours, this is your tail, it must have been triggered by you being aware of your ears once again." he says and i feel him reach to my head, i flinch away, but he strokes that soft spot and i shiver and hum. he pulls away and i look back to him, then to the mirror to see the fur flatter then before, not bushed out, like someone brushed it down. it's colour is weird....i don't know the name of it. it's dark, like black...but....i don't know. my tail does fade into black...but the colour my hair is is tip of my ears are black too with the annoying. i reach, wanting to touch it when it comes to me, i run my hands through the slightly greasy fur and i hum. July crouches down and smiles, "how about we get you in the shower before class, we still have time, then i can also show you how to brush it." he smiles and i nod. 

he holds his hand out and i take it, him helping me off of the floor. he then leads me to the bathroom, i get undressed and step in, my tail ovoiding each and every object i walk past as if touching them is forbiden. i step under the shower and July turns it on, i watch how he does it so i can for next time, i yelp when water hits my tail, "it's not too hot for you is it?" July asks worriedly but i giggle.

"no-" i laugh, "very sensetive, it tickles." i laugh and he smiles, my tail falling as the water is absorbed by the tail. "heavy." i whisper and he hums.

"okay, wash it how you'd wash your hair." he nods and i do, it takes a while, but i get out, "ring it out." he smiles, ring it out? he sighs, "like this-" he says and takes my arm, wrapping his arm around it and pulling down it. collecting water on the way. so i do the same, but when i touch the base of my tail, i can't help but shudder. something then happens to my private parts. i look down and see it begin to grow, i gasp, looking at my erection, "it's okay, tulip, it's just an erection, it happens when you come in contact with the base of your tail, it's normal." he says and i gulp, "have-uh- have you had one before?" he reluctantly asks, i nod.

"master nearly chopped it off." i whisper, he sighs.

"okay-" he says, "do you want me to show you how to get rid of it?" he asks and i shake my head.

"master showed me once." i whisper, back when he was good. July nods and i continue to ring out my tail, my erection already gone down from the mention and thought of my master... i really don't love him, do i? 

"very good-" he says, then hands me a towel. i go to dry myself but he stops me, "dab so you don't damage your stitches." he smiles and i nod, dabbing away.

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