Chapter 11

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i wake up with a whimper. a sickness in the pit of my stomach from the cramps i feel. i roll onto a different side, the heat causing me to strip everything of clothes, including the bed. i continue to wine, the pain increasing, "wrath-" i croak, sudenly remembering him, the want, the need, also the fact i fell to sleep with him but didn't wake up with him, "Master Wrath!" i cry out-

 Wrath's POV

i'm dead. i'm very much fucking dead. dating a student is bad, mating a student is even worse, "What are we going to do-"

"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" I snap, slamming my fist down and glaring at this bent bastard. it's heated in the room, July and Heil are completely at a loss. we're all at a loss. we all know that what's currently happening needs to stop. i know what's happening needs to stop. but am i willing to stop it? absolutly fucking not. 


"don't fucking Wrath me, Snowball, i've got a class to get to!" i growl low before walking out of the room. i barely give anyone chance to get the fuck out of my way as i walk through the hall. on a mission to get straight to the room that's probably empty. 

i walk in, my hands hot enough to burn the handle of the door is i grip it, but i'm quick so it only heats it up. i walk into the room and drop down onto the chair, whatever was going on before i walked in stops. i rest my head back, take a breath and let it out. before opening my eyes to a classroom full of my students. Alright then smart fuckers, you wanna behave on the one day i DON'T WANT YOU TO, Eat. Shit! i pull out the drawer and get everything out for the lesson before going around and handing everyone a sheet of paper, "the first person to make a plane out of my paper i will make a plane out of your bones." i say in a deadly tone, noticing one of the students slowly unfold their sheet of paper. 

this is driving me insane. i feel his fucking heat. i feel his pain, his need. i hear him calling me for fucks sake. NEVER in my life has anyone called me....Master Wrath- what the fuck?! does he think i'm that asshole who abused him or something? is that why? do i scare him that fucking much?! 



"WHAT?!" I growl snapping my head to the student to disturbe my trail of thought, but then i look down to find i'm currently lighting this guy sheet of paper on fire. i let out a breath and pass him two, "Make something fun." i mumble before passing the rest to another student, "hand them out." i grumble before returning back to the front while explaining what to do on the sheet when theirs a thud. i shut my eyes, counting back from ten- at seven, i have to restart because of another thud. 

i go to turn around when i feel a pair of arms wrap around my torso, a fluffy head nussling my side, "what the fuck-"

"I WILL-" i point, "i will slit your fucking throat." i growl under my breath at the student who attempted to laugh. but my supposed to be scary moment turns to mush when Rain mewles and slids down my body before wrapping his arms and legs around my leg, his tail curling up to me. 

"that's just adorable sir." he laughs, so i set a ball of fire and go to throw it at the cowering kid when a vine climbs as wrapid speed up my arm and freezes me in place. i break eye contact with the kid and look to my hand, then the vine.....then i look down Rain. his eyes are glossy and hooded with need, his cheeks are flush and his ears are flat to his head in an adorable way as he looks up to me, he gives a whimper making me return with a growl. 

"you annoying shit-" i hoist him into the air making him squeak, having him over my shoulder as i storm out of the room, "get your work done, you piss me off and you'll get exams for the next month." i growl making everyone call back with a yes sir. all while i rush through the halls before stretching my wings out and flying him back to the room. 

his scent has stolen my nose, his heat, attacking my walls. his body completely destroying my strength. his innocents killing my anger and his little noises of need lighting my own fucking fire and making me just as needy, "woah-woah-woah-woah!" I push him out of the way, "no-Prince Wrath, What are you doing with that boy?" but i ignore my Valet i was forced to let come with me. but i rush through him making him instantly chase after me, worried about the boys safety. MY boys safety. 

i quickly spin before snarling at him, "MINE!" I growl before throwing him to the other end of the hall before continuing through the academy. 

"Master Wrath-" he groans into my ear making me growl possesivly over this fucking ANGEL! i burst through the main doors to the teachers dorms and fly to the very top, bursting into the top floor and into my room with no regards to anyone who i may have bothered or even hurt while rushing to pin this boy to my bed, "Master-" I snarl at him.

"I'm not your Master!" I growl so low, which only succedes in the vibrations making him moan. my breaking point is when his tiny frame grinds up to my significantly larger frame. his hard cock pressing into mine hardening one. 

"i want Master Wrath." he whimpers below me while grinding up, "Master." i growl with a shudder enforced by him moaning out the word. he's mine....MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE! 

i rip his cloths off making him gasp while i simply burn mine off while relaxing into my natural form. he wines when i take a moment to look over him. he's small and you wouldn't know that he was seventeen. not that that fact has fucking done anything to change to way i feel for him. he's MY prince. he WILL stand next to me at the next Gathering i'm forced to go to. i'll carry him on my shoulders if i have to. "MASTE-" i cut him completely off by gripping his thighs in a burning grip, pulling him up to me and thrusting my burning rod into him. his eyes widen and he chokes on a moan before his face twists in pain, his eyes becoming glossy. i would of pulled out again if he didn't just breath out a moan and shudder around my cock. 

this alone should be able to calm his heat enough to clear his head. which proves when his panting calms before looking to me with glistening eyes. i soften my grip on him and rub the areas i accidently burnt from forcing away my own rut. he deffinatly triggered it. "Rain-" his eyes move to my lips then back up to my eyes, his eyes running over me again. as if looking at me is facinating to him. 

he hums with a smile before reaching a hand up to my hair. fucking Kid. i glare at him as he ruffles and messes up my curls. he drop back down with a gasp and a groan. my jaw clenches, trying to refrain myself from fucking him to death. he's not making this easy for me damn it. "m-Master Wrath?" i open my eyes, looking to him which he gasps when i reveal my eyes to him, "too pretty." he breaths before moving his hips. my eyes instantly lock onto what he's doing before i grip his hips to stop him. 


"Please Master, please i really want my Master Wrath-" he wines, his eyes tearing up as he tries to move, but my hands don't let him, "Please, master." he breaths out, "Wrath?" i continue to stare into his eyes, trying to see if he's sane enough to be giving consent, "fuck me!" Oh mother of God! 

without even being able to give myself the go ahead i flip him onto his stomach before gripping him and thrusting hard into him. he cries out at the force, but i continue to thrust into him, my need for him growing, fogging my sight before i can't even process what's going through my head, feelings, emotions, actions, Nothing. all i know is his sudden change in attitude took me so off guard i let my control disapear.

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