Chapter 19

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i sit up quickly when my gut suddenly takes a sharp hit. only to see Rain practically fall out of the bed, his leaking ass on show, but he's holding his hand to his mouth. i sniff smelling his vomit before it's left his lips. he opens the bathroom door with so much force i don't realise just how much adrenaline does to his strength. 

i'm by his side within seconds, still dazed from sleep and pretty fucking pissed from the wake up....but he's been throwing up in the mornings and complains about his body hurting.....what's wrong with my baby? STOP CALLING HIM BABY!!! Baby, my baby- UUUURRRGGGHHHAAAAAH, if my inner thoughts were peolpe.......Dead is one word to describe that person. 

"hay, breath okay-" i rub his back, grabbing one of the head bands on the counter there for guests to use and use it to pull his hair back. i rub his ears softly and make sure theirs a cup of water ready for him. he pants into the toilet bowl, soft whimpers leaving his throat with breathing out.

"w-what's wrong with me? am-am i ill? really really ill?" he asks carefully. but i don't have the heart to tell him no. i can't do that to him. what if he is ill?

"your not allowed to die." i simply blurt out. his eyes widen and i realise......that shouldn't of been said.

"DIE?!" he panics.

"no-no i said, your not ALLOWED to die, no dying for you, your staying with me, right next to me!" i say firmly and he nods.

"yes, sir, but.....i'm still's been two weeks, Master Wrath-" Two weeks?!

"what do you mean, Two weeks?!" I ask, suddenly very allarmed. his body should of faught off the virus by now. nothing lasts longer then two weeks unless it's life threatening.

"i-it started just before or maybe just after the day we set off to the cabin, i'm sorry i didn't tell you, i didn't want to worry you." his ears flatten again. i sigh and give them the attention he's been begging for. his eyes softly shut and his face takes on a look of relaxation and bliss for the moment.

"we'll take you to the doctor-" shit....July was supposed to look at him when we got back.....fuck sake. does no shit go right?! not with Rain it doesn't. Mr, Clumsy! and now i'm giving him more nicknames.....great.

he nods and tucks himself into me, marking me yet again. he likes the friction, it comforts him, he doesn't mean anything by it....i've never felt this feeling before.....Longing? i want him to mean something by what he's doing to me........feelings are shit

i hear him sniff a few times, smelling my shirt before blushing, sinking into his thoughts and making a face while doing so. has he figured it out? "i-i'm sorry, Master Wrath, my actions made you smell like me." he whispers, looking up to me. i give a smile.

"it's a way of claiming something as yours. you've been marking me without even knowing it. mixing our scents into eachothers clothes and hair." i explain to him and he blushes harder. "now, if anyone was to come up to me with intentions of getting close, they'll smell my mixed scent and realise, without having to be told, i belong to someone." i explain to him, "although, it's not used a lot nowadays because people don't rely on scent, unless they've got animal instincts like you." i poke his i'm booping his nose........someone poisoned me.... he nods.

"i understand, should i stop doing it then?" i raise a't stop. i find it intensly adorable and comforting....

"that's up to you, do you want others to know i'm yours by scent?" i question and his eyes widen. i'm deffinatly shocked when he's suddenly rubbing himself up against everypart of my body, even my fucking feet. but one part....i growl lowly at him as he suddenly pushes my boxers down and begins to suck hard on my cock, "Rain, o-okay, slow down-" he just gets rougher with his movements. i reach down to pull his head up so he can breath but his head snaps up and he bites into my hand with a possessive growl. he goes back to lapping and sucking in my dick before i'm cumming into his mouth. half way through though he lifts off, my cum landing on his face, but what baffles me more is the face he rubs himself against it, as if he's massarging it into his skin, "such a dirty boy." i say lowly, my dick rock hard right now. this boy's innocently dirty actions are camera worthy. 

not a chance

he squeaks when i flip him onto his hands and knees, holding my tip to his hole. he mewls with need and temptation, but i refuse it making him whimper. i run circles around his hole with my tip, feeling the slik lubricate his hole. i slowly push my tip in and out, stimulating his hole which makes him shudder from ear to tail, his tail wrapping around my arm as always, as if holding onto me. 

i push my tip in again, feeling the pleasure from it as i slowly sink myself in and out. teasing him to no ends, "Master Wrath, please fuck me." he begs making me growl low. such a dirty mouth. who taught him these words?! i grip onto him hard before pushing more of me into him. he starts feeling really good when i'm about half way, moaning at my movements. but i push further in, getting deeper and deeper into the cavern that grips around me, sucks me in and warms my cock. slippery insides make this job easier. "Faster-" he moans making me smirk. i'm still getting myself in and he's asking for me to move faster.....very well, baby. i snap my hips forwards making him jolt forwards with a gasp, his face shocked with pain as his eyes begin to tear up, but he shudders, jerks and shakes, his head dropping down and i realised.........Mr, Clumsy just came from the pain..........oh my poor baby boy. 

i lean down and kiss his shoulders as he begins to sniffle and sob at what just happened, "it's okay-"

"i-the-the pain made me cum, i don't understand, sir." he whimpers. i smile.

"because the pain that bastard was giving you had bad intensions, intentions to hurt and terrefy and torture you-" i explain to him, "the pain i just gave you was to feed you pleasure, you wanted this, your comfortable and you aren't scared of me." i explain to him making him stop crying. 

"i'm so confused, i think i need another mr, Wrath and Rainbow only lesson." he sighs, dropping his head when i shove myself rougher into him making him gasp.

"what are you confused about?" i ask softly into his ear. he sighs.

"Master always said that what he did to me was because he loved me and my reactions were because i loved him....." i don't get his point...."so what's this?" he suddenly asks, "what do i feel towards you? if that's love, what's this?" he asks and i sigh.

"that wasn't love, remember, your old Master lied to you-" i say and kiss the side of his head, knowing he finds this difficult and it's not his fault at all. he sighs, "to love someone means you care about them a big amount, youd do anything for them." i explains to him. making him purse his lips in thought.

"so...i love you?" he asks me, but those words make my heart beat quicken, "Master Wrath, i love you?" he asks again. i let out a breath and thrust my hips forwards making him grunt, "Master Wrah-ah-nnh-" he hums and moans at my soft yet rough movements into him. but then i pick him up, taking him to bed before laying down behind him before returning my affectionate pase that allows me to feel every moment of it. he pants, making soft noises at his continuous pleasure, he releases onto the bed sheets while i continue, driving into his prostate making him shudder and shake with every thrust in. he moans, "Master-" he hums making me possessivly tighten my grip around him.

"WRATH!" i snarl at him, correcting him making him gasp.

"Master Wrath!" he gasps out with a groan, my movements slowly rise in intensity, but stay affectionate, "i-think-i really love you." he breaths out the most grown up thing i've heard him say. thismoment, he's not just some Neko kid. he's my mate. 

i groan deeply when i release deep inside his cavern making him shudder, feeling his juices leak along my cock making me growl softly and shudder. he clentches aroundme but relaxes. i start to pull out of him when he pushes himself back onto me, "please, Master Wrath, it's very comfortable there." he hums to me making me release a breath. 

i think i really love you too, Rainbow.

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