Chapter Eleven

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The cool night air brushes my pale skin as Legolas and I stroll slowly down a cobblestone pathway outside of the dining hall. I felt so out of place once Haldir, Lady Galadriel, and Lord Celeborn left to speak with other elves after eating supper. When Legolas spoke to me, my heart seemed to soar in my chest like a free bird in an afternoon breeze. I didn’t think he would actually remember me from the library run-in, even though it happened only a few hours ago. I figured he wouldn’t think of me, that I would be just another face for him to forget, but I was… wrong. He asked me to take a walk with him, much to my surprise, and I accepted his offer with a beaming, genuine smile that came straight from my heart.

We walked in silence for a few moments until we were a long distance away from the dining hall, until we were immersed in our own little world. For some reason, with my hand grasping onto Legolas’s warm, muscular arm, I finally feel as if I could call Middle Earth my true home. When I first arrived here a few days ago, everything was so foreign to me. Why, just a few minutes ago everything was foreign and strange to me! But now… now that I am with him, everything seems to fall into place, which is so cliché, I know. It is true though, and I am not sure if these feelings are a good thing. Actually, I am quite sure that these feelings are doomed. I can’t get too attached to him.

My heart wants to believe so badly that he invited me on a moonlit stroll through Lothlorien because he is attracted to me and wants to get to know me, but I know that that is completely ridiculous. I’m pretty sure that he just invited me for a walk because he felt bad for me considering it was quite obvious how anxious and out of place I felt in that hall filled with elves. Plus, we are just walking. It’s not like our walk has any other meaning behind it.

I watch him from the corner of my eye, marvelling at his ethereal beauty. It should be a sin for someone to look as alluring and handsome as he does because it just isn’t fair. The light from the moon and stars shines down upon his hair, making the soft strands look almost white. His eyes, dark in the cover of night, analyze the scenery surrounding us as we walk along in silence, both of us thinking of what to say to the other.

“Tell me of yourself, Lady Eilonwy,” Legolas says quietly, and I look at him in surprise. For a moment, I was afraid he wouldn’t speak to me at all.

“What would you like to know?” I ask him, trying to battle away the shyness that creeps into my soft voice.

“Everything,” he breathes out very softly, almost whispering, and I don’t think that he meant for me to hear it because he continues before I can think of a reply. “Anything,” he says more loudly as he turns the force of his crystal blue eyes on me, “You can tell me the complete truth because Lady Galadriel speaks often of you and has told me that you come from a place called Earth.”

She told him that? Why? I guess it helps me, though. I no longer need to think up a lie. “Oh, she is telling the truth no matter how crazy this situation may sound,” I say and pause for a moment, wondering what I should tell him, “My name was Evelyn Paige Miller in my life on Earth. I lived in a very small town in a place called Alabama, and when I say ‘small’ I mean very, very diminutive. Everyone knew each other, and news and gossip travelled as quickly as the wind. My parents, well the people I thought were my real parents, were Matthew and Sarah Miller, and I had an adorable, very lively little brother named James.” I suck in a shaky breath as I remember my brother’s sorrowful cries the night that I died. I hope that all of the people who were important in my previous life are fine and dealing with my death easily. I hate to think that I might be causing them horrible grief. I just wish there was some way that I could tell them that I am here in Middle Earth and that I am okay. I glance at Legolas. More than okay.

Legolas smiles at me in a comforting way, as if he can sense my grief. “It sounds grand. I wish I could see your home,” he says honestly, his soft voice sending chills down my spine.

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