Chapter nineteen

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Y'all, just so you know, when I put these (---) it means that it's later on. Time skips XD


Elladan returns to the dining hall with a glass container of white cream, interrupting the laughter and teasing from the people around Legolas and me. My cheeks are burning with embarrassment. I was too shocked with what happened to really think about the fact that Legolas called me his wife. A warm feeling enters my heart as I glance at Legolas, his gaze already resting on me softly.

Elladan hands the glass container to his father and addresses Aragorn. "Gandalf has arrived, along with the hobbits," Elladan says, "They are in the courtyard."

Aragorn smiles widely at the news and stands. His eyes take on a look of happiness, becoming brighter with the new emotions swirling inside them. "Excuse me," he says and then meets my gaze, "You will be fine?" His sentence comes out as more of a question.

I nod and smile at his concern for me. "I am well."

Lord Elrond begins to gently rub some of the cream onto the bruises on my wrists, and I flinch slightly when he touches down a bit too hard.

"Very well," he says and addresses all of us, "I must go and greet Gandalf and the hobbits. I will lead them here." With those words, he leaves the room.

Lord Elrond finishes putting the healing cream on my bruises and stands, retreating back to his seat beside his wife who watches me with worry-filled eyes. I feel fine mostly. The man was rough with me, leaving bruises on my wrists, and I am quite positive that I have bruises on my waist and hips because my skin aches there. I am not going to tell any of them this fact, of course, because I do not want them to worry more than they already are. I've never in my life been touched in such a way. The man held me and touched me as if I was a ragdoll. I feel nauseous as I think of how he touched me.

Lady Galadriel, ever the mind reading elleth, suddenly says, "Elrond, do you have any more of the healing cream?"

Lord Elrond nods. "Of course."

She glances at me with a stern look. "Eilonwy will need it."

Lord Elrond looks to me in surprise. "You are hurt elsewhere?" he asks and stands once again, walking toward me and crouching in front of my chair, "You must tell me these things. I cannot help you if you do not tell me what ails you." He places the glass container of cream on the table in front of me.

I shake my head. "I am fine. I will take the cream, but I am not in need your assistance," I tell him quietly.

He analyzes my expression for a moment before nodding in discontent. "Very well," he says with a sigh and makes his way back to his seat.

"So," Legolas's mother says and looks at me with a soft, teasing smile, "Tell me, when did you marry my son? I was not aware that you are his wife."

Legolas groans in frustration from beside me. "Will you please stop? Why must you always make me uncomfortable?"

"Was the wedding beautiful? I am sad that I missed it," she continues, and King Thranduil chuckles deeply along with the others, wrapping his arm around her shoulders lovingly. She, in turn, looks up at him with a bright smile, tenderness and love swimming in her eyes.

"As if Legolas could convince an elleth like Eilonwy to marry him," Gwilithon snorts.

I look down at my intertwined fingers in embarrassment. If only he knew that Legolas would have to donothing in order to convince me to marry him. He need only ask. I fell deeply in love with the character of Legolas in my life on earth, and now that I am in Middle Earth and actually know him personally, I am falling for him quickly. I cannot call it love for him just yet because I am not even sure what love really is or what it feels like. I've never felt this deeply for anyone in my entire life. I believe that I am in the midst of falling in love with him, though. It's as if my emotions are a cliff and love is the deep abyss, and I am on the very edge of the cliff with only one more step to take before I fall.

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