Chapter Twenty-one

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 Legolas, the prince of Mirkwood. He is unbearable handsome. Women and ellith alike adore him, fawn over him, and dream of him at night. He is a skilled warrior, which only adds to his attractiveness. His smile is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen in my entire life. His laugh makes me weak in the knees, and the way he looks at me makes me feel like I am about to pass out. Did I mention that he is a prince?

Oh, and he kissed me. Me, plain Jane, boring ol' me.

        He was my very first kiss. People used to always say that first kisses were awkward and strange, but they were obviously never kissed by Legolas. Legolas touched me so softly, the way it feels when a butterfly lands on you. Its wings flutter, brushing your skin as softly and gently as the wind, and the feeling sends happiness rippling in your heart like a pond after someone has skipped a pebble over its surface. That is how is felt to be touched by Legolas, but that is only part of how incredible the experience was.

    His grip on my face and my ribs was gentle, but there was a certain pressure to it that let me know just how much the kiss was affecting him. He only let me catch my breath for mere seconds before his lips would claim mine once again, and I loved every moment of it. I had daydreamed of kissing him on several occasions, but actually kissing him was as if I had stepped into Heaven. He was perfect, and his kisses placed me under a spell. I could not think straight when he touched me and especially not when he kissed me. In my previous life, I had never felt such feelings for anyone before. Legolas opened these new emotions of mine and experimented with them. Heat had pooled in my lower stomach as he passionately and slowly kissed my mouth, and when his fingers tangled in my hair at the base of my neck, I swear I almost passed out.

    He was so tempting and alluring, bringing out emotions in me that were lovely, exquisite, and terrifying all at once. He kissed me so many times throughout the long hours he stayed in my room with me, that I completely lost count. After sharing our first kiss-well kisses- he had sat down on my bed with me and we talked. I told him even more about my life on earth, and he was blown away by the differences in cultures and ways about doing things. In turn, he told me of Mirkwood, his home, and all of the beautiful memories he could think of that took place there. Every once in a while, when I would be staring at him in awe as I listened to one of his stories, he would chuckle deeply and lean in, kissing my lips delicately. After kissing me once, he completely forgot about his story as he deepened our kiss, proving to make me forget as well as I became completely immersed in the feeling of his touch and his warm, delectably soft lips. He kissed me so many times, yet he never tried going any further, and the thought of his gentlemanliness made me like him even more.

    After long hours of spending time together, his sister knocked on my door. I had become unbearably embarrassed when I opened the door and her gaze traveled knowingly from me to Legolas who was standing close behind me. It must have been very obvious what we were up to because we did not exactly look well put together. My hair was a mess from the way that Legolas enjoyed running his fingers through it, and I was quite positive that my lips had been swollen from all of his kisses.

    Glosseth had told us that King Thranduil sent her to find Legolas since everyone was concerned and worried when neither of us showed up for breakfast. She said she had checked Legolas's room, but upon finding him missing, she was almost positive that he was with me. She was right.

    Legolas left a little while ago with his sister, but he promised to try to come and see me again before supper. After kissing my hand as his sister watched us closely, he followed her away, and I have been sitting on my bed thinking of him ever since.

    Now that I am alone and can now properly think, sorrow begins to weave its way into my heart and into my very bones. Legolas made it seem so easy for us to be together. I told him my reasons for not wanting to court him, yet he had an answer for them immediately. Being a prince and all, I am sure he is used to getting what he wants and nothing less, but when it comes to his lover and one day wife, I just know that King Thranduil will not allow his son to be bound to a nobody. Legolas is just stubborn. But I find that attractive about him.

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