Chapter Thirty Five

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But as for me, I will always have hope. -Psalm 71:14



A few weeks pass as we all settle into everyday life in Rivendell. During the day, I take walks with Eilonwy, accompany her to the library, or we spend time in the gardens. Lord Elrond also calls her in every once in awhile for a magic lesson, and she seems to be learning quickly. Eilonwy has a strong love for nature as I do, and I constantly tell her how I long for her to accompany me to Mirkwood someday. She always blushes when I say this, and I wonder what thoughts trickle through the river of her mind. Her eyes are always bright with emotion and passion, and I absolutely love that about her. Well, I love everything about her, really.

I stride down the light and airy hallway leading to her room, intent on taking her to the gardens. The day is bright and sunny, and my spirits are high. Lately, I have been thinking of when the right time would be to have a ring made for her. True, we have only known each other for a few months, but I already know our future and where my feelings lie. The only thing left is to know her true feelings. I know that she loves me as I love her, but is she truly ready to marry me? Proposing is a horrifying thing to think about. Rejection would kill me inside, and I would be terribly embarrassed.

I stop in front of her door, dismissing those thoughts. 'Tis best for me to wait. I knock on her door, and I smile as I hear her soft footsteps approaching. The door swings open, and I am met by the sight of the most beautiful elleth I have ever laid eyes upon. My heart sings as her forest green eyes meet mine, and when she smiles lazily, longing swirls through my body like a hurricane.

"Good morning," she greets me, her voice soft.

"Good morning, Mell nín (My beloved)," I answer her, and I watch as her eyes narrow teasingly.

"Must you always speak in Elvish and confuse me?" she questions, and I smirk at her.

"Teasing you is my favorite pastime," I reply.

She rolls her eyes, pretending to be upset, and she turns, walking deeper into her room. "Well then, I guess I will not be leaving my room today," she says, and I hear the laughter in her tone, "I am quite tired, it seems."

I laugh loudly, knowing exactly what she is doing. "I know what game you are playing, and it is very dangerous," I tell her, watching amusedly as she lies down in her bed, pulling the covers over her head.

"Hmm," she sighs, her voice muffled by the blankets, "I am not playing a game."

"Come, Eilonwy, let us take a walk in the gardens," I say, starting to become slightly anxious. I know that she is trying to make me come inside her room, but I just cannot allow that to happen. The longer I know her, the more my self control starts to dwindle. My visions are beginning to become more vivid, and that certainly makes things worse.

"I wish to stay indoors today and rest," comes her voice from under the blankets, and she rolls over under them before saying hesitantly and quietly, "You could join me, if you wish to spend time with me so badly."

I swallow thickly. She has been trying to talk me into coming inside her room

since the day we first arrived in Imladris. "Eilonwy," I sigh, placing my hand over my face exasperatedly, "How many times do I have to tell you?"

She does not reply, and I stand at her door like a buffoon, not knowing what to do. After a long moment of silence, I step into her room slowly, shutting the door behind me. I watch as she pulls the covers down to peek at me, and when she sees that I have not left, she sits up quickly, her eyes wide. "You actually did it," she states in surprise, and her shining eyes send warmth through my veins.

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