1 John 4:18
{There is no fear in love. Perfect love drives out fear.}
noun: an intense feeling of deep affection.
I sigh as I stare down at my clumsy scrawl and my bland definition. I look up at Estrith, Roshi, and Sylmae as they shriek and giggle, chasing each other around the room, and I smile to myself. Legolas, Aragorn, and several of the other males left early this morning after the feast to go on a hunting trip in the forest near Minas Tirith, so I decided to spend time with my favorite little girls. The males will be back soon though. There are to be large feasts held everyday of this week in honor of newborn Prince Feyrith, but these are going to be a bit smaller than the one last night.
"Estrith," I call to her softly, and she looks up at me immediately, her innocent blue eyes wide and her cheeks flushed from running and laughing, "Come here, please. I have something to ask you."
She easily accepts my request and runs over, crawling up into my lap. "Yes?"
"What does love mean?" I ask her, "What do you think love is?"I decided to write different people's definitions of love down in a journal. In my past life on earth, I loved writing. I would always look up writing prompts on Pinterest in order to keep my creative juices flowing, so I decided this morning that I would greatly enjoy starting up this ritual again.
Her nose crinkles in thought before her eyes light up with an answer. "That is easy, Lady Eilonwy!" she says as if I am slow minded, "Love is what you and Legolas share."
I laugh brightly at her answer, trying to contain the burst of joy that erupts in my heart, filling me with warmth as I think of Legolas. "Okay, thank you," I tell her, and she hops down from my lap, running back to her sisters.
Estrith's definition of love:-What Legolas and I share.
"Roshi," I address the young seven year old, "What do you think love is?"
She is silent for a moment as she ponders my question. "I think that love is caring very deeply for someone else and putting their needs before your own."
I nod and smile. "That is a very clever answer. Thank you."
Roshi's definition of love:
-Caring deeply for someone and putting their needs before your own.
"And, Sylmae, what is your own definition of love?" I ask the oldest child.
"Love is putting your faith and trust in someone, and it is giving them your whole heart."
"Why would you give someone your heart?" Estrith asks in horror, "You would die!"
Sylmae rolls her eyes, an amused smile pulling at her lips. "I meant that figuratively, Estrith," she says with a small sigh as she shakes her head in exasperation.
Estrith looks up at the ceiling with a confused expression as she mouths the word 'figuratively' to herself. I laugh and quickly write down Sylmae's answer.

The Prince's Visions
Hayran KurguPeople say that death is not the end. For Evelyn, it's not. After battling cancer for almost four years, death is something that this nineteen year old girl welcomes with ease. She prays that she will get the peace and happiness she's been longing f...