Chapter Twenty three

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"Thank you for coming, my child," Galadriel says as she sits down beside me, "I am sorry to interrupt your time with Legolas, but I am sure that you are concerned about what happened yesterday."

Legolas and I had very little time together this morning in the library before I was called upon by Aragorn. Now, here I sit in the king of Gondor's study, accompanied by Gandalf, Lord Elrond, Galadriel, King Thranduil, and Queen Nithroel. I feel nervous, like a bug under a microscope as these great rulers watch my every move skeptically. It is as if they believe I might suddenly burst into flames or something.

"'Tis all right," I reply, shifting in discomfort at the smirk King Thranduil shares with his wife, "I am very anxious to know about what happened."

Aragorn shifts through dozens of parchments lying on his desk until he finds the one he is looking for, and he walks toward me, handing me the paper. I look down at it curiously.
"This," he says as he kneels in front of me, placing his finger on the parchment, "Is a prophesy. It was written a few centuries before now by an elf who possessed the gift of foresight as Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel do. Until now, no one knew who the prophecy was written about."

I nod, absorbing the information he is feeding me. "Until now?" I ask him, repeating his words.

"Yes," he says, "The prophecy was written about you."

I nod, not really surprised at this information. After turning into Harry Potter for

a moment yesterday, nothing really surprises me anymore. After all, I was magically transported here after I died, so something is up, obviously. I look down, finally deciding to read the prophecy.

"'There will come a time of pain and sorrow, and all hope will seem to be lost,
but a new light will be born within the soul of a small elven child.
With hair created from the flame that resides within the hearts of the brave
and eyes the color of rare emeralds in which greedy beings wish to obtain,
this child will grow to be incomparable in beauty and power.
Many will doubt this mysterious and strange elleth,
some will attempt to claim her magic for themselves for use of evil and malice,
but in time, she will become the salvation of all of Middle Earth,
restoring peace and joy where it has long been forsaken.
All will know her name."'

'Incomparable in beauty and power'? I almost snort at the thought but decide against it when I look up, realizing that all of these powerful rulers are staring at me expectantly. I mean, the prophecy is grand and all, but what does it mean? Middle Earth seems to be at peace. How am I to be a 'salvation' when there is not a threat?

"So," I drawl out, feeling awkward under their scrutiny, "I possess magic? Like Harry Potter?" I blurt out the words before I can stop myself.

Aragorn's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Harry who?"


I shake my head. "Uh, nevermind," I say in a small voice, "So, is it going to be excruciatingly painful everytime I use magic? I am not sure that I can endure that again."

Lord Elrond smiles slightly in amusement. "No," he says before his expression sombers slightly, "Something, or someone, attacked you. You see, when you use magic, other beings possessing magic can feel it like a vibration in the air. Being new to magic and its powers, you know not how to control it or to bend it to your will, so you are vulnerable, in a sense. Whatever being attacked you used that vulnerability as means to harm you."

I am alarmed, knowing now that someone, or something, was trying to hurt me. "Why?" I breathe out, "Why would anyone want to hurt me? I thought that Sauron was vanquished."

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