I close the library door behind me, my heart racing in my chest. I then half-walk/half-jog out of the palace and to my talan. I do not stop rushing until I have safely entered my new home, and I slam the door behind me. I lean against the door, feeling the cool oak surface pressing against my back. My chest heaves up and down as I try to catch my breath after the long run.
So, let me tell you the story of how I came to be in the presence of Galadriel, who can read my mind like a book, and… him.
Just like yesterday, I practiced sword fighting with Haldir. The other ellyn of Lothlorien arrived on the practice fields after Haldir and I finished practicing and had sat in the soft grass talking about random things (Haldir particularly likes subjects akin to the weather or bows and swords). I left, not feeling comfortable around so many god-like elves, so I naturally went to meet with Galadriel again, since she invited me to come back yesterday. I definitely was not thinking that he would be in there, also.
When Galadriel told me that Legolas was coming to Lothlorien, I was so excited, yet very, very nervous. I mean, how am I supposed to act normally around him when I know that he is going to play a huge part in my future. I saw him in the Mirror of Galadriel, and by the looks of it, we are going to be more than just friends. So, I was already extremely nervous about meeting him, and I almost went into cardiac arrest when I walked into the library and saw him in the flesh for the very first time. If it’s possible, he was even more perfect than he was in the Mirror.
I feel like a fool now because of how stupid I must’ve seemed. My cheeks felt as if they would melt off, and I was only in his presence for mere minutes! To make it even worse, I was stuttering, and I must’ve looked like an orc! Embarrassment sweeps throughout my body in a huge tidal wave. He must think I am so strange; whereas, he is like an Adonis in my eyes. And I thought Orlando Bloom was gorgeous.
Legolas is absolutely breathtaking. Honestly, my hair could never look like his on its best day. His skin somehow looks more luminescent than any of the other elves I have seen. It looks so soft, yet it doesn’t make him look feminine at all. His eyes are a strikingly blue color that sent butterflies swarming into my stomach, and his smile made me blush even harder than I already had been upon seeing him sitting there when I walked into the library.
There was something about him that singled him out among all other male elves. He is different somehow, and I can’t quite place my finger on what exactly makes him stand out from the others I’ve seen. Legolas looked at me so… so… passionately when I was in the library. He looked me in the eyes so deeply as if he could see past them and straight into my soul. His gaze was just like it was in the Mirror. Loving.
I push away from the door and walk to my wardrobe to find a dress, rolling my eyes at my sappiness. I attempt to ignore the fluttering in my stomach and the longing in my heart that came along with the thoughts of him. I don’t even know him, for goodness’ sake!
I take out a lavender colored dress, rubbing the velvet material between my fingers before walking to the bathroom with the dress in my hand. I lay the dress on a nearby chair and take off my dirty clothes. I then step into the hot spring inspired bath and begin to bathe. I wash the dirt and grime from my skin and hair, trying out all the different oils and sweet smelling soaps that were laying in a basket by the spring. It takes me a while after bathing to get the willpower to leave the relaxing warm water, but I eventually get out and dry off with the towel that was laying out beside the basket full of soaps.
I hear a knock at the front door, and I tense, wrapping the towel around me securely. I stand there shivering, my long wet hair sticking to my face and neck in the steam of the bathroom. “Who is it?” I call, praying that this will not end up being an embarrassing situation.

The Prince's Visions
FanfictionPeople say that death is not the end. For Evelyn, it's not. After battling cancer for almost four years, death is something that this nineteen year old girl welcomes with ease. She prays that she will get the peace and happiness she's been longing f...