Chapter Four

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“Some people fall in love with the idea of things

and others fall in love with the actual things.

Falling in love with an idea is but an illusion.

That is how I know she is the one -

I feel her in my bones not just in my head.”

-Christopher Poindexton


Legolas P.O.V.

    She stands in the middle of a pavilion that is surrounded by tall, thick Mallorn trees. The wind blows softly, its fingers winding through her red hair and tussling it.  I immediately recognize the scenery around her. She is in Lothlorien.

    It is nighttime and the light of the stars shines down ethereally upon her skin and the fabric of the long white gown she is wearing hugs the curves of her body perfectly. The train of the gown flows down the steps that she stands atop of like water flowing over pebbles in a stream. Her red hair falls down to her waist in its usual voluminous curls. Tiny white flowers and small braids are placed orderly in her hair.

    My heart beats affectionately for the elleth in front of me, and my throat clenches as passion and love overwhelm me. I have the urge to reach out, to take her in my arms, but for some reason, I cannot move. My eyes widen in alarm. This has never happened before. This time something seems off. This is not a normal vision.

    My eyes snap to the side when I hear a familiar voice. “Would you like to look in the mirror?” Lady Galadriel walks slowly down another staircase that leads to the elleth. Her voice is serious, yet somehow soothing in a way. She has the power to be comforting sometimes, but she is usually quite intimidating.

    “What will I see?” the elleth asks her tentatively, and my heart longs to be near her once again at the wonderful sound of her bashful voice. Listening to her speak is like hearing angels sing. I would love to hear her voice every single day, and, in a way, I do.

    “I cannot say, for I, myself, do not know. This mirror shows what the future may hold, events that have already taken place, or things that are happening now,” she replies slowly as she stops in front of the silver basin, “Will you not look into the mirror?”

    The young elleth says nothing for a few moments. Galadriel watches her intently as she makes her decision. “I will look, my lady,” she decides quietly after a moment of silence.

    Galadriel nods her head once with an accepting smile on her face before picking up a pitcher of water and slowly pouring it into the basin. She then gestures for the elleth to come forward. The red haired beauty hesitantly steps up to the silver basin and leans forward to look into the mirror.

    I watch in awe as light reflects onto her beautiful features, her eyebrows scrunched in concentration as she watches the scenes unfold before her. I am not able to see what she is seeing, but I know it must be sorrowful because tears collect in her emerald colored eyes. Several minutes pass before a confused expression crosses her face. She glances up warily at Lady Galadriel, but the Lady of Loríen gestures for her to keep watching the scenes unfold.

    My gaze sweeps to Galadriel, only to see her staring straight at me from my place in the cover of the trees. 'Legolas, I have brought you here this night,' her voice resonates throughout my mind.

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