Chapter Twenty four

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{Picture is of Eilonwy's hairstyle (but red hair of course ;) This is Elizabeth Bennet- played by Keira Knightley-in the 2005 version of Pride & Prejudice. If you haven't watched it before, you totally should. One of my favorite movies! :D}

"So This is Love" from Cinderella is the song Eilonwy was singing, and the video linked in this chapter.

Legolas POV

"You look absolutely beautiful," Eilonwy says to Estrith as she sashays out from behind her changing screen in her dress Aragorn ordered to be made for her to wear to the first feast tomorrow.

"Thank you, Lady Eilonwy!" she exclaims. Her bright smile reaches her round, innocent shining eyes as she twirls in a circle, the fabric of her sapphire blue dress fanning out around her. The material is rich and expensive looking, and it is lined with silver.

The sweet girl then turns to look at me, her eyes hopeful, wanting to hear my opinion. I stand from my place on the ground beside Eilonwy and I stalk toward Estrith, pacing around her in a slow circle as I pretend to appraise her, much in the same way as my father does to his subjects.

"Hmm," I begin, and I stoop down to sweep the child into my arms, smiling as she shrieks in surprise and begins to giggle, "I think that Aragorn and I will have to keep a close watch on you or else all the young boys will try to steal you away from us, for you will be the most beautiful lady attending."

I watch fondly as her small, chubby cheeks turn rosy, and she giggles in satisfaction of my praise. Holding her in my arms, I spin around once, causing her to laugh even harder. "Legolas!" she exclaims.

"Yes, my little princess?"

"Please keep the boys away from me at the feast! I do not like them! Lady Eilonwy told me that they have something called 'cooties'!" she exclaims, her voice so rushed in excitement that she has to pause and take in some air between every few words. Her eyes are wide in horror as they look into mine.

I look to Eilonwy and raise my eyebrow at her. She laughs at Estrith's words and gives me a 'I will explain later' look. Estrith squirms in my arms, a sign that she wants to be put down, and I oblige, setting her back on her feet. She rushes to Eilonwy, plopping down in her lap. She looks up at her and attempts to whisper, but I can hear every word she says. "Does that mean that you have cooties? Did Legolas give them to you?"

Eilonwy laughs melodically, and I shift in discomfort. I know not what these 'cooties' are, but I am most positive that I do not have them. "No," she whispers to Estrith animatedly, loud enough for me to hear, "Legolas does not have cooties. I checked."

Estrith looks relieved, and she pats Eilonwy on the head as if she is the child and Estrith is the adult. "That is good!" she exclaims, and then her expression becomes more serious, "So, what are you wearing to the feast tomorrow?"

Eilonwy shrugs. "I know not, honestly. I only have the clothes that I brought from Lothlorien, and judging from your splendid dress, I have nothing fancy enough to wear."

I walk over and sit down beside them as Estrith says, "I will tell father! Surely he will have you a dress made since you have nothing to wear."

"No, no, do not ask him such a thing," Eilonwy refuses, tucking a stray piece of Estrith's light brown hair behind her ear, "I doubt anyone could sew a ballgown in one day, and I could never think of asking your father for such a thing. He has already been more generous than I could ever imagine by letting me stay here without being of a royal bloodline."

Estrith glances at me as Eilonwy speaks, giving me a look that says I should do something. I did not need her prodding glance in the first place, though, because I have every intention of speaking with Aragorn. Eilonwy may see herself as unworthy, but I will make sure she has a dress that matches her natural radiance, even if I have to ask Glosseth for help. Today, her hair is pulled into an intricate updo that Glosseth insisted on doing for her this morning. A single, fiery curl hangs down, caressing her cheek, and tiny white flowers are tucked into her hair delicately. She usually wears white gowns and I think about asking for a white gown to be made for her, but then I remember what color I always thought suited her best in my visions. Blue. Blue compliments her porcelain skin more so than any other color. Yes, she shall wear blue for the feast tomorrow.

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