Chapter Forty five

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Mightier than the waves of the sea is His love for you. -Psalm 93:4


I am awoken in the middle of the night by Legolas standing from the bed. I squint my eyes. What is he doing? I watch him as he slowly crosses the room, appearing to be headed for the door.

"Meleth (Love), where are you going?" I ask him quietly, careful not to wake Estrith.

He does not respond, and I watch as he opens the door and disappears into the hallway.

A feeling of panic suddenly bubbles up inside of me, and I know that something is not right. I ease out of the bed, quietly racing to the door, but I stop, glancing over at Legolas's twin daggers as they glint in the moonlight like a secret warning. I grab them silently and step out into the hallway. I watch as Legolas turns the corner at the end of the hallway, and I tiptoe after him.

Chills are shooting up and down my spine as I follow him, and I notice that the air around us feels different, just like the last time Morgwais showed up. It is as if she is so powerful that even the air bends to her will.

I follow my husband down several corridors and hallways, my fear for him increasing with every step. He is obviously under the same spell Estrith was that day in the garden- which seems like a lifetime ago. My heart hammers in my chest as his footsteps echo ever-so-slightly down the hallway, and I realize just how eerily silent it is. Tomorrow is the scheduled day for the memorial service for all of those who died today, and I cannot help but feel very creeped out at the silence of the once joyful, peaceful home.

I grip the cool handles of the daggers tightly in my hands as we reach the grass, and Legolas walks in the direction of the gardens. I roll my eyes. What is it with Morgwais and gardens? Does she have a secret love for flowers deep down inside of her blackened heart?

Legolas enters the gardens, and I hang back out of sight. A figure can be seen standing in the middle, and I watch anxiously as he stops in front of her.

"Ah, the prince has finally joined me," she says, stepping closer to him, and she circles him slowly, her dress dragging behind her like a snake's tail.

She looks around the gardens, an evil smirk slowly pulling at her lips. "Where is your wife, hmm? Where is the princess?" she questions lowly, and icy fear shoots through my heart. I should have known she was using him to get me here.

"I am here," I call, emerging from my hiding place.

Her smile grows wider in the light of the lanterns, and her pale skin and sunken eyes make her appear to be a ghost. "My princess," she says, lowering into a mocking bow like one of the dark elves did, "I am most honored to have you here."

"You are being awfully kind, Morgwais," I tell her in a hard voice, "Though, I do recall you telling me I was a dirty whore the last time we met."

She laughs loudly, the sound crawling across my skin like thousands of furry spiders, and I fight to hold onto my bravery. "I would say I am sorry, but I spoke the truth," she says, stalking closer to me.

"Are you finally going to fight me? Last time you cast one spell and disappeared," I tell her, standing my ground.

She eyes the daggers in my hands, the amusement in her eyes telling me that she knows I have no clue as to how to wield them. "All in time, my dear. Why rush your death?" She turns, walking back toward Legolas, and I follow her hesitantly.

I meet the eyes of my husband, hoping that he is no longer under her spell, but the silver/white color that glows from his eyes tells me otherwise. I look at him for a moment, sadness sweeping over me. If I had been prepared last time and killed Morgwais, he would not be here in the heart of danger. I should have tried to break her spell on him instead of following him out here. I could have found the witch on my own. My heart sinks in my chest. I have failed him. Legolas has never once failed me throughout all the months we have known each other, but I have failed my husband in the worst possible way. And now his precious life is in danger.

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