Chapter Thirty Seven

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Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. -Psalm 143: 8



Dearest Eilonwy,

I do hope you are enjoying your stay in Rivendell. Things have been quite bland here in Minas Tirith without you and the others. The castle seems a bit colder without your ray of warmth and sunshine. Arwen agreed with me when I spoke of these thoughts to her naught three days ago.

I have had the guard watch doubled since the attack on my daughter, but we have had no more attacks or troublesome sights to dwell on since your departure. I suppose this is good news for my kingdom and most certainly my family, but I feel a darkness seeping into my soul when I think that you are possibly in danger. You have been such a good example and friend to my children, and you have certainly changed the elf prince for the best. It worries me deeply to know that you are so unguarded, but I know that Lord Elrond is very wise and would not allow anything bad to happen to you.

Feyrith, my beautiful new son, seems to grow with each passing day. Estrith, Roshi, and Sylmae absolutely adore him, and they treat him as if he is their little doll to play with. I have had to keep my eye on the little troublemakers. Estrith sorely misses you and Legolas. She speaks of you both more than once everyday, and she waits at her window sometimes, expecting to see you in the streets amongst the townspeople. She has been telling us about her vision she had when she was unconscious. It seems that soon there will be a royal wedding in Mirkwood, and you, my dear friend, will become a princess. I was most amused (and certainly not surprised) when Estrith told us. Whenever Legolas does muster up the courage to ask for your hand, please inform us all with a letter as soon as you possibly can. I know that we will all wait anxiously for such a letter.

Please, do not be a stranger. I will always welcome a letter from you. I would love to hear your thoughts on Rivendell or the weather or if you have created any more flowers with your magic. Truly, the thought of that silver flower sprouting from one of the books in my library makes me laugh everytime I think of it. I do not care what you include in the returning letter I hope you will send. I just want to hear from you.

Please be careful. Do not trust any strangers. Stick close to Legolas. He would defend you with his life, just as any of us would. I hope to hear from you soon.

Your loving friend,


A grin pulls at my lips as I re-read Aragorn's letter for the third time. His concern and loneliness is almost tangible, and my heart feels warm in my chest at how much the king cares for me. He truly is a kind man, and I suddenly have a pang of homesickness for Gondor even though it is not my home.

A knock raps at my door, and my smile grows wider as I turn to see Legolas walking in. His gaze travels across the room before meeting my own, and he smiles dashingly. He closes the door softly, walking toward me slowly. He wraps his arms around my waist from behind, tenderly kissing my temple as I turn my head to the side.

"What are you reading?" he questions, running his fingers down the skin of my arms and back up.

"A letter," I respond vaguely, smirking slightly.

"And who is this letter from?" he asks, laughter running beneath his words.

"My secret lover, of course," I respond, trying not to laugh.

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