Chapter forty three

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When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. -Isaiah 43:2



I wake up in mine and Legolas's room, surrounded by people bustling about, speaking in hushed and fearful voices. Light streams in through the window, blinding me as I try to sit up, and Lady Celebrian immediately rushes to my side.

"No, no, Eilonwy. You are still weak; do not exert yourself," she scolds, assisting me in lying back down.

"What happened?" I mumble weakly, my throat feeling as dry as sandpaper.

"Eilonwy!" Legolas exclaims, rushing toward me, and the worry on his face makes me want to cry. He sits down beside me on the bed, brushing a few strands of hair away from my face tenderly. His eyes are sorrowful and glossy with tears.

"That is what we wish to ask you," Lord Elrond states, stepping forward, "Aragorn went out to find you and my son after the council meeting when we realized you were missing. We found you both unconscious in the forest, and the ground surrounding you both was charred from fire."

"We were attacked by Morgwais. She is the one who is after me," I pant quickly, "We were wrong, my lord. She is not only after me. She wants entire control of all of Middle Earth, just like Sauron did. She said the Valar are traitors who brought upon her only suffering and pain."

Aragorn and Lord Elrond share a long look, before the former speaks up. "We will find her, Eilonwy; do not worry. Since she did not kill you, she must not be as strong as she pretends to be."

"Aragorn is right," Lord Elrond says, smiling at me proudly, "You saved my son, and for that I can never fully repay you."

"What do you mean?" Glosseth questions, perching on the bed beside me.

I look over at her, meeting her bright blue eyes. "When Morgwais lifted her hand toward us, I reached out and touched Elladan's arm, since he was standing in front of me. I put up a protection spell before her magic hit us, and apparently it worked," I say, a small, tired grin of satisfaction spreading across my lips.

Aragorn smirks slightly, and I meet his gaze, holding it for several long moments before looking around the room at everyone. "So, where is Elladan?"
Lord Elrond's face is grim as he speaks. "Elladan is alive, yes, but not in good condition. He will heal, but it will take time."

"Oh." My smile drops immediately. "But I thought my spell kept him safe?"

Lord Elrond begins to pace slowly as he explains, and he looks at me with his usual seriousness."It did save him from the fire, but Elladan does not possess magic, my dear. Your protection spell is what made him sick. Magic has that effect on individuals who do not possess it. I believe that this is what happened with Estrith when you saved her from Morgwais. Morgwais's magic and yours clashed, causing Estrith to fall into a deep sleep. But Elladan will survive, Eilonwy, just as Estrith did. There is nothing to worry over."

I nod tiredly, Lord Elrond's words causing guilt to fester in my heart. How is my magic supposed to be helpful when it harms the people I am trying to save? It seems so unfair that using my powers to help someone only saves them from death, not pain. I keep quiet, though, knowing better than to argue with Lord Elrond and his all-knowing eyes that bore into me as I lie here quietly.

"Well, we should leave Eilonwy now. She needs rest, and now that we have the full story, we can better prepare ourselves for Morgwais's next strike," Lady Galadriel says softly, staring at me for a moment. I avert my gaze, knowing that she is aware of every thought that trickles through the river of my mind.

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